
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:源可乐,刘和平主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学技术文献出版社
  • 出版年份:1986
  • ISBN:17176·495
  • 页数:326 页

词典正文 1

a few→few 1

a little→few 1

a+noun and noun 1

a...of a... 1

about,of 1

absorb,absorbing,absorbent 2

absorbont→absorb 2

absorbing→absorb 2

abstain, abstainer 2

abstainer→abstain 3

accept,receive 3

accomplish→finish 3

accord,accordance,according,accordingly 3

account→consider 4

accordingly→accord 4

according to→accord 4

ache,pain,pang 4

act,action 4

according as→accord 4

accordance→accord 4

actual→real 5

action→act 5

addict,devote 5

adolescent→(附)AGE GROUPS 6

admittance→admission 6

adorn→decorate 6

advance,advancement 6

admission,admittance 6

adequate→enough 6

adverse,averse 7

dventure→venture 7

affair,business,matter 7

advancement→advance 7

affect,effect,effects 8

afford 8

agree to→agree with 9

age 9

agree upon/on→agree with 9

agree with,agree to,agree upon/on 9

against→for 9

after→behind 9

aim→goal 10

ailment→disease 10

alibi→excuse 10

alight→dismount 10

aid→help 10

all 10

all+abstract noun,abstract noun+itself 11

all too→only too...to 12

all right→alright 12

alone,solitary,lonely,lonesome,lone,forlorn,desolate 12

all but→anything but 12

already→still 13

alright,all right 13

almost,nearly,pratically 13

although→though 14

alternative→alternate 14

a.m.→(附)TIME 14

among→between 14

alternate,alternative 14

alter→change 14

and that 15

and→and that 15

angry,annoyed,irritate,vex,furious,rage,aggravate,provoke,rile,bother,irk 15

amount,number 15

annoyed→angry 16

animal→brute2 16

answer,reply,respond,retort 16

anxious→eager 17

any,any other 17

apparent→evident 18

appetite→desire 18

anything but,nothing but,all but 18

appointment→job 18

appropriate→fit 18

argue,argument 18

anyone→everyone 18

anybody→everyone 18

any other→any 18

any one→everyone 18

as...as any,as...as ever 19

as→because 19

as best one can/may/could/might... 19

as...as...can be 19

arouse→incite 19

argument→argue 19

as good as,as well as 20

as it is 21

as it were,so to speak 22

as many→much 22

as much,as many,like so many 22

as...so... 22

ask2,request,solicit 23

ask1,inquire/enquire,question,interrogate 23

as well as→as good as 23

as such 23

prefer 24

asleep,sleeping,sleepy 24

assist→help 24

assistant→help 24

assure→ensure 24

at→for 24

at(long)last,at length,in the end 24

at length.at last 25

attend,be present(at) 25

authority,authorities 26

authorities→authority 26

attendance→attendant 26

attendant,attendance 26

awake→wake 27

bandit,thief,robber.pirate,burglar.pickpocket 27

ball.dance 27

baggage,luggage 27

badly,poorly 27

awaken→wake 27

baby→(附)AGE GROUPS 27

avoid→escape 27

averse→adverse? 27

avenue→street 27

avenge→revenge 27

automobile→car 27

auto→car 27

bang→(附)SOUND 28

bank→shore 28

barely→hardly 28

barely...when→hardly2 28

bargain 28

base,basis,foundation,ground 28

bawl→(附)SOUND 29

bathe→bath 29

be+infinitive 29

basis→base 29

till2,until 29

bath,bathe 29

be a long time(or some time) doing something 30

beach→shore 30

bear1 30

bear2,stand,endure,tolerate 31

beat1→strike 32

beat2→win 32

beautiful,pretty,handsome,lovely 32

beastly→brutish 32

beast→brute2 32

beautify→decorate 33

because,for,since1,as 33

become,come,go 34

bedeck→decorate 35

befall→happen 35

beg 35

begin→start 35

behave 35

behind,after 35

beliefs,believes 36

belongings 37

bellow→(附)SOUND 37

below,under,beneath 37

believe,believe in 37

believes→believe 37

believe in→believe 37

beneath→below 38

benefit 38

beside,besides,except 39

besides→beside 39

betterl,best 39

bicycle,cycle 40

between,amcng 40

better2→improve 40

bid 41

birthday,date of birth 41

bit 41

blanket,carpet,rug 41

bless 42

blind,blinded,blinds 42

bloom,blossom 43

