1 Communication 1
1 The code model and the semiotic approach to communication 3
Preface by Halliday 9
2 Decoding and inference in verbal comprehension 9
王宗炎序 F 10
Preface by Chomsky 13
3 The mutual-knowledge hypothesis 15
沈家煊序 20
4 Grice s approach to‘meaning’and communication 21
导读 23
5 Should the code model and the inferential model be amalgamated? 24
6 Problems of definition 28
7 Problems of explanation:Grice s theory of conversation 31
8 Cognitive environments and mutual manifestness 38
Preface to Second Edition 39
List of symbols 41
9 Relevance and ostension 46
10 Ostensive-inferential communication 50
11 The informative intention 54
12 The communicative intention 60
2 Inference 65
1 Non-demonstrative inference 65
2 Logical forms,propositional attitudes and factual assumptions 71
3 Strength of assumptions 75
4 Deductive rules and concepts 83
5 The deductive device 93
6 Some types of deduction 103
7 Contextual effects:the role of deduction in non-demonstrative inference 108
3 Relevance 118
1 Conditions for relevance 118
2 Degrees of relevance:effect and effort 123
3 Is the context given or chosen? 132
4 A choice of contexts 137
5 Relevance to an individual 142
6 The relevance of phenomena and stimuli 151
7 The principle of relevance 155
8 How relevance theory explains ostensive-inferential communication 163
4 Aspects of verbal communication 172
1 Language and communication 172
2 Verbal communication,explicatures and implicatures 176
3 The identification of Propositional form 183
4 The identification of implicatures 193
5 Propositional form and style:presuppositional effects 202
6 Implicatures and style:poetic effects 217
7 Descriptive and interpretive dimensions of language use 224
8 Literalness and metaphor 231
9 Echoic utterances and irony 237
10 Speech acts 243
Postface 255
Notes to First Edition 281
Notes to Second Edition 293
Notes to Postface 295
Bibliography 299
Index 321
文库索引 327