Module 1 Question Patterns 1
一、概括性问题(Overview questions) 1
二、实据性问题(Factual questions) 13
三、推理性问题(Inference questions) 23
四、指向性问题(Reference questions) 34
五、词汇语义问题(Vocabulary-in-context questions) 40
Module 2 Classified Passages 45
一、史地(History and Geography) 45
(1)霍比与祖尼部落 (Hopi and Zuni) 45
(2)纳伐豪部落 (Navaho Indians) 48
(3)弗吉尼亚州政府 (The local Government of Virginia) 52
(4)边疆开拓者 (Frontiersmen) 55
(5)殖民地时期的妇女(Colonial Women) 58
(6)邮政 (Postal Service) 60
(7)铁路 (The Railroad Industry) 63
(8)工会 (Labor Union) 66
(9)卡斯基地区 (The Catskills) 70
(10)地那理国家公园 (Denali National Park) 73
(11)人口统计 (Census) 76
(12)制冷工业 (Refrigeration) 79
(13)美国家庭 (American Families) 82
(14)远距离工作 (Telecommuting) 86
(15)伊里运河(The Erie Canal) 89
(16)殖民地时期的木材 (Colonial Wood) 93
二、文艺 (Art and Literature) 97
(1)弗洛里达州文学史 (Literary History of Florind) 97
(2)W.布洛与H.米勒 (W.Burroughs Henry Miller) 99
(3)A.亚当斯 (Abigail Adams) 102
(4)艺术家庭 (A Family of Artists) 105
(5)S.刘易斯 (Sinclair Lewis) 108
(6)平版印刷术 (Lithography) 112
(7)莫西斯 (Gramdma Moses) 116
(8)M.莫尔 (Marianne Moore) 118
(9)B.凯森 (Barbara Katsen) 121
(10)巡回剧院 (Touring Theater Companies) 124
(11)爵士乐 (Jazz) 127
(12)园林建筑 (Landscape Architecture) 129
(13)“无声”电影 (“Silent”Films) 132
(14)连环漫画 (Comics) 135
三、科技(Science and Technology) 139
(1)激光 (Laser) 139
(2)太阳 (The Sun) 142
(3)除草 (Weeds) 144
(4)板块构造学 (Tectonics) 148
(5)三叠纪 (The Triassic Period) 151
(6)黑猩猩 (Chimpanzees) 154
(7)陶器 (Pottery) 156
(8)水 (Water) 159
(9)盐度 (Salinity) 161
(10)雨 (Rain) 164
(11)冰山 (Icebergs) 166
(12)生态系统 (Ecosystem) 169
(13)拯救海生哺乳动物 (Save Marine Mammals) 171
(14)农用基因工程 (Genetic Engineering in Agriculture) 174
(15)阿拉斯加管道 (Alaska Pipelines) 176
(16)打捞沉宝 (Salvaging Sunken Treasures) 179
(17)动物计数能力 (Animals Counting Ability) 182
(18)儿童计数能力 (Children s Math Ability) 186
(19)算术 (Arithmetic) 189
(20)预测技术倾向 (Predicting Technological Tendencies) 192
(21)转炉炼钢法 (The Bessemer Process) 195
四、生命(Life) 199
(1)细菌 (Bacteria) 199
(2)病毒 (Virus) 201
(3)心脏病 (Heart disease) 204
(4)考古学 (Archaeology) 207
(5)人类视力 (Human Vision) 210
(6)鸡蛋与胆固醇 (Eggs and Cholesterol) 212
(7)细胞 (Cells) 216
(8)女性宇航员 (Female Astronauts) 219
(9)信鸽 (Homing Pigeons) 222
(10)仙人掌 (Cacti) 224
(11)昆虫的伪装 (Insects Camouflage) 227
(12)候鸟 (Migrating Birds) 230
(13)感冒 (Colds) 232
(14)水獭 (Sea Otter) 235
Module 3 Simulated Tests 239
Test 1 239
(1)植物的水分输送 (Cohesion-Tension Theory) 239
(2)H.杜立德 (Hilda Doolittle) 242
(3)火星 (Mars) 245
(4)乌鸦 (Crows) 248
(5)海葵 (Anemone) 251
Test 2 254
(1)阿那萨西村落 (Anasazy Pueblos) 254
(2)波士顿茶叶案 (Boston Tea Party) 257
(3)流星 (Meteorites) 260
(4)火山口 (Craters) 263
(5)贫齿目动物 (Armadillos) 266
Test 3 270
(1)公共交通 (Mass Transportation) 270
(2)科幻小说 (Science Fiction) 273
(3)G.奥基弗 (Georgia O Keeffe) 276
(4)用手习惯 (Handedness) 279
(5)鱼龙 (Ichthyosaurs) 283
Test 4 288
(1)印第安人的编篮 (Basketry of Native Americans) 288
(2)岩浆 (Magma) 291
(3)18世纪末的新兴城市 (The Growth of Cities in the 1700 s) 294
(4)决策 (Decision-making) 297
(5)四环素的发明 (The Invention of Streptomycin) 301
Test 5 304
(1)北极区和亚北极区 (The Arctic and the Subarctic) 304
(2)蚂蚁中的寄生现象 (Parasiticism in Ants) 306
(3)温特瑟博物馆 (The Winterthur Museum) 309
(4)报刊连环漫画 (Comic Strips) 312
(5)潮汐与引力 (The Tides and the Gravitational Pull) 315
Test 6 320
(1)殖民地时代的照明 (Illumination in the Colonial Period) 320
(2)19世纪的通俗小报 (Penny Press in the 1800 s) 322
(3)蜂鸟筑巢 (Nesting of the Hummingbirds) 326
(4)北美大冰原 (Ice Sheets North America) 329
(5)前卫派雕像 (Avant-garde Sculpture) 332
Answer Keys 336