blonde→blond 43

blinds→blind 43

blond,blonde 43

blinded→blind 43

blossom→bloom 44

boast,brag 44

boat→vessel 44

body 44

brave,bold,courageous 45

brag→boast 45

brace→couple 45

bother 45

both of→each 45

both→each 45

borrow→lend 45

bolt→(附)MOVEMENT 45

bold→brave 45

bring,carry,fetch,take 46

Britain,British 47

brutal,brute1,brutish,beastly 47

brute→brutal 48

brute2,beast,animal 48

busy,engaged,occupied 49

business→affair 49

brutish→brutal 49

burglar→bandit 49

burned,burnt 49

but for+noun 50

but that... 50

but too→only too...to 51

buy,purchase,pay 51

by name→namely 52

by,through1,with1 52

buzz→(附)SOUND 52

cackle→(附)SOUND 53

calm,qulet,still,silent 53

can but→cannot but 54

can not→cannot 54

cannot,can not,can t 54

cannot but,can but 54

cannot help 54

cannot...too... 54

car 55

care 55

can t→cannot 55

capable of 55

cease→stop 56

chance,opportunity,occasion 56

centre→middle 56

celebrated→famous 56

cease to+infinitive,cease+...-ing 56

certain→sure 56

cause→excuse 56

carry→bring 56

carpet→blanket 56

careless,carefree 56

carefree→careless 56

change,alter 57

cheat,deceive 58

child→(附)AGE GROUPS 58

China→Chinese 58

China s→Chinese 58

Chinese.China.China s 58

chink→(附)SOUND 59

choose,select,elect 59

clever→intellectual 60

click→(附)SOUND 60

clerk→officer 60

climate→weather 60

close,shut 60

cinema,theatre,film,picture 60

clatter→(附)SOUND 60

clap→(附)SOUND 60

cite→quote 60

chuckle→(附)SOUND 60

clear→evident 60

cloth,cloths,clothes,clothing 61

clothes→cloth 61

colour 62

compare,contrast 62

common→mutual 62

commence→start 62

come→become;go+infinitive 62

coach→car 62

colleague 62

coast→shore 62

cloths→cloth 62

clothing→cloth 62

comprise1,include,contain 63

compose→comprise2 63

complete2,perfect 63

complete1→finish 63

comprise2,compose,consist of,consist in 64

conceal→hide 65

concentrate 65

concern 65

conclude→infor 66

concrete,specific 66

consider,regard,account,reckon,deem 67

conquer→win 67

conduct→lead 67

conditions→condition 67

condition,conditions 67

considerable,considerate 68

considerate→considerable 69

consist in→comprise2 69

consist of→comprise2 69

consult 69

contain→comprise1 69

contemptible,contemptuous 69

convenient,convenience;inconvenient,inconvenience 70

convenience→convenient 70

convince,persuade 70

continent 70

contemptuous→contemptible 70

contrast→compare 70

country→nation 71

couple,pair,brace 71

crawl→creep;(附)MOVEMENT 72

creep,crawl 72

creak→(附)SOUND 72

creep→(附)MOVEMENT 72

crackle→(附)SOUND 72

crack→(附)SOUND 72

courageous→brave 72

crime→sin 73

cry2,sob,weep 73

cry2,shout 73

custom→habit 74

cycle→bicycle 74

cure,heal 74

data 75

date of birth→birthday 75

dash→(附)MOVEMENT 75

dawdle→(附)MOVEMENT 75

dead,die1 75

damp→wet 75

danger 75

dance→ball 75

damages→damage 75

damage,damages 75

dart→(附)MOVEMENT 75

deadly,deathly 76

deathly→deadly 76

deal of 76

deceit,deception 77

decadent→decaying 77

decaying,decadent 77

deceive→cheat 78

deception→deceit 78

decide 78

decline→refuse 78

decorate,adorn,ornament,embellish,beautify,bedeck garnish 78

defective,deficient 79

deeply→deep 79

defeat→win 79

deem→consider 79

deep,deeply 79

deficient→defective 80

deliberate→slow 80

delighted,delightful 80

delightful→delighted 80

depart,part 80

dependant→dependent 80

dependence,dependency 80

desert,deserted 81

desirable,desirous 81

deserted→desert 81

dependent,dependant 81

depths→depth 81

depth,depths 81

dependency→dependence 81

die2→kill 82

die1→dead 82

dickers,devil,deuce 82

devote→addict 82

devil→dickens 82

deuce→dickens 82

despair,desperation 82

desolate→alone 82

desirous→desirable 82

desire→hope 82

desire,appetite,lust 82

desperation→despair 82

difference between,difference in 83

difference in→difference between 83

different1 83

