
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:柳葆青,周玉珍主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:金盾出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7508207947
  • 页数:318 页

正文 1

索引 1

前言 1

an 1

one 1

a little 2

索引 2

a bit 2

a country 2

some day 3

the other day 3

the country 3

one day 3

a day 3

a great many 4

plenty of 4

a good many 4

a large quantity of 4

a great deal of 5

a lot of 5

a number of 6

the number of 6

a great deal 6

parts of 7

part of 7

a part of 7

capacity 8

ability 8

can 9

capable 9

able 9

accept 10

accident 10

receive 10

pain 11

incident 11

ache 11

across 12

through 12

over 12

act 12

action 13

affair 13

deed 13

matter 13

infulence 14

effect 14

business 14

affect 14

afraid 15

fear 15

horror 15

after 16

within 16

in 16

again 17

before 17

once more 17

ago 17

agree on 18

agree to 18

agree with 18

goal 18

aim 18

objective 19

object 19

purpose 19

all 20

whole 20

all over 21

all right 21

throughout 21

That s right 21

That s all right 21

allow 22

promise 22

permit 22

let 22

nearly 23

almost 23

mostly 23

as 24

though 24

although 24

lone 25

lonely 25

either 25

also 25

alone 25

too 26

as well 26

among 27

or 27

between 27

and 27

beast 29

angry at 29

animal 29

angry with 29

proclaim 30

creature 30

declare 30

announce 30

some 31

any 31

any longer 32

any one 32

anyone 32

enjoy 33

any more 33

appreciate 33

quarrel 34

dispute 34

debate 34

argue 34

rise 35

lift 35

raise 35

arise 35

seat 36

chair 36

armchair 36

stool 36

bench 36

arms 37

weapon 37

army 37

round 38

forces 38

troops 38

around 38

get to 39

reach 39

arrive at 39

arrive in 39

essay 40

paper 40

composition 40

thesis 41

because 41

because of 42

since 42

for 42

like 43

as well as 44

ask 44

not only…but(also) 44

imquire 45

beg 45

request 45

article 46

at 46

at last 47

on 47

at night 48

in the end 48

by night 48

finally 48

on the night 49

at table 49

presently 49

at present 49

in the night 49

at the table 50

on the table 50

by the end of 50

at the end of 50

in work 51

join 51

at tend 51

take part in 51

at work 51

avoid 52

prevent 52

stop 53

awaken 53

awake 53

waken 54

wake 54

backward 55

backwards 55

bad 55

badly 55

ill 56

bag 56

sack 56

shore 57

bank 57

beach 57

coast 57

banner 58

base 58

foundation 58

flag 58

basis 58

be to (do) 59

be going to 59

be about to 59

will 59

be afraid for 60

be afraid of 60

be afraid 60

be made of 60

be made from 61

go on with the strike 61

be on strike 61

go on strike 61

be strict in 62

be strict with 62

beat 62

blow 62

hit 63

knock 63

strike 63

handsome 64

good-looking 64

pretty 64

lovely 64

beautiful 64

go 65

become 65

get 65

turn 66

before long 66

grow 66

begin 67

start 67

long before 67

behind 68

at the back of 68

trust 69

believe 69

believe in 69

under 70

below 70

beneath 70

besides 70

except 71

big 71

grand 71

but 71

boat 72

large 72

huge 72

great 72

border 73

vessel 73

craft 73

edge 73

ship 73

borrow 74

lend 74

verge 74

margin 74

use 75

both 75

brain 76

neither 76

burst 77

break 77

head 77

break out 78

bring 78

burst out 78

broad 79

fetch 79

take 79

carry 79

build 80

wide 80

construct 80

establish 80

found 81

burnt 81

set up 81

burned 81

by 82

however 82

for oneself 83

of oneself 83

with 83

by oneself 83

to oneself 84

scream 85

shout 85

cry 85

call 85

drop in 86

call on 86

visit 86

quiet 87

silent 87

calm 87

still 87

may 88

hat 88

cap 88

truck 89

care 89

carriage 89

car 89

mind 90

throw 90

cast 90

catch a cold 91

cause 91

have a cold 91

get a cold 91

pause 92

reason 92

cease 92

centre 93

middle 93

certain 94

certainly 94

sure 94

naturally 95

to be sure 95

surely 95

of course 95

opportunity 96

chance 96

change into 96

fool 97

turn into 97

deceive 97

cheat 97

pick out 98

choose 98

elect 98

city 99

select 99

town 99

clean 100

class 100

lesson 100

clear 101

bright 101

clever 101

wise 101

shut 102

weather 102

climate 102

close 102

turn off 103

clothing 103

clothes 103

dress 103

cold 104

cool 104

