第一部分 听力测试应试指导 1
一 六级听力测试题型介绍 1
二 题型特点与应试策略 2
1 对话试题和题型特点与应试策略 2
2 短文试题和题型特点与应试策略 6
3 复合试题和题型特点与应试策略 8
4 听写填空的题型特点与应试策略 9
第二部分 听力测试模拟题及其答案与注释 12
Test1 12
Keys and Notes for Test1 17
Test2 21
Keys and Notes for Test2 26
Test3 29
Keys and Notes for Test3 33
Test4 37
Keys and Notes for Test4 41
Test5 45
Keys and Notes for Test5 49
Test6 52
Keys and Notes for Test6 57
Test7 60
Keys and Notes for Test7 64
Test8 68
Keys and Notes for Test8 72
Test9 76
Keys and Notes for Test9 80
Test10 83
Keys and Notes for Test10 87
Test11 91
Keys and Notes for Test11 95
Test12 99
Keys and Notes for Test12 104
Test13 107
Keys and Notes for Test13 112
Test14 115
Keys and Notes for Test14 120
Test15 123
Keys and Notes for Test15 128
第三部分 听力测试模拟试题录音原文 131
Tapescripts for Test1 131
Tapescripts for Test2 138
Tapescripts for Test3 144
Tapescripts for Test4 150
Tapescripts for Test5 156
Tapescripts for Test6 162
Tapescripts for Test7 169
Tapescripts for Test8 175
Tapescripts for Test9 182
Tapescripts for Test10 189
Tapescripts for Test11 194
Tapescripts for Test12 200
Tapescripts for Test13 208
Tapescripts for Test14 217
Tapescripts for Test15 224