Introduction 1
ContentsPreface 7
1 Modes of understandingby Gillian Brown 9
2 Understanding,language,and educational processesby Christopher Brumfit 21
3 Relevance and understandingby Deirdre Wilson 35
4 Syntactic clues to understandingby Keith Brown 59
5 Understanding wordsby Jean Aitchison 81
6 Psychological processes and understandingby Alan Garnham 97
7 Towards an explanation of second language acquisitionby Ellen Bialystok 115
8 Comprehension testing,or can understanding be measured?by Bernard Spolsky 139
9 Sociolinguistics and second language learningby Lesley Milroy 153
10 Understanding texts:point of viewby Michael Short 169
Bibliography 191
Author index 201
Subject index 204