
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王瑞文主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787564036898
  • 页数:240 页

基础篇目 2

一、我的大学篇 2

1.My very beginning at Nanchang Business College 3

2.Budgeting my college life 5

3.Creating harmony in dormitory 7

4.My hometown 8

5.What is the name of the maid of our institute? 10

6.Summer job 11

7.Learning:A lifelong career 12

8.What electives to choose? 14

9.Reducing wastes on campus 16

10.Suggestions for students to improve their English 17

二、陈述篇 20

1.China 21

2.Canada 22

3.Mt.Lu 24

4.Animals'compasses 26

5.Muscles and human body 28

6.Laughter 30

7.An unexpected return 32

8.How much does a sundae cost? 33

9.Genius at work 34

10.Blogosphere:A new spiritual home for urban youth 36

三、描述篇 38

1.The first snow 39

2.Farewell to Cambridge 40

3.Let go love 42

4.Funny or not? 44

5.A happy discovery 46

6.Justice was done 48

7.The first calendar 50

8.Smash-and-grab 52

9.Flying cats 53

10.It's only me 55

四、论述篇 57

1.Thrift 58

2.Wealth and happiness 59

3.On courage 60

4.Oriental and Westem civilization as I see them 62

5.Success is half-done when we learn to be grateful 64

6.No grumbles 66

7.Wisdom knows no trouble 68

8.To save the earth by eating vegetables only 69

9.Schooling and education 70

10.On time 72

五、四、六级范文 75

1.How to quickly adapt to college life?(如何尽快适应大学生活?) 76

2.College students are heavily stressed(大学生面临重压) 78

3.Never tell a lie(不可撒谎) 80

4.To dye it or not to dye it?(要不要染发?) 82

5.How to succeed in ajob interview?(如何通过面试?) 84

6.Advantages and disadvantages of cell phones(手机的利弊) 85

7.My view on private tutoring(家教之我见) 87

8.How to achieve success?(如何取得成功?) 88

9.On self-esteem(关于自尊) 90

10.Being optimistic or pessimistic(乐观与悲观) 91

11.Shopping on the Internet(网上购物) 93

12.Computer games(网络游戏) 94

13.Paying online(在线支付) 96

14.Is the Intemet addictive?(互联网会让人上瘾吗?) 97

15.To work in a big city or a small town?(在大城市还是在小城镇就业?) 98

16.Private schools(私立学校) 100

17.Celebrities as the products'spokesmen(明星代言) 101

18.Choosing your career(职业选择) 102

19.On volunteering activities(关于志愿者活动) 103

20.To find a job or have further study?(毕业时就业还是继续学业?) 105

商务篇目 108

一、经济篇 108

1.The basic concept of economics and its main scope of research 109

2.People face tradeoffs 111

3.The cost of something is what you give up to get it 114

4.Rational people think at the margin 116

5.Trade can make everyone better off 119

6.A country's standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and services 121

二、管理篇 124

1.Integrity in leadership 125

2.Abandonment 126

3.The new corporation's persona 128

4.The four competencies of a leader 130

5.Practice comes first 132

6.Balancing objectives and measurements 133

三、财务篇 136

1.What is accounting? 137

2.International Financial Reporting Standards 139

3.Auditing 141

4.Taxation 143

5.Cost elements 146

6.The Financial Times 148

四、市场营销篇 150

1.Defining marketing 151

2.Relationship marketing 152

3.Core marketing concepts 154

4.The four P's of marketing 156

5.Marketing environment 157

6.Company orientation toward marketing 159

背诵建议 162

写给学生的背诵建议 王瑞文 162

论背诵法对英语学习的重要性 王瑞文 164

享受背诵 王瑞文 175

学而时背之,不亦乐乎? 王瑞文 177

学生的背诵感言 180

1.Recitation:A part of my life 国贸081 姚爱芬 180

2.我与英语背诵 国贸091 付珊珊 181

3.我与英语背诵 国贸091 刘恋 182

4.我与英语背诵 国贸091 林琼 183

5.我与英语背诵 国贸081 江玉婷 184

6.我与英语背诵 国贸091 肖晨蕾 185

7.我与英语背诵 国贸091 孙辉 186

8.背诵心得 国贸091 徐元超 187

9.Reciting 会计074 聂畅 187

10.Reciting 会计072 吕杰丽 189

11.我与英语背诵 新闻081 郑欣 189

12.我与英语背诵 工商082 程小燕 191

13.我与英语背诵 计科081 陈周 192

14.我与英语背诵 汉语言081 林璐 192

15.我与英语背诵 旅游081 陈海燕 193

16.我与英语背诵 人力081 田宗富 195

教改之路 200

大学英语分级分类分专业的教学改革 冯瑛 200

浅谈大学英语零班学习心理环境的构建 吴儿平 刘征 211

英语零班教学活动设计案例 吴儿平 220

大学英语课程考试方式的改革 吴儿平 230

如何引导大学艺术生学习英语? 王瑞文 234

参考文献 240