《英语阅读突破书系 掌握词汇3500》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:杜瑞清总主编;魏水利,刘华主编
  • 出 版 社:世界图书出版西安公司
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7506221888
  • 页数:341 页

Unit1 1

TextⅠ The World Wide Web万维网 1

TextⅡ Companies Offer Online Courses公司提供在线课程 10

Reading For Fun Small Frying-pan小煎锅 16

Unit2 17

TextⅠ Journey of an E-mail E-mail之旅 17

TextⅡ Journey of an E-mail(Continued) E-mail之旅 26

Reading For Fun Everything Prepared for Your Arrival Tomorrow一切已为你准备妥当 35

Unit3 36

TextⅠ China s West Wide Open中国的西部大开发 36

TextⅡ Go West Young Job Hunters年轻的求职者们——到西部去 44

Reading For Fun They Are Here in My Hand!你的玫瑰全在我这儿! 48

Unit4 49

TextⅠ Bold Words for a New Generation为年轻人壮胆 49

TextⅡ Find a Job That Fits You Well找一份合适的工作 56

Reading For Fun Some Sausage Sandwiches香肠三明治 61

Unit5 63

TextⅠ The Love Machines新时代的电脑红娘 63

TextⅡ A Lovesick World“爱虫病毒”横行全球网络 71

Reading For Fun Burglar And Parrot盗贼与鹦鹉 78

Unit6 79

TextⅠ Cities of the Information Age信息时代的都市建筑 79

TextⅡ Greenspan: He Rules the World把世界掌握在手中的格林斯潘 85

Reading For Fun How Long Before I Can Get a Haircut?我要等多久才能理发? 89

Unit7 90

TextⅠ Culture Shock and the Problem of Adjustment in New Cultural Environments文化冲突与在新文化环境中调整所面临的问题 90

TextⅡ The Struggle to Be an All American Girl誓死要做美国人 97

Reading For Fun John s Prayer约翰的祈祷 102

Unit8 103

TextⅠ Friendship in Different Cultures文化不同 友谊难寻 103

TextⅡ Wedding Customs in the West西方的婚礼习俗 111

Reading For Fun Women Are More Clever than Men女人比男人更聪明 117

Unit9 119

TextⅠ Travel Around USA在美国旅游 119

TextⅡ First Aid急救 125

Reading For Fun A BAD FOOT一只受伤的脚 131

Unit10 133

TextⅠ Rediscovering Valentine s Day情人节浪漫的再发现 133

TextⅡ Couple Finds Being “Two of a Kind”Is a Recipe for Happiness“做一对同类人”——一对爱侣的幸福良方 140

Reading For Fun Greedy Men贪婪的男人 145

Unit11 146

TextⅠ Music s History May Show a Path to Future Peace音乐史或许会为未来和平指明一条道路 146

TextⅡ Bands for Girls and Boys属于孩子们的乐队 154

Reading For Fun A Poor Dog可怜的狗 158

Unit12 159

TextⅠ Copyright版权 159

TextⅡ Microsoft Sowed the Seeds of Its Own Downfall微软为自己的衰落播下了种子 165

Reading For Fun Does Your Dog Bite?你的狗咬人吗? 172

Unit13 173

TextⅠ The Hidden Face of Beauty美的神秘面孔 173

TextⅡ The Truth Behind a Brave Face面孔背后的真实情感 183

Reading For Fun The Worst Bank Robbers最蠢的银行劫匪 188

Unit14 189

TextⅠ Women Warriors女斗士 189

TextⅡ How It Feels to Be Out of Work失业的滋味 196

Reading For Fun A Bad Student差生 203

Unit15 204

TextⅠ The Learning Revolution: Relearn How to Read—Faster, Better, More Easily学习的革命:再学如何更快、更好、更轻松的阅读 204

TextⅡ Live and Learn人生与教育 212

Reading For Fun The Bloody Thumb沾满鲜血的大拇指 217

Unit16 219

TextⅠ What Makes the Weather?天气的形成 219

TextⅡ Is Anybody Out There?外星人存在吗? 226

Reading For Fun Christmas Cards圣诞贺卡 233

Unit17 234

TextⅠ African Soccer—In Search of Team Spirit非洲足球寻找团队精神 234

TextⅡ Then And Now今昔之别 242

Reading For Fun Three Wishes三个心愿 247

Unit18 249

TextⅠ New“Green Revolution”: Cleaner Cars and Energy新兴的“绿色革命”——洁净无污染的汽车及能源 249

TextⅡ Welcome to 2010欢迎进入2010年 257

Reading For Fun The Wrong Number你打错了 261

参考译文 262

练习答案 329