different2,various 83

disable,unable,enable 84

dinner 84

direct→lead 84

dishelief→unbelief 85

disbelieve 85

discover,invent 85

disease,illness,sickness,ailment 85

disinterested,uninterested 86

dismount,get off,alight,get out of 86

distrust,mistrust 87

distinctive→distinct 87

distinct,distinctive 87

dissatisfied→unsatisfactory 87

disregard→neglect 87

displace,replace,substitute 87

distastful→tasteless 87

do→make 88

do the+...-ing 88

doubt,suspect 88

dream 89

dress1 89

down 89

doubtless→doubt 89

dress2,wear,put on,have on 90

drink 91

drive→ride 91

drone→(附)SOUND 91

drunk1→drunkard,drunkne 91

drunk2,drunken 91

drunkard,drunk1 92

due to,owing to 92

dwell→live 92

each,both.both of,every 92

eager,anxious,nervous,upset 93

each other,one another 93

earth,globe,world 94

ease,easiness 95

easiness→ease 95

east/south/west/north,eastern,easterly,eastward(s),in the east,to the east 95

either,neither 95

effective,effectual,efficient,efficacious 97

effect→affect 97

edible→eatable 97

economics→economic 97

economieal→economic 97

economic,economical,economics 97

eatable,edible 97

eastward(s)→east 97

eastern→east 97

easterly→east 97

effectual→effective 98

efficacious→effective 98

efficient→effective 98

elder,older 99

emergence,emergency 100

embellish→decorate 100

emergency→emergence 100

emigrate,immigrate,migrate,move 100

electrical→electric 100

elicit→illicit 100

electric,electrical 100

elect→choose 100

employ→hire 101

employee→officer 101

empty,vacant 101

enough,sufficient,adequate 102

enlist 102

engaged→busy 102

engage→hire 102

endure→bear 102

end→goal 102

enable→disable 102

enquire→ask1 103

ensure,insure,assure,reassure 103

entrance,entry 104

entry→entrance 104

envious→jealous 104

environment,surroundings,environs 104

escape,avoid,evade 105

error,mistake 105

environs→environment 105

envy→jealous 105

especial,special,especially,specially 106

especially→especial 106

Esq. 106

every...not→all 107

everyone,everybody,every one,anyone,anybody,any one,everything,every thing 107

everybody→everyone 107

everyday→every day 107

every thing→everyone 107

every one→everyone 107

every day,everyday 107

every→each 107

ever such→ever so 107

ever so,ever such,never so 107

evening dress→dress1 107

evade→escape 107

everything→everyone 108

evident,obvious,apparent,clear 108

except2,excepting,except for 109

except1→beside 109

example→instance 109

exact,exacting 109

exacting→exact 109

except for→except2,butfor 111

excepting→except2 111

excitable→exciting 111

excited→exciting 111

exciting,excited,excitable 111

excuse1,cause,reason,pretext,alibi 111

excuse2 pardon,forgive 112

exhausted,exhausting,exhaustive 112

expense,expenses 113

experience,qualification(s) 113

expenses→expense 113

exhausting→exhausted 113

expend→spend 113

exhaustive→exhausted 113

extended,extensive 114

extension→extended 114

fail1 115

F 115

extremity→extreme 115

extremities→extreme 115

extreme,extremities 115

extent→extended 115

extensive→extended 115

fail2,failing,failure 116

failing→fail2 116

failure→fail2 116

fairly1→rather 116

fairly2 116

famous,well-known,celebrated,renowned,notorious,infamous 116

farther,further 117

farmer→peasant 117

fancy→imagination 117

fast→quick 118

female,feminine;male,masculine 118

femlnine→female 119

fetch→bring 119

few,a few;little2,a little 119

fictional,fictitious 120

fictitious→fictional 120

fight 120

for2,against 120

find oneself 121

find,look for 121

film→cinema 121

finish,completel,accomp lish 122

fish,fishes 122

fishes→fish 123

fit,suitable,proper,appropriate 123

fizz→(附)SOUND 123

flammable,inflammable 123

folk,folks 124

fly→flow 124

flow,fly,overflow 124

flesh→meat 124

flash→glimmer 124

folks→folk 125

food,foods,foodstuff(s) 125

foods→food 125

foodstuff(s)→food 125

