
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:邹红英,谭伟红编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海世界图书出版公司
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7506251248
  • 页数:339 页

Part One General Secretary 第一部分 日常文秘 4

Unit One Creating a Top Secretary 第一章 一个秘书的成功之道 4

一、Practical Suggestions on How to Become a Successful Secretary (秘书成功的实战策略) 4

二、The Responsibilities of a Secretary (秘书的职责) 7

三、The Desired Qualities of a Top Secretary (秘书的素质) 7

四、The Most Important Functions of a Secretary (秘书的职能) 10

五、A Typical Day of a Secretary(秘书的一天) 12

六、Thirty-two Practical Key Words (32个实战经典词汇) 14

Unit Two Receiving Visitors 第二章 接待来访 18

一、Practical Brief Introduction (实战业务概要) 18

二、Twenty Practical Key patterns (20个实战经典句型) 19

三、Four Practical situational Dialogues (4个实战情景对话) 21

四、Two Practice (2个实战操练) 26

五、Twenty Practical Key Words (20个实战经典词汇) 26

Unit Three Receiving and Making Telephong Calls 第三章 接打电话 30

一、Practical Brief Introduction (实战业务概要) 30

二、Forty Practical Key Patterns (40个实战经典句型) 31

三、Seven Practical situational Dialogues (7个实战情景对话) 35

四、Four Practice (4个实战操练) 44

五、Forty-one Practical Key words (41个实战经典词汇) 45

Unit Four sending or Receiving a Fax 第四章 收发传真 50

一、Practical Brief Introduction (实战业务概要) 50

二、Twenty Practical Key Patterns (20个实战经典句型) 51

三、Three Practical Situational Dialogues (3个实战情景对话) 53

四、Four Practice (4个实战操练) 57

五、Twenty Practical Key Words (20个实战经典词汇) 58

Unit Five Word Processing 第五章 处理文字 60

一、Practical Brief Introduction (实战业务概要) 60

二、Twenty Practical Key Patterns (20个实战经典句型) 60

三、Four Practical Situational Dialogues (4个实战情景对话) 62

四、Four Practice (4个实战操练) 67

五、Thirty-five Practical Key Words (35个实战经典词汇) 68

Unit Six Indexing and Filing of Letters&Documents 第六章 存档管理 72

一、Practical Brief Introduction (实战业务概要) 72

二、Twenty Practical Key Patterns (20个实战经典句型) 72

三、Three Practical situational Dialogues (3个实战情景对话) 76

四、Two Practice (2个实战操练) 79

五、Fifteen Practical Key Words (15个实战经典词汇) 79

Unit Seven Arranging a Meeting 第七章 安排会议 82

一、Practical Brief Introduction (实战业务概要) 82

二、Twenty Practical Key Patterns (20个实战经典句型) 82

三、Five Practical Situational Dialogues (5个实战情景对话) 86

四、Two Practice (2个实战操练) 93

五、Twenty-one Practical Key Words (21个实战经典词汇) 94

Unit Eight Arranging a Business Trip 第八章 安排出差 96

一、Practical Brief Introduction (实战业务概要) 96

二、Twenty Practical Key Patterns (20个实战经典句型) 97

三、Four Practical Situational Dialogues (4个实战情景对话) 99

四、Four Practice (4个实战操练) 105

五、Twenty-three Practical Key Words (23个实战经典词汇) 106

Part Two Business Secretary 第二部分 商务文秘 112

Unit One Secrests of Good Business Letters 第一章 商务信函的成功秘诀 112

一、Practical Suggestions on English Letter Writing (英文书信实战策略) 112

二、The Layout of a Business Letter (商业书信格式) 114

三、The Sample Layout of the Business Letter (商业书信格式范例) 125

四、How to Address an Envelope (英文信封格式) 127

