
  • 购买积分:53 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:宋美璍,陈长房主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7108012189
  • 页数:2388 页

功能词一览 1

a2,an 1

ability 4

同义词图表一览 4

accept 12

accessory 13

比较栏一览 13

ago 42

aircraft(照片) 46

重要参考事项与插图一览 46

all 51

always 62

and 71

answer 79

any 83

apostrophe(省略符号(’)) 90

army(army的单位) 104

arrive 107

as 109

bake 146

bargain 154

be1(be的字形变化) 162

be2 163

be2(被动语态的构成) 163

beautiful 170

beef(各部位的名称) 173

been2 174

believe 181

bicycle(插图) 194

birthstone(主要的诞生石) 200

black 203

boat race 218

boil1 220

book(各种book) 224

borrow 228

both 228

breast 242

bridge1(插图) 245

but 266

cake 274

cameraman 280

can1 281

car 290

cartoon 298

case 299

chair 315

chair(插图) 315

child 330

classmate 347

coin(美英的硬币) 365

colon1(冒号) 369

complex 388

condition 398

congress(美国、英国、日本的国会、议会) 406

could 439

cry(动物的叫声及其动词) 469

cunning 472

cure 473

cut 478

date1(日期的写法) 489

day(插图) 492

department(美国的部[院]) 518

die1 535

dish 553

do1 567

dog(狗的主要种类) 574

drink 594

each 607

-ed1 616

-ed2(规则动词过去式的构成法) 617

either 624

-er2(比较级的构成法) 655

-est(构成最高级的方式) 659

every 667

examination 671

explain 684

eye(各种眼睛的说法) 692

face 695

factory 697

false 704

family tree(插图) 706

fever 726

few 727

film rating(电影的级别) 734

flock1 758

flower 760

follow 767

forest 777

front 799

gather 817

geometric figures(插图) 824

get off 829

get on 830

get up 831

glamour 838

god(the Greek and Roman gods) 849

goddess(the Greek and Roman goddesses) 850

grow 875

habit 884

had2 885

happen 899

have2 912

have2(完成式、发音、缩写) 912

hear 920

hen 931

high 938

hit 946

holiday(美国与英国的国定假日) 950

home 953

horse 962

how 968

idle 986

if1 987

influence 1026

-ing 1028

-ing(进行式) 1028

injure 1032

interesting 1049

it1 1067

job 1080

kill 1098

knife(各种knife) 1105

label 1112

laugh 1126

laundromat 1128

learn 1136

lend 1144

letter(信函的格式) 1149

light1(各种light) 1157

little2 1172

loan 1178

look 1186

many 1223

map 1225

may 1239

meat 1246

medicine 1248

mend 1253

middle 1263

might1 1265

minister(英国的主要政府部门和大臣) 1275

month(month and seasons of the year)(月份名称的由来) 1294

moon(插图) 1296

move 1308

much 1311

must1 1319

name(姓名) 1325

nail 1325

narrow 1328

nation(国名、国民、形容词) 1329

neck 1337

need 1338

neither 1342

nickname(绰号) 1352

no 1356

not 1368

not(否定) 1369

number(数字的读法) 1379

on (插图) 1403

one2 1406

or 1417

ought 1426

ox 1442

paper(各式各样的paper) 1454

pare 1458

pay 1476

peerage(英国的贵族阶级) 1481

Peter Piper(绕口令) 1499

pig 1510

price 1574

problem 1581

brohibit 1586

protect 1596

punctuation mark(标点符号的种类) 1609

put 1615

quarter day(四季结帐日) 1623

referee 1667

road 1725

room(各种 room) 1732

sake1 1759

school(美国与英国的学校制度) 1782

scissors 1783

score 1785

shake 1831

shall 1831

ship(插图) 1843

shop 1848

should 1852

skin 1883

sleep 1888

slip1 1891

slow 1894

smell 1898

so 1906

some 1917

source 1926

space age(插图) 1930

state(美国的州) 1970

station(各种 station) 1971

steal 1974

stone 1987

student 2006

swing 2046

talk 2062

than 2087

that 2090

the 2094

there 2100

thick 2105

thumb(插图) 2120

to2 2134

toilet(toilet的称呼) 2139

travel 2163

tree 2166

United Kingdom (英国的十大城市) 2212

United States of America(美国的十大城市) 2212

very 2244

visit 2254

visitor 2255

walk 2267

weather 2287

weather map(插图) 2288

week(星期名称的由来) 2290

weight(比赛与限制的体重) 2292

well-known 2296

what 2300

when 2303

where 2305

which 2307

who 2313

wide 2318

will1 2320

wind scale(风力等级) 2327

work 2344

would 2350

write 2357

zodiac(黄道十二宫) 2370