foolish,silly,stupid 125

for1→becaure 126

for3,at,over,with2 126

forest,wood(s),grove 127

for ever→forever 127

forever,for ever 128

foreword→preface 128

forget 128

forgive→excuse 128

forlorn→alone 128

form,shape 128

former,latter 129

foundation→base 130

freedom,liberty 130

fresh→new 131

fruit,fruits 131

fruits→fruit 131

furniture 131

game→sport 132

garnish→decorate 132

genius,gift2,talent 132

G 132

further→farther 132

genuine→real 133

get 133

gentleman,man1 133

gift2→genius 135

gift1,present;give,present 135

giggle→(附)SOUND 135

get out of→dismount 135

get off→dismount 135

give up for dead/lost 136

give sb.+infinitive 136

glance,glimpse 136

give→gift1 136

glide→(附)MOVEMENT 137

glasses→glass 137

glimmer,glisten,glitter,flash,sparkle,twinkle 137

glass,glasses 137

go→become 138

globe→earth 138

go+bare infinitive 138

gola,purpose,aim,end,object,objective 138

glitter→glimmer 138

glisten→glimmer 138

glimpse→glance 138

God 140

gold,golden 140

good1 141

good2→goods 141

golden→gold 141

good morning etc.→(附)GREETINGS 142

goods→good2 142

gotten 142

government 142

good-humoured,humorous 142

good and...→nice and 142

gracious→graceful 143

graduate 143

graceful,gracious,grateful 143

ground→base 144

grove→forest 144

groan→(附)SOUND 144

growl→(附)SOUND 144

guard,guardian,sentry,sentinel 144

grievance→grief 144

grief,grievance 144

grateful→graceful 144

H 145

gurgle→(附)SOUND 145

habit,custom,practice 145

guide→lead 145

guardian→guard 145

had better 146

had rather,would rather 146

handsome→beautiful 147

halt→stop 147

happen,take place,occur,befall 147

hair 147

hardly1→hard 148

hardly2,scarcely1,barely 148

hard,hardly1 148

hasten→(附)MOVEMENT 150

hard-working→laborious 150

have 150

hardly...when...→hardly2 150

heal→cure 151

have to do sth.,have sth.to do 151

health,healthy,healthful 151

have on→dress 151

have...doing 151

healthy→health 152

hear,listen 152

healthful→health 152

help1,assist,aid 153

help2,assistant,helper,servant 153

Hebrew→Jew 153

hide,conceal 154

high1,tall 154

helper→help2 154

hike→(附)MOVEMENT 155

highway→street 155

hire1,employ,engage 155

highly→high2 155

high2,highly 155

hire2 let1,rent,lease 156

historical→history 157

history,historical,historic 157

historic→history 157

home→house 158

holiday,vacation,leave 158

hope,wish,desire 158

hobby,pastime,recreation 158

hit→strike 158

hopefully 159

house,home,family 159

How come...? 160

how ever,however 160

hurt→wound 161

I 161

hunt,shoot 161

I don t know how→who knows 161

idle,lazy 161

humorous→good 161

hum→(附)SOUND 161

howl→(附)SOUND 161

however→how ever 161

if1 162

if2 162

if ever→if any 163

ii anything→if any 163

if only,only if 163

if you please 163

if any,if ever,it anything 163

if3→whether 163

illness→disease 164

illegible,unreadable 164

imaginary,imaginative 164

imagination,fancy 164

ill→sick 164

ignore→neglect 164

imply→infer 165

immoral→moral2 165

impracticable→practi cable 165

improve,better2 165

immediately→presently 165

immigrate→emigrate 165

imaginative→imaginary 165

inclusive,through 166

inconvenience→convenient 166

include→comprise 166

inconvenient→convenient 166

individual→person 166

induce,incite,prompt,arouse 166

in the end→at last 166

in the east→east 166

in that 166

in person→personally 166

infant→(附)AGE GROUPS 167

infamous→famous 167

infer,imply,conclude 167

industrious→industrial 167

industrial,industrious 167

ingenious,ingenuous 168

ingenuous→ingenious 168

inflammable→flammable 168

instead,instead of 169

instead of→instead 169

instantly→presently 169

insure→ensure 169

intellect→mind 169

intellectual,intelligent 169

instance,example 169

inquire→ask1 169

injury→wound 169

injure→wound 169

inhabit→live 169

intelligent→intellectual 170

intend,intent,intention 170

