
  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王振远编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国书籍出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7506808218
  • 页数:378 页

Lesson 1 Greeting and Reception 招呼与接待 1

Lesson 2 Making Suggestions to a Customer 向客户提建议 6

Lesson 3 Making Inquiries of a Customer 询问客户问题 10

Lesson 4 Giving Answers to a Customer 回答客户问题 14

Lesson 5 Making Requests to a Customer 向客户提请求 18

Lesson 6 Offering Apologies to a Customer 向客户道歉 23

Lesson 7 Saying Thank-you and Goodbye 致谢与道别 27

Lesson 8 At the Inquiry Desk 在问讯处 32

Lesson 9 Opening a Current Account 开立活期账户 38

Lesson 10 Opening a Personal Cheque Account (Ⅰ) 新开个人支票账户(一) 44

Lesson 11 Opening a Personal Cheque Account (Ⅱ) 新开个人支票账户(二) 53

Lesson 12 About a Current Account 关于往来账户 60

Lesson 13 How to Write Out a Cheque 如何开支票 66

Lesson 14 Opening a Saving Account 新开储蓄账户 73

Lesson 15 Handling Time Deposits(Ⅰ)办理定期存款(一) 81

Lesson 16 Handling Time Deposits(Ⅱ)办理定期存款(二) 88

Lesson 17 Depositing Money in One s Account 在户头上存款 96

Lesson 18 Making Foreign Currency Deposits 办理外币存款 105

Lesson 19 About Interest-bearing Accounts 关于有息账户 109

Lesson 20 About“Deposited at Notice 关于事先通知存款 113

Lesson 21 Handling Special Saving Plans 办理特种储蓄 119

Lesson 22 Computing Daily Interest 计算日息 124

Lesson 23 Handling a Special Account for Tax Payments 办理纳税特别账户 128

Lesson 24 Handling Withdrawals (Ⅰ)办理取款(一) 132

Lesson 25 Handling Withdrawals (Ⅱ)办理取款(二) 138

Lesson 26 Telling the Balance 告诉存款余额 145

Lesson 27 Closing an Account 结清账户 147

Lesson 28 Reporting a Lost Passbook 存折挂失 150

Lesson 29 Reporting Lost Checks 支票挂失 157

Lesson 30 Using an Automated Teller Machine(Ⅰ)使用自动出纳机(一) 161

Lesson 31 Using an Automated Teller Machine(Ⅱ)使用自动出纳机(二) 169

Lesson 32 Overdrafts 透支 175

Lesson 33 Buying Traveller s Cheques 购买旅行支票 181

Lesson 34 Inquiring About Interest Rates 询问有关利率情况 188

Lesson 35 Transferring between Different Accounts 转账 193

Lesson 36 Using Credit Cards 使用信用卡 198

Lesson 37 Renting a Safe Deposit Box 出租银行的保管箱 204

Lesson 38 Outgoing Remittance(Ⅰ)汇出汇款(一) 210

Lesson 39 Outgoing Remittance(Ⅱ)汇出汇款(二) 217

Lesson 40 Incoming Remittance 汇入汇款 223

Lesson 41 Telegraphic Transfers 电汇 228

Lesson 42 Money Exchange(Ⅰ)外币兑换(一) 234

Lesson 43 Money Exchange(Ⅱ)外币兑换(二) 240

Lesson 44 Handling Reconversion 办理退汇 245

Lesson 45 Explaining Rates of Exchange(Ⅰ)解释汇率(一) 249

Lesson 46 Explaining Rates of Exchange(Ⅱ)解释汇率(二) 258

Lesson 47 Making a Collection 办理托收 264

Lesson 48 Cashing a Personal Check 兑现个人支票 270

Lesson 49 Cashing a Foreign Check 兑现外国支票 275

Lesson 50 Cashing a Traveller s Check 兑换旅行支票 280

Lesson 51 Discounting a Bill of Exchange 贴现票据 285

Lesson 52 Opening a Letter of Credit 开立信用证 291

Lesson 53 Offering a Renminbi Loan 提供人民币贷款 297

Lesson 54 Offering a Foreign Exchange Loan 提供外币贷款 302

Lesson 55 Offering a Housing Loan 提供房屋贷款 307

Lesson 56 Offering Loans for Working Capitals 提供流动资金贷款 314

Lesson 57 Making a Credit Inquiry 进行资信调查 320

Lesson 58 Talking about Chinese Renminbi 谈论人民币 328

Lesson 59 Talking about Banks in China谈论中国的银行 332

Lesson 60 Talking about Computerized Banking 谈论电脑化银行业务 337

Appendix 附录 348

Useful Technical Terms 348

常用专业术语 348