garment 104

suit 104

uniform 104

gather 105

chilly 105

collect 105

institute 106

college 106

university 106

combine 106

connect 107

unite 107

command 108

order 108

direct 108

common 108

compact 109

ordinary 109

contract 109

corporation 110

firm 110

company 110

compare to 110

compel 111

compare with 111

force 111

oblige 112

complete 112

finish 112

comprise 113

constitute 113

consist of 113

compose 113

meeting 114

congress 114

comference 114

consider 115

conquer 115

think 115

overcome 115

grain 116

count 116

corn 116

crop 116

N 117

state 117

country 117

calculate 117

C 117

nation 117

pair 118

bravery 118

courage 118

couple 118

mad 119

crazy 119

sob 119

whimper 120

cup 120

weep 120

glass 120

mug 121

cure 121

treat 121

custom 122

H 122

habit 122

every day 123

everyday 123

D 123

daily 123

dash 124

risk 124

rush 124

danger 124

day-off 125

date 125

day 125

holiday 126

leave 126

festival 126

vacation 126

dead 127

deadly 127

expensive 127

dear 127

make up one s mind 128

decide 128

determine 128

defend 129

deep 129

deeply 129

guard 129

joy 130

delight 130

safeguard 130

protect 130

demand 131

require 131

pleasure 131

depart 132

desk 132

table 133

T 133

in spite of 133

despite 133

fate 134

developed country 134

fortune 134

destiny 134

needn t have done 135

die 135

developing country 135

didn t need to do 135

die from 136

die by 136

pass away 136

die in 136

die for 136

various 137

die of 137

different 137

difficult 138

hard 138

find out 139

directly 139

invent 139

discover 139

divide 140

separate 140

door 141

do 141

make 141

gate 141

pull 142

drawing 142

draw 142

drag 142

photo 143

picturd 143

painting 143

dreadful 144

horrible 144

terrible 144

put on 145

wear 145

have on 145

drill 145

due to 146

owing to 146

practice 146

exercise 146

during 147

E 148

each 148

every 148

each other 149

eager 149

one another 149

easy 150

anxious 150

simple 150

older 151

schooling 151

elder 151

education 151

hollow 152

V 152

energy 152

empty 152

vacant 152

strength 153

power 153

engine 153

machine 153

M 153

machinery 154

fault 154

error 154

shortcoming 155

escape 155

mistake 155

flee 156

especial(ly) 156

run away 156

special (ly) 156

everyone 157

every one 157

test 158

quiz 158

examination 158

instance 159

example 159

such as 159

pardon 160

forgive 160

exhausted 160

excuse 160

expand 161

extend 161

tired 161

weary 161

plant 162

F 162

factory 162

works 162

mill 162

just 163

fair 163

familiar with 163

familiar to 163

family 164

house 164

home 164

famous 164

well-known 165

further 165

farther 165

soon 166

fast 166

quickly 166

fever 167

feed 167

few 168

a few 168

heat 168

little 168

last 169

final 169

look for 170

find 170

fit 170

proper 171

suitable 171

fix 171

flesh 172

repair 172

meat 172

mend 172

flower 173

floor 173

storey 173

ground 173

blossom 174

bloom 174

fluid 174

liquid 174

stupid 175

foolish 175

silly 175

forest 176

jungle 176

figure 176

woods 176

form 177

luck 177

shape 177

freedom 178

liberty 178

frequently 179

always 179

usually 179

often 179

from then on 180

since then 180

G 181

gain 181

obtain 181

acquire 181

sport 182

game 182

get ready 183

take off 183

get off 183

prepare for 184

gift 184

prepare 184

let out 185

give off 185

give out 185

present 185

glad 186

happy 186

joyful 186

send out 186

pleased 187

glare 187

pleasant 187

merry 187

stare 188

go on to do 188

go on doing 188

gaze 188

gold 189

go to the school 189

go to school 189

nice 190

golden 190

fine 190

good 190

well 191

seize 191

snatch 191

grasp 191

meadow 192

guest 192

visitor 192

grass 192

hand over 193

happen 193

hand in 193

occur 193

harbour 194

take place 194

port 194

scarcely 195

hardly 195

have been to 196

have been in 196

have gone to 196

have got 197

own 197

possess 197

there be 197

have 197

have got to 198

must 198

have to 198

listen 199

hear 199

high 199

hill 200

hire 200

mountain 200

tall 200

hope 201

rent 201

hot 202

expect 202

wish 202

how long 203