Israel→Jew 171

invalid 171

invent→discover 171

introduction→preface 171

it→there 171

itself→all+aostract noun 171

intensive→intense 171

interfere 171

intention→intend 171

intent→intend 171

intense,intensive 171

interrogate→ask1 171

J 172

jangle→(附)SOUND 172

jealous,jealousy;envious,envy 172

jealousy→jealous 172

Jew,Hebrew,Israel,Yiddish 172

jingle→(附)SOUND 173

job,appointment,position,post,profession,task,work 173

journey,trip,voyage,tour,travel 174

kind,sort 175

K 175

kill,die2 175

know,learn,understand 176

laborious,hard-working 177

labour,work,toil 177

L 177

late,lately,latterly 179

last,latter 179

lately→late 179

lady,woman,female 179

laugh→laughter 180

latterly→late 180

laughter,laugh 180

latter→former;last 180

lawful,legal,legitimate 181

lay,lie 181

lazy→idle 182

lead,guide,conduct,direct 182

learned,learnt 183

learn→know 183

learning,knowledge 183

lean→thin 183

legitimate→lawful 184

leisurely→slow 184

legal→lawful 184

lend,borrow,l?m 184

lengthy,long 184

leave→holiday 184

lease→hire2 184

learnt→learned 184

let1+hire2 185

less...than 185

let2 185

less,lesser 185

liberty→freedom 186

liable 186

lie→lay 186

lightening,lightning 186

let us→let2 186

let s→let2 186

litlle1,small 187

little2→few 187

literally→fairly2 187

little of→something of 187

live,reside,dwell,inhabit 187

listen(to)→hear 187

like so many→as much 187

lightning→lightening 187

livelihood,living 188

lonesome→alone 189

long→lengthy 189

lonely→alone 189

lone→alone 189

look→see 189

look for→find 189

loose,loosen,lose 189

loiter→(附)MOVEMENT 189

loathe→loath 189

loath,loathe 189

loan→lend 189

living→livelihood 189

loss,lost 190

lose→loose 190

lost→loss 190

lot 190

loosen→loose 190

luxuriant,luxurious 191

luxurious→luxuriant 191

lust→desire 191

M 191

mad 191

luggage→baggage 191

lovely→beautiful 191

make from→make of 192

make,do 192

make of,make from 192

major 192

manners→manner 193

mannish,manly 193

manner,manners 193

many→much 193

march→(附)MOVEMENT 193

marry 193

manly,mannish 193

man2→person 193

man1→gentleman 193

male→female 193

mathc→sport 194

matter→affair 194

masterly→masterful 194

may well 194

may as well...as,might as well...as,may as well... 194

masterful,masterly 194

masculine→female 194

means,mean 195

mean→means 195

meat,flesh 195

maybe→perhaps 195

meet 196

melted,molten 197

men→person 197

migrate→emigrate 198

might as well...as→may as well...as 198

militant→military 198

military,militant 198

middle,centre 198

mind,intellect 199

Miss,miss 199

moment,rnomentary,momentous 200

momentary→moment 200

molten→melted 200

moist→wet 200

momentous→moment 200

moral1,morals,morale 200

moral2,immoral 200

modern→new 200

moan→(附)SOUND 200

mistrust→distrust 200

mistake→error 200

more 201

morals→moral2 201

more than 201

morale→moral1 201

more+adj.(adv.)+than... 202

more(...) than...can 203

most,the most,mostly 203

move→emigrate 204

motor cat→car 204

Mr. 204

Mrs 204

mostly→most 204

much1,many 205

much2,very 206

much of,something of 208

much more,much less 208

mutual,common 208

much less→much more 208

narrative→story 209

namely,by name 209

nation1,state,country 209

N 209

native 210

nation2→folk;people 210

near by,near-by,neighbouring,nearby 210

necessities→necessaries 211

necessity,necessaries 211

necessaries,necessities 211

need→lack 211

neglect,omit,overlook,disregard,ignore,slight,forget 211

nearly→almost 211

nearby→near by 211

near-by-near by 211

never...but,never(or not)...without 213

nervous→eager 213

never so→ever so 213

never(or not)...without→never...but 213

neither→either 213

neighbouring→near by 213

new,fresh,novel,modern,original 213

nice 214

night-gown→dress 215

night-dress→dress 215

no better than,not better than 215

nice and 215