Unit Two Telephone Notes 第二章 电话留言 130

一、Practical Suggestions on How to Take Telephone Notes (电话记录实战策略) 130

二、The Form of Telephone Notes (电话留言格式) 130

三、Sample Telephone Notes (电话留言样本) 131

Unit Three Travel Itinerary 第三章 旅行日程表 138

一、Practical Suggestions on How to Write an Itinerary (撰写旅行日程表实战策略) 138

二、Sample Itineraries (旅行日程表范例) 138

三、Visitors Record (来客登记表) 143

Unit Four Memorandum 第四章 备忘录 146

一、Practical Suggestions on How to Write a Memorandum (撰写备忘录实战策略) 146

二、The Form of a Memorandum (备忘录的格式) 147

三、Sample Memoranda (备忘录范例) 147

Unit Five Notice 第五章 通知 154

一、Practical Suggestions on How to Write a Notice (撰写通知实战策略) 154

二、The Layout of a Notice (通知的格式) 156

三、Sample Notices (通知范例) 156

Unit Six Reports 第六章 报告书 164

一、Practical Suggestions on How to Write a Report (撰写报告实战策略) 164

二、The Layout of a Report (报告书的格式) 164

三、The Report Writing Process (报告撰写过程) 167

四、Sample Reports (报告范例) 169

五、Twenty-six Practical Sentences in Reportwriting (26个撰写报告实战经典句型) 177

Unit Seven social Letter&Business Letters 第七章 社交商业书信 186

一、Reservation Letter (预订信) 186

二、Congratulation Letter (祝贺信) 188

三、Welcome Letter (欢迎信) 190

四、Resignation Letter (辞职信) 193

五、Application Letter (求职信) 196

六、Inquiry Letter (咨询信) 203

七、Introduction Letter (介绍信) 215

八、Appreciation Letter (感谢信) 219

九、Recommendation Letter (推荐信) 228

十、Invitation Letter (邀请信) 232

十一、Aplolgy Letter (抱歉信) 237

十二、Complaint Letter (投诉信) 244

十三、Suggestion Letter (建议信) 252

十四、Sales Letter (促销信) 254

十五、Request Letter (请求信) 258

Unit Eight Practical Sentences in Social Letters and Business Letters 第八章 社交商业书信实战句型 268

一、Useful Starting Sentences (书信常见起首句型) 268

二、Useful Conclusion Sentences (书信中常见结尾句型) 270

三、Useful Request Sentences (书信中常见表示请求的句型) 273

四、Useful Reminding Sentences (书信中提醒对方注意的句型) 275

五、Useful Invitation Sentences (书信中表示邀请的句型) 277

六、Useful Accepting Invitation Sentences (书信中接受邀请的句型) 280

七、Useful Suggestion Sentences (书信中表示建议的句型) 281

八、Useful Apology Sentences (书信中表示抱歉的句型) 282

九、Useful Complaining Sentences (书信中表示投诉的句型) 286

十、Useful Asking Information Sentences (书信中表示咨询的句型) 289

十一、Useful Declining Sentences (书信中常见委婉谢绝的句型) 291

十二、Useful Offering Information Sentences (书信中提供信息的句型) 292

十三、Useful Promise Sentences (书信中表示承诺的句型) 294

十四、Useful Expressing Hope Sentences (书信中常见表示希望的句型) 296

十五、Useful Expressing Thanks Sentences (书信中常见表示感谢的句型) 298

十六、Useful Expressing Delay Sentences (书信中表示延期行动的句型) 300

十七、Useful Seeking Job Sentences (求职信套语) 301

十八、Useful Resignation Sentences (书信中表示辞职的常见套语) 304

Appendix Eight types of Practical Vocabulary for Secretarial work 附录 涉外秘书八大类实战必备词汇 308

一、Company Organization (公司组织架构) 308

二、Stationery (文具办公用品) 309

三、Positions/job tites (职务、头衔) 311

四、Office Practice (办公用语) 314

五、Management (管理用语) 318

六、Computer (计算机用语) 321

七、Manufacture (生产用语) 324

八、Personnel (人事用语) 326

后记 333