
  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:周训贞主编
  • 出 版 社:西安:西安电子科技大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7560607241
  • 页数:359 页

Unit 1 凡人琐事 3

1 Christopher Reeve s Decision 人生转折 3

2 The Lady on Pemberton Street 街区天使 14

3 A Place of Her Own 受之无愧 24

Unit 2 女中豪杰 37

1 Lily Yeh s Magic Village 神奇村庄 37

2 Flying on Ice 冰上天使 49

3 A Champion s Vow 冠军的誓言 61

Unit 3 心理医生 77

1 Longevity and Livability 长寿与生存 77

2 Depressed?Here s Help 解忧良方 86

3 Is Love the Best Drug 爱可为药吗 97

Unit 4 减肥指南 108

1 Look Better from Behind 保持体形 108

2 Design a Diet That Works for You 减肥妙法 118

3 Feel Better,Live Longer--Without Dieting 长寿无需节食 127

Unit 5 绯闻难平 140

1 The Start of the Deal 交易伊始 140

2 The Lives of Kathleen Willey 虚伪人生 155

3 Monica s Shake-up 靓女发难 164

1 Exposing the Myth of the Generation Gap 揭开“代沟”之迷 176

Unit 6 民意测验 176

2 What Women Don t Know about Today s Men 女人对当今的男人知多少 188

3 How Honest Are We 有关诚实的测验 198

Unit 7 美国总统 214

1 Lincoln,To Those Who Knew Him 林肯,鲜为人知的一面 214

2 Inside the Clinton White House 探访克林顿 224

3 Thank You,Ronald Reagan 谢谢你,里根 236

Unit 8 校园迷惘 248

1 The Truth Is Never Out of Date 真理不朽 248

2 What Ever Happened to Right and Wrong 明辨是非 258

3 What College-Admissions Officers Really Look for 大学招生录取谁 267

Unit 9 警察采风 279

1 To Arm or Not to Arm 是否武装 279

2 Women on the Beat Prevent Eve Being Teased 警花新貌 287

3 Collaborating with the Enemy to Promote Peace 通力合作保和平 296

Unit 10 电脑世界 308

1 Working the Net 走进因特网 308

2 Hello Again 再创辉煌 320

3 Microsoft Vs,the World 反垄断大诉讼 333