how often 203

how soon 203

warm 203

hung 204

hunged 204

hanged 204

I 205

thought 205

idle 205

idea 205

whether 206

lazy 206

if 206

of only 207

only if 207

sick 208

illness 208

disease 209

sickness 209

trouble 209

in a hurry 209

in the way 210

hurriedly 210

in a way 210

in charge of 211

by the way 211

in one s charge 211

on the way 211

in front of 212

in the charge of 212

in the front of 212

in the future 213

in future 213

in hospital 213

in the hospital 213

instead of 214

in place of 214

instead 214

take the place of 214

in the corner 215

on the corner 215

at the corner 215

in the least 216

in the sun 216

at (the) least 216

under the sun 216

on rime 217

in the tree 217

in time 217

on the tree 217

persist in 218

stick to 218

while 218

insist on 218

instant 218

instrument 219

minute 219

moment 219

interesting 220

tool 220

interested 220

J 221

job 221

work 221

task 221

labour 221

L 221

trip 222

tour 222

travel 222

journey 222

leap 223

jump 223

just now 224

remain 225

keep doing 225

keep 225

K 225

murder 226

keep on doing 226

kill 226

sort 227

type 227

kind 227

know of 228

know about 228

realize 229

recognize 229

get to know 229

know 229

woman 230

lamp 230

lady 230

laugh 231

lantern 231

light 231

smile 232

make fun of 232

laugh at 232

lay 233

put 233

place 233

learn 233

study 234

learnt 234

learned 234

let s 235

let us 235

love 236

be fond of 236

line 236

row 236

look 237

samll 237

tiny 237

see 238

look after 238

wathch 238

take care of 239

miss 239

lose 239

person 240

post 240

mail 240

man 240

much 241

many 241

people 241

be married 242

marry 242

may have done 243

might have done 243

could have done 243

would have done 243

perhaps 244

probably 244

maybe 244

method 245

means 245

meet 245

memorize 246

recall 246

meet with 246

remember 246

mister 247

sir 247

much too 248

very 248

too much 249

must have done 249

should have done 250

can have done 250

nearby 252

near 252

necessary for 253

necessary to 253

no one 254

none 254

not always 255

never 255

news 255

not 256

no 256

information 256

noise 257

no more than 257

not more than 257

voice 258

pay attention to 258

sound 258

notice 258

take notice of 259

oppose 260

ocean 261

of 261

sea 261

officer 262

official 262

on business 263

in business 263

on earth 263

on the fire 264

on the earth 264

on fire 264

in the earth 264

on foot 265

to one s feet 265

on one s feet 265

onto 266

on to 266

on one s side 266

upon 266

on a Sunday 267

on the side 267

on Sundays 267

on Sunday 267

once again 268

once and again 268

the one…the other 269

one…another 269

one…another...the other 269

one…the other 269

one…the others 269

out of question 270

out of the question 270

ought to 270

should 271

path 272

road 272

route 272

way 272

pay 273

W 273

salary 273

wage 273

planet 274

star 274

room 274

price 275

cost 275

play 275

play with 275

problem 276

probalble 276

possble 276

puzzle 276

question 277

produce 277

product 277

production 277

propose 278

suggest 278

would rather…than 279

rather than 279

reach after 279

reach at 280

read 280

reach for 280

real 281

read about 281

read of 281

true 281

understand 282

refuse 283

reject 283

reply 283

answer 284

result in 284

right away 284

result from 284

at once 285

immediately 285

rob 285

right now 285

steal 286

say 287

satisfactory 287

satisfied 287

speak 288

sit 288

talk 288

shake 289

tremble 289

shiver 289

shop 289

from 290

store 290

go to sleep 291

go to bed 291

asleep 291

sleeping 291

sleep 291

stockings 292

sometime 292

some time 292

socks 292

Y 293

yet 293

already 293

sometimes 293

story 294

subject 294

tale 294

theme 294

so 295

such 295

topic 295

title 295

throw to 297

until 297

till 297

throw at 297

victory 298

triumph 298

turn down 299

turn out 299

turn to 299

show up 300

turn up 300

emerge 300

appear 300

utility 301

used to 301

usage 301

be used to 302

when 303

work at 304

work on 304

worth 305

worthwhile 305

worthy 305

wound 306

injure 306

hurt 307

damage 307

附录 英语常用动词惯用法表 308