no less than,not less than 216

no doubt→doubt 216

no less...than,not less...than 216

no...but 216

no more than,not more than 217

no more→so 217

no more...than(or not...any more than),not more...than 217

no one,no-one,nobody 217

no...like→nothing like 217

no sooner...than→hardly 218

no/none other than,no other...than 218

nobody→no one 218

noise,sound,voice 218

none 219

northward(s)→east 220

not...any more than→no more...than 220

northern→east 220

not...because 220

not but that(or what) 220

northerly→east 220

north→east 220

none like→nothing like 220

not so...but,not sucha...but 221

not so much...as,not so much as 221

not more...than→no more...than 221

not such a...but→not so...but 221

not that...but that... 221

not more than→no more than 221

not less...than→no less...than 221

not less than→no less than 221

nothing but→anything but 222

noted→notable 222

nothing if not 222

nothing less than,nothing more than 222

notable,noted,noticeable 222

not...without→never...but 222

novel→new 223

number→amount 223

notorious→famous 223

O 223

O, oh 223

O that I(he,etc.)were...,O, that...should...! 223

noticeable→notable 223

nothing of→something of 223

nothing/none like 223

nothing more than→nothing less than 223

oblige,obliging 224

obliging→oblige 224

objective→goal 224

observance,observation 224

observation→observance 224

object→goal 224

O,that...should...→O that I(he,etc)were... 224

odd→strange 225

of→about 225

o clock→(附)TIME 225

of+abstract noun 225

of all+plural noun 225

of course 225

occur→happen 225

occupied→busy 225

occasion→chance 225

obvious→evident 225

of one s(own)...ing 226

officer,official,clerk,employee 226

one-and-twenty→twentyone 227

one another→each other 227

on the+verb stem 227

omit→neglect 227

only+infinitive 227

only if→if only 227

only too...(to),all too,but too 227

older→elder 227

Oh→O 227

officious,official2 227

official2,officious 227

official1→officer 227

overcome→win 228

overflow→flow 228

over→for2 228

ornament→decorate 228

overlook→neglect 228

oversea,overseas 228

overseas→oversea 228

oversee,oversight 228

original→new 228

oral→verbal 228

opportunity→chance 228

opposite 228

onto, on to 228

packet,package,parcel 229

pain→ache 229

package→packet 229

pair→couple 229

pang→ache 229

paper,papers 229

P 229

owing to→due to 229

oversight→oversee 229

parking→park 230

park,parking 230

part 230

papers→paper 230

pastime→hobby 231

path→street 231

pass→spend 231

patter→(附)SOUND 231

pay,wage,salary 231

participate(in),take part(in) 231

partial 231

pence→penny 232

peasant,farmer 232

pennies→penny 232

penny,pennies,pence 232

pay→buy 232

perfect→ccmplete2 233

people,race,nation2,tribe 233

perfectly→utterly 233

perhaps,maybe,possibly,probably 233

people→folk;person 233

persecute→prosecute 234

person,individual,man;persons,people,men 235

picture→cinema 236

pirate→bandit 236

pickpocket→bandit 236

piteous→pitiful 236

pitiable→pitiful 236

pitiful,piteous,pitiable 236

persuade→convince 236

persons→person 236

personally,in person 236

poetry→verse 237

p.m.→(附)TIME 237

police 237

plop→(附)SOUND1 237

politician,statesman 238

possibly→perhaps 239

position→job 239

post→job 239

practicable,practical;impracticable,unpractical,impractical 239

pop→(附)SOUND 239

poorly→badly 239

practice→habit 240

practically→almost 240

preface,foreword,introduction 240

practieal→practicable 240

present→gift1 241

presently,immediately,instantly 241

product→prcduction 242

produce→production 242

probably→perhaps 242

production,produce,product 242

profession→job 242

properIy→fairly2 242

pretty→beautiful 242

pretext→excuse 242

property,properties 243

prosecute→persecute 243

properties→property 243

public 243

proper→fit 243

prompt→induce 243

qualification(s)→expertence 244

Q 244

put→dress 244

