《谈语言 写作读本》PDF下载

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  • 作  者:(美)WilliamH.Roberts,(美)GregoireTurgeon著张德禄导读
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7560019862
  • 页数:441 页

Chapter One Names and Naming 2

Chapter One Names and Noming 2

From a World Without Surnames J.N.Hook 4

From a World Without Surnames J.N.Hook 4

A Strange Kind of Magick Bias Justin Kaplan and Anne Bernays 13

A Strange Kind of Magick Bias Justin Kaplan and Anne Bernays 13

Preface by Halliday 18

Preface by Halliday 18

王宗炎序 19

王宗炎序 19

from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Maya Angelou 20

from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Maya Angelou 20

导读 22

导读 22

Just Call Me Mister David Frum 26

Just Call Me Mister David Frum 26

Putting American English on the Map W.F.Bolton 29

Putting American English on the Map W.F.Bolton 29

Preface 35

Preface 35

Introduction 37

Introduction 37

Playing the Name Game by Other Rules Chet Raymo 38

Playing the Name Game by Other Rules Chet Raymo 38

Aesthetics Felix Pollak 41

Aesthetics Felix Pollak 41

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 43

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 43

Chapter Two Gender,Race,and Language Conflict 46

Chapter Two Gender,Race,and Language Conflict 46

Sexism in English:A 1990s Update Allen Pace Nilsen 49

Sexism in English:A 1990s Update Allen Pace Nilsen 49

“Put Down That Paper and Talk to Me!”:Rapport-Talk and Report-Talk Deborah Tannen 60

“Put Down That Paper and Talk to Me!”:Rapport-Talk and Report-Talk Deborah Tannen 60

Real Men Don t:Anti-Male Bias in English Eugene R.August 68

Real Men Don t:Anti-Male Bias in English Eugene R.August 68

The Name Is Mine Anna Quindlen 79

The Name Is Mine Anna Quindlen 79

From African to African American Geneva Smitherman 82

From African to African American Geneva Smitherman 82

On Black English James Baldwin 87

On Black English James Baldwin 87

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 91

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 91

Chapter Three Right Words,Wrong Words,My Words 92

Chapter Three Right Words,Wrong Words,My Words 92

Order Out of Chaos Bill Bryson 94

Order Out of Chaos Bill Bryson 94

A Rarity:Grammar Lessons from Dad Robert Klose 107

A Rarity:Grammar Lessons from Dad Robert Klose 107

Four-Letter Words Can Hurt You Barbara Lawrence 110

Four-Letter Words Can Hurt You Barbara Lawrence 110

Goodbye to All T__t! Wallace Stegner 114

Goodbye to All T__t! Wallace Stegner 114

The E Word Cullen Murphy 117

The E Word Cullen Murphy 117

Words with Attitude Gerald Parshall 122

Words with Attitude Gerald Parshall 122

English Belongs to Everybody Robert MacNeil 128

English Belongs to Everybody Robert MacNeil 128

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 133

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 133

Chapter Four Language Development:Personal and Social 134

Chapter Four Language Development:Personal and Social 134

Everything Had a Name Helen Keller 136

Everything Had a Name Helen Keller 136

Baby Born Talking--Describes Heaven Steven Pinker 141

Baby Born Talking--Describes Heaven Steven Pinker 141

The Word Weavers/The World Makers Neil Postman 154

The Word Weavers/The World Makers Neil Postman 154

A Brief History of English Paul Roberts 168

A Brief History of English Paul Roberts 168

Old World,New World Bill Bryson 179

Old World,New World Bill Bryson 179

Yadda,Yadda,Yadda Leslie Savan 193

Yadda,Yadda,Yadda Leslie Savan 193

The Story of Writing C.M.Millward 196

The Story of Writing C.M.Millward 196

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 206

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 206

Chapter Five Language and Cultural Diversity 208

Chapter Five Language and Cultural Diversity 208

Vanishing Languages David Crystal 210

Vanishing Languages David Crystal 210

Should English Be the Law? Robert D.King 218

Should English Be the Law? Robert D.King 218

Aria:A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood Richard Rodriguez 227

Aria:A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood Richard Rodriguez 227

Americanization Is Tough on“Macho” Rose Del Castillo Guilbault 238

Americanization Is Tough on“Macho” Rose Del Castillo Guilbault 238

Names in the Melting Pot Justin Kaplan and Anne Bernays 241

Names in the Melting Pot Justin Kaplan and Anne Bernays 241

Learning English Good Tara Elyssa 246

Learning English Good Tara Elyssa 246

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 255

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 255

Chapter Six The Language of Politics and Advertising 256

Chapter Six The Language of Politics and Advertising 256

The Rhetoric of Democracy Daniel Boorstin 258

The Rhetoric of Democracy Daniel Boorstin 258

Empty Eggs:The Doublespeak of Weasel Words William Lutz 268

Empty Eggs:The Doublespeak of Weasel Words William Lutz 268

Things Go Better with Quark? Chris Reidy 278

Things Go Better with Quark? Chris Reidy 278

Three Advertisements for Analysis 282

Three Advertisements for Analysis 282

Unprotected Sex Talk Ellen Goodman 288

Unprotected Sex Talk Ellen Goodman 288

Types of Propaganda Institute for Propaganda Analysis 291

Types of Propaganda Institute for Propaganda Analysis 291

next to of course god america i E.E.Cummings 298

next to of course god americai E.E.Cummings 298

Two Presidential Speeches John F.Kennedy and Ronald Reagan 300

Two Presidential Speeches John F.Kennedy and Ronald Reagan 300

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 309

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 309

Chapter Seven Technology and Language 312

Chapter Seven Technology and Language 312

Flame Throwers Doug Stewart 314

Flame Throwers Doug Stewart 314

Gender Wars in Cyberspace! Nathan Cobb 316

Gender Wars in Cyberspace! Nathan Cobb 316

Getting Close to the Machine Ellen Ullman 321

Getting Close to the Machine Ellen Ullman 321

C est What? John Yemma 326

C est What? John Yemma 326

Techniques of Coinage John A.Barry 330

Techniques of Coinage John A.Barry 330

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 334

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 334

Chapter Eight Writers and the Writing Process 336

Chapter Eight Writers and the Writing Process 336

Freewriting Chris Anderson 338

Freewriting Chris Anderson 338

from Bird by Bird:Some Instructions on Writing and Life Anne Lamott 345

from Bird by Bird:Some Instructions on Writing and Life Anne Lamott 345

Holding Your Reader Maxine C.Hairston 349

Holding Your Reader Maxine C.Hairston 349

Writing Is Rewriting Donald M.Murray 364

Writing Is Rewriting Donald M.Murray 364

Concision Joseph M.Williams 375

Concision Joseph M.Williams 375

Computers and Writing Sharon Cogdill 384

Computers and Writing Sharon Cogdill 384

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 391

Additional Assignments and Research Topics 391

Appendix Writing and Documenting:A Brief Guide 394

Appendix Writing and Documenting:A Brief Guide 394

Revision Checklist 395

Ⅰ.Essay Writing and Revising 395

A Sample Student Essay 401

Revision Checklist 408

Ⅱ.The Documented Essay 408

Typical Works Cited Entries 412

A Sample Documented Essay 416

Glossary of Rhetorical and Linguistic Terms 426

Glossary of Rhetorical and Linguistic Terms 426

Credits 432

Credits 432

Index 435

Index 435

文库索引 437

文库索引 437