引言 1
一、中华丝绸灿烂成锦 2
1.东方丝国 2
2.文化宝库 3
二、丝绸的起源 12
1.桑蚕丝 12
2.“蚕神献丝”的传说 14
3.有关丝绸的考古物证 16
三、流动飞扬的秦汉丝绸 19
1.汉画像石中的丝织技术 20
2.丝绸之路与丝绸西传 23
3.嘉气祥云与祥禽瑞兽 27
4.铭文与五色 32
四、宝花似锦的隋唐丝绸 34
1.西风东渐 36
2.中西合璧 40
3.雍容宝花 42
4.多彩“三缬” 43
五、“鸟语花香”与“春水秋山”并重的宋辽丝绸 46
1.凤穿牡丹的花鸟世界 47
2.鹰逐鹿奔的北国风光 50
3.运丝如笔的精美缂丝 51
六、黄金织成锦的蒙元丝绸 55
1.加金盛况 56
2.南北异风 58
3.日月龙凤 59
4.池塘小景 60
七、吉祥如意的明清丝绸 61
1.丝绸之府与江南三织造 63
2.吉祥天地 64
3.三大名锦 67
4.四大名绣 72
八、科技环保的现代丝绸 77
1.从传统织锦到现代仿真彩色丝织画 78
2.从传统单一到时尚环保 79
结束语 80
Introduction 83
Ⅰ.An Overall Glimpse to the Splendid Chinese Silk 85
1.Oriental Land of Silk 85
2.Treasury of Culture 87
Ⅱ.The Origin of Silk 95
1.Mulberry,Silkworm and Silk 95
2.Legend of"Goddess of Silkworm Presenting Silk" 98
3.Archaeological Findings on Silk 100
Ⅲ.Silk of the Qin and Han Dynasties 103
1.Weaving Techniques Portrayed on Stone Relief of the Han Dynasty 105
2.The Silk Road and Spread of Silk to the West 108
3.Patterns of Auspicious Clouds and Animals 111
4.Characters and Five Colors 118
Ⅳ.Splendid Silk of Sui and Tang 121
1.Popularity of Westem Styles 124
2.Integration of East and West 129
3.Graceful Floral Roundels 132
4.Colorful Resist-dyeing 134
Ⅴ.Silk Textiles of Song and Liao 137
1.The Flower-and-Bird World Weaved with Super Silk Skill 139
2.The Scene of the North with Flying Eagles and Running Deer 142
3.A Carving-like Weaving—Kesi 144
Ⅵ.Gilded Brocade of the Yuan Dynasty 149
1.Popularity of Gilded Textile 151
2.Different Styles Between the North and the South 154
3.Patterns of Sun,Moon,Dragon and Phoenix 154
4.A Pond Scene 156
Ⅶ.Auspicious Silk of Ming and Qing 158
1.Capital of Silk and Three Official Weaving Workshops 160
2.The World of Auspicious Patterns 163
3.Three Well-known Brocades 168
4.Four Well-known Embroideries 174
Ⅲ.Modern Silk Production 181
1.From Traditional Brocade to Modernity 182
2.A Way to the Future 184
Closing 185
附录 Appendix 187