queer→strange 244

question→ask 244

quick,fast,rapid,swift 244

purchase→buy 244

pupil→student 244

purpose→goal 244

quiet→calm 245

quiver,shake,shiver,shudder,tremble 245

quote,cite 246

rapid→quick 247

rare,scarce,rarely,scarcely2 247

R 247

race→people 247

rain,rains,rainfall 247

rainfall→rain 247

rains→rain 247

ramble→(附)MOVEMENT 247

rarely→rare 248

rather,fairly 248

rattle→(附)SOUND 248

read 248

real(really1),actual,genuine,true 249

receive→accept 250

reassure→ensure 250

reckon→consider 250

reason→excuse 250

recreation→hobby 250

reference,testimonial 250

refuse,decline,reject 250

rear 250

really2→indeed 250

really1→real 250

renowned→famous 251

remember→forget 251

rent→hire2 251

remain→stay 251

repel,repulse 251

replace→displace 251

reply→answer 251

represent as,represent to be 251

relative→relation 251

relationship→relation 251

relation,relationship,relative 251

reject→refuse 251

regard→consider 251

resource,resort 252

resort→resource 252

reside→live 252

respond→answer 252

retort→answer 252

revenge,avenge 252

request→ask2 252

repulse→repel 252

rove→(附)MOVEMENT 253

robber→bandit 253

rug→blanket 253

rob→steal 253

rumble→(附)SOUND 253

rustle→(附)SOUND 253

S 253

roar→(附)SOUND 253

roam→(附)MOVEMENT 253

read→street 253

ride,drive 253

sake 253

salary→pay 254

same 254

satisfactory→satisfaction 255

satisfied→unsatisfactory 255

satisfaction,satisfactory 255

saunter→(附)MOVEMENT 255

say,speak,talk,tell 255

acarcely1→hardly2 257

scarce→rare 257

scarcely2→?are 257

scarcely...when→hardly 257

scene→scenery 257

scamper→(附)MOVEMENT 257

scenery,view,scene 257

scurry→(附)MOVEMENT 258

screech→(附)SOUND 258

scuttle→(附)MOVEMENT 258

see,look,watch 258

see something,etc.of... 258

scream→(附)SOUND 258

scholar→student 258

shape→form 259

shaved,shaven 259

shake→quiver 259

shaven→shaved 259

shadow→shade 259

ship→vessel 259

shiver→quiver 259

shoct→hunt 259

shore,coast,bank,beach 259

shade,shadow 259

servant→help2 259

sentry→guard 259

sentinent→guard 259

select→choose 259

shudder→quiver 260

shuffle→(附)MOVEMENT 260

shut→close 260

shriek→(附)SOUND 260

sick,ill 260

shout→cry2 260

sickness→disease 261

silent→calm 261

silly→foolish 261

simply,fairly2 261

sin,crime 261

since1→because 262

since2 262

sister 262

slender→thin 263

sleepy→asleep 263

sleeping→asleep 263

slide→(附)MOVEMENT 263

slap→(附)SOUND 263

slight→neglect 263

slim→thin 263

slink→(附)MOVEMENT 263

slip→(附)MOVEMENT 263

slither→(附)MOVEMENT 263

slam→(附)SOUND 263

skid→(附)MOVEMENT 263

sizzle→(附)SOUND 263

sit up 263

sit,seat 263

slow,deliberate,leisurely,tardy 263

snarl→(附)SOUND 264

snap→(附)SOUND 264

small→little 264

snicker→(附)SOUND 264

snigger→(附)SOUND 264

snort→(附)SOUND 264

so,no more 264

smack→(附)SOUND 264

slowly→slow 264

so far,so far as 265

so far as→so far 266

so much so that... 266

so that→so...that 266

so...that, so that 266

sociable→social 267

social,sociable 267

solicit→ask2 267

sob→cry1 267

solitary→alone 267

so to speak→as it were 267

some time.sometime,sometimes 267

somebody,something 268

something→somebody 268

something,etc.of+noun 268

sorry.unhappy,sorrowful 269

sorrowful→sorry 269

speak→say 270

sparkle→glimmer 270

spare→thin 270

special→especial 270

specially→esp ecially 270

specific→cencrete 270

spend,pass,expend 270

south,southerly,southern,southward(s)→east 270

sound→noise 270

soft→kind 270

spoken→verbal 271

sport,game,match 271

sprint→(附)MOVEMENT 271

spoilt→spoiled 271

staff 271

spoiled,spoilt 271

stagger→(附)MOVEMENT 272

staggle→(附)MOVEMENT 272

stand→bear2 272

stanza→verse 272

start,begin,commence 272

statesman→politician 274

stay,remain,tarry 274

state→nation 274

steal,rob 275

still1→calm 275

still2 already,yet 275

stop,cease,halt 276

story,tale.narrative 277

