1 Planning improvements更好地计划 1
2 Music,music,music音乐、音乐、音乐 7
3 We lost touch我们失去了联系 12
4 It wasn t my fault,it was an accident不是我的错,是意外事故 17
5 And so to bed...上床就寝…… 23
6 Oh,I do like to be beside the seaside...啊,真想去海边…… 29
7 Your number is up数字与我们的生活 35
8 How can I get from A to B?如何从一处到另一处? 41
9 Hands手 47
10 Burning the candle at both ends蜡烛两头烧 51
11 Crash bang whizz!哗啦!呯呯!飕飕! 55
12 Small but deadly使人恼火的小事 61
13 Letters,words and pictures字母、词语和图画 66
14 Please speak after the tone“嘟”一响后请留言 73
15 Fire power火的力量 79
16 Is bad language good for you?脏话对你有益吗? 85
17 Chuckers and hoarders你喜欢扔东西还是喜欢收藏东西? 90
18 Sugar and spice甜甜和香香 95
19 Zoo story动物园的故事 102
20 Book ends结尾 108
Answer Key参考答案 112
Tapescript录音文本 115