《地道英语 名词100句》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:浩瀚等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国书籍出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:750680946X
  • 页数:248 页

1 What caused her absence?她为什么缺席? 1

2 Many lives were lost in that railway accident.那次火车事故使许多人丧生。 5

3 What s the balance of my account, please?请告诉我户头上还有多不存款,好吗? 8

4 I m delighted to make your acquaintance.我很高兴认识您。 12

5 All our effects were to no advantage.我们的一切努力都无济于事。 16

6 We have two questions on the agenda.按照会议议程,我们有两个问题要无论。 20

7 Please fill the application form.请填写这张申请书。 24

8 I have an appointment with him at nine o clock.我跟他约定9点会面。 28

9 I can make arrangement for you.我可为您做个安排。 32

10 What s your attitude toward this idea?你对这个意见的态度是什么? 36

11 They are going to hold a banquet.他们打算举行一场主宴会。 39

12 It s quite a bargain.这实在便宜。 42

13 Waiter, please give me the bill.*服务员,请把账单给我。 45

14 He is out on business.他因公出差了。 49

15 Please give me a concrete case.请给我一个具体的事例。 53

16 I have no change on me.我身边没有零钱。 57

17 I met him by chance yesterday.我昨天偶然碰见他。 61

18 How much do you want to have a charge?你想要价多少? 65

19 I m in conference now.我正在开会。 69

20 Congrarulations on your success.*祝贺你成功。 73

21 You got a good deal.你买得真便宜。 77

22 I m in sales department.我在销售部。 80

23 What s your arrival and departure dates, please?请问您哪天到达?哪天离开? 83

24 Can you give me a discount?您能给我打折吗? 89

25 It dosen t make any difference.都一样。 92

26 Do you have any work experience as salesgirl?你有过做售货员的经历吗? 96

27 Could you do me a favor?您能帮个忙吗? 100

28 When can I get that information?我可以在哪里得到那个消息? 104

29 How did you feel about your interview?你这次面试感觉怎么样? 108

30 Did yor received her invitation?你收到她的请贴了吗? 111

31 Thank you for your kindness.谢谢你的好意。 114

32 What s the matter with yor?你出了什么事? 118

34 She is on another line at the moment.她正在打电话。 126

35 What s your occupation?您的职业是什么? 130

36 Are there any openings?有空缺吗? 133

37 It is necessity thay we should start earlier.我们早出了一点是必要的。 136

38 In my opinion, you have no choice.依我看,你别无选择。 140

39 I think it is a good opportunity.我认为那是个好机会。 144

40 Do you wish to place an order now?您现在想订购吗? 148

41 My passport was lost.我的护照丢了。 152

42 I don t want to miss the performance.我不想错过演出。 155

43 What a pity!真是遗憾! 159

44 What t are your plans for the weekend?你周末计划做什么? 163

45 It s my pleasure.那是我的荣幸。 166

46 That a good point.有道理。 170

47 He is qualified for that position.他够资格担任那个职务。 174

48 Do you have any preference?您有没有什么偏爱呢? 177

19 I m under a lot of pressure at work.我的工作压力很大。 181

50 I disagreed with him over the new proposals.我不同意他对这些新建议的看法。 184

51 I did not do it on purpose to annoy you.我不是故意这样做来麻烦您。 187

52 I need a raise.我需要加薪。 190

53 We have received your receipt.我们已收到了您的收据。 194

54 Can you furnish a letter of recommendation from the commpany?你能从公司拿张推荐表吗? 197

55 She has a good reputation.她的名声很好。 201

56 I d like to make a reservation to Hong Kong next Friday.我想预订一张星期五去香港的机票。 204

57 The restaruan is so expensive.这个餐厅的价格真高。 207

58 Could you let me know your schedule?您能告诉我您的时间安排吗? 210

59 Why don t we do some sightseeing?我们何不去观光一下? 215

60 Your Suggestion makes sense.你的建议切实可行。 219

61 It s time to get up.到起床的时间了。 222

62 Have a good trip.旅行愉快。 226

63 What s the trouble with you?你怎么了? 230

64 Where did you spend a vacation?你在哪里度的假? 234

65 What s view of you?你的观点呢? 238

66 My wages are 100 dollars a week.我的周薪为100美元。 242

67 By the way, what s the time by your watch?顺便问一句,几点了? 246