strange,odd,queer,peculiar 278

street,avenue,highway,road,path,way 279

stride→(附)MOVEMENT 280

strike,hit,beat 280

student,pupil,scholar 281

stroll→(附)MOVEMENT 281

such as it is/was 282

substitute→displace 282

stupid→foolish 282

sufficient→enough 282

suitable→fit 282

sunk,sunken 282

sunken,sunk 283

sure,certain,positive 283

tale→story 284

take place→happen 284

take part(in)→participate 284

talent→genius 284

take→bring 284

talk→say 284

tall→high 284

tardy→slow 284

tarry→stay 284

T 284

swift→quick 284

suspect→doubt 284

surroundings→environment 284

task→job 284

teenager→(附)AGE GROUPS 285

tear→(附)MOVEMENT 285

tasty→tasteful 285

tell→say 285

testimonial→reference 285

Thank you;No,thank you 285

the+comparative+for/because,etc. 285

tasteless,distasteful 285

tasteful,tasty 285

lesser→less 285

the...,the... 286

the last+noun 286

the+noun=abstract noun 286

theatre→cinema 287

there 287

There is no+...-ing 287

thief→bandit 288

thin,lean,spare,slender,slim 288

think fit/good/proper,etc.to do... 288

though,although 289

through1→by,inclusive 289

through2 289

till1→to 290

to,till/until 291

titter→(附)SOUND 291

to the east→east 292

toddle→(附)MOVEMENT 292

toil→labour 292

tolerate→bear 292

too 292

travel→journey 293

tramp→(附)MOVEMENT 293

tremble→quiver 293

tribe→people 293

trip→journey 293

trudge→(附)MOVEMENT 293

tour→journey 293

totter→(附)MOVEMENT 293

true→real 293

try 293

U 294

twinkle→glimmer 294

unable→disable 294

unaware,unawares 294

unawares→unawere 294

unbelief,disbelief 294

twenty-one,one-and-twenty 294

twang→(附)SOUND 294

unsatisfied→unsatisfactory 295

unsatisfactory,unsatisfied,dissatisfied 295

unreadable→illegible 295

until→till,to 295

unpractical→practicable 295

upset→eager 295

upward,upwards 295

upwards→upward 295

usage→use 295

use,usage 295

uninterested→disinterested 295

unhappy→sorry 295

undoubtedly→doubt 295

understand→know 295

under→below 295

used to→would 296

utterly,perfectly 296

V 296

vacant→empty 296

vacation→holiday 296

valuable,valued 296

variant,variance,variation,variety 297

variance→variant 297

variation→variant 297

variety→variant 297

various→different2 297

vengeance→revenge 297

valued→valuable 297

venture,adventure 297

verbal,oral,spoken,verbose,wordy 298

verbose→verbal 299

versa,stanza,poetry 299

very→much2 299

vessel,boat,ship 299

voyage→journey 300

voice→noise 300

W 300

waddle→(附)MOVEMENT 300

wage→pay 300

wake[up],waken[up],awake,awaken 300

view→scenery 300

well-known→famous 301

weep→cry1 301

weather,climate 301

west→east 301

wear→dress 301

westerly→east 301

western→east 301

westward(s)→east 301

wet,damp,moist 301

way→street 301

watch→see 301

wander→(附)MOVEMENT 301

walk→(附)MOVEMENT 301

what 302

[what]between...and...→what with...and[what with] 302

what by...and[what by]→what with...and[what with] 302

what with...and[what with],what by...and[what by],[what]between...and... 302

whether,if 303

while,whilst 304

whilst→while 304

whimper→(附)SOUND 304

who knows,who does not know,I don t know how 305

who/how/where/why etc.should...but... 305

widow,widower win,conquer,beat,defeat,overcome 305

whine→(附)SOUND 305

wish→hope 305

with2→for3 306

with a vengeance→revenge 306

with all,for all 306

with1→by 306

without doubt→doubt 306

wordy→verbal 307

work→job 307

world→earth 307

wood(s)→forest 307

would,used to 307

would rather→had rather 308

would/had sooner...than,would/had as soon...as... 308

wound,injure/injury,hurt 308

would/had as soon...as...→would/had sooner...than 308

write 309

young,youthful 310

Yiddish→Jew 310

yet→still 310

young man/woman/per son→(附)AGE GROUPS 310

yelp→(附)SOUND 310

youth→(附)AGE GROUPS 310

youthful→young 310

Z 310

zero 310

yell→(附)SOUND 310

Y 310

Xmas 310

X 310

附录 312

参考文献 325

for all→with all 327

seat→sit 528