
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:屠志健编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7810468782
  • 页数:211 页

Contents 1

Lesson One 1

Text Electric Power System 电力系统 1

Translation skill 专业英语的文体特点 6

Reading material The Development History and Status Quo of Power Industry 电力工业的发展历史和现状 7

Lesson Two 10

Text Electric Power Network 电力网 10

Translation skill 专业词汇的特点 14

Reading material Technical Characteristics of Electric Power 电力的技术特点 15

Text Thermal Power Plant 火力发电厂 17

Lesson Three 17

Translation skill 专业英语翻译的要求 21

Reading material Centralized Control of Thermal Power Plant 火力发电厂的集控 22

Lesson Four 25

Text Hydro Power Generation and Nuelear Power Generation 水力发电和原子能发电 25

Translation skill 词义的选择 27

Reading material New Energy Resources 新能源 29

Lesson Five 33

Text Synchronous Generator 同步发电机 33

Translation skill 词的增加和省略 37

Reading material Excitation System 励磁系统 38

Text Transformer 变压器 42

Lesson Six 42

Translation skill 词义的引申 45

Reading material Selection and Cooling of Power Transformer 电力变压器的选择和冷却 46

Lesson Seven 48

Text Circuit Breaker 断路器 48

Translation skill 语序 51

Reading material Switchgear 开关装置 53

Lesson Eight 55

Text Power Transmission 输电 55

Translation skill 转译法 58

Reading material Underground Transmission 地下输电 60

Text HVDC Transmission 高压直流输电 62

Lesson Nine 62

Translation skill 反译法 66

Reading material Characteristics of HVDC System 高压直流系统的特点 66

Lesson Ten 69

Text Bus Arrangement 母线布置 69

Translation skill 分译法 72

Reading material Auxiliary Scheme of Thermal Power Plant 火力发电厂的厂用电接线 73

Lesson Eleven 76

Text Reactive Power Compensation and Voltage Control 无功补偿和电压控制 76

Translation skill 否定句的翻译 78

Reading material Means of Reactive Power Compensation 无功补偿的措施 79

Lesson Twelve 83

Text Surge Arrester 避雷器 83

Translation skill 被动句的翻译 86

Reading material Overvoltage and Insulation Coordination 过电压和绝缘配合 87

Lesson Thirteen 90

Text Protective Relaying 继电保护 90

Translation skill 数与数量增减的翻译 92

Reading material Microcomputer-based Relaying 微机保护 94

Lesson Fourteen 97

Text Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition(SCADA)system 监控和数据采集系统 97

Translation skill 专业论文的阅读与翻译 100

Reading material Unattended Substation and Substation Automation 无人值班变电站与变电站自动化 101

Lesson Fifteen 105

Text Load 负荷 105

Translation skill 产品样本说明书的阅读与翻译 108

Reading material Grounding 接地 109

Lesson Sixteen 112

Text Stability of Power System 电力系统的稳定性 112

Translation skill 招标文件的阅读与翻译 115

Reading material Power system planning 电力系统的规划 116

Lesson Seventeen 118

Text Reliability and Reliability Management of Power System 电力系统的可靠性和可靠性管理 118

Translation skill 专利的阅读与翻译 121

Reading material Power System Control 电力系统的控制 122

Lesson Eighteen 125

Text Flexible AC Transmission System(FACTS) 灵活交流输电系统 125

Translation skill 翻译过程和翻译水平的提高 128

Reading material Application of Power Electronic Technique in Power System 电力电子技术在电力系统中的应用 129

Lesson Nineteen 132

Text Communication in Power System 电力系统中的通信 132

Reading material Harmonics in Power System 电力系统中的谐波 135

Lesson Twenty 138

Text Custom Power 定制电力 138

Reading material Power Quality 电力质量 141

Lesson Twenty-one 144

Text Electric Power Market 电力市场 144

Reading material Computer Simulation Technique in Power System 电力系统中的计算机仿真技术 146

阅读材料参考译文 149

Appendix 附录 172

附录1:专业论文 172

附录2:产品样本说明书 182

附录3:招标文件 184

附录4:专利说明书 200

附录5:主要国外电力类英文出版物 204

附录6:常用的电力技术缩略词 206