
  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:方洲主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:华语教学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7800528049
  • 页数:364 页

高考英语作文高分技巧 1

1992-2001年高考英语作文失分诊断 13

高考英语作文模拟题全国优秀作文点评 45

应用文 45

1 书信 45

A Letter to Mike(给迈克的信) 45

A Letter to Mr.White (给怀特先生的信) 47

A Letter to the Editor (给编辑的信) 50

A Letter to Xiao Hong(给晓红的信) 53

A Letter of Appreciation(一封表扬信) 55

A Letter of Apology(一封道歉信) 57

A Letter of Thanks(一封感谢信) 58

2 日记 62

An Unforgettable Day(难忘的一天) 62

An Interesting Class(一节有趣的课) 64

Labor Day(劳动节) 66

New Year s Eve(除夕) 68

Be an Honest Boy(做诚实的孩子) 70

A Busy Day(忙碌的一天) 73

My Birthday Party(我的生日聚会) 76

My Visit to Qinghua University(参观清华大学) 78

3通知 84

书面通知 84

Notice1(通知1) 84

Notice2(通知2) 86

Notice3(通知3) 88

口头通知 90

Announcement1(通知1) 90

Announcement2(通知2) 92

4求职信 95

A Letter Seeking for Employment1(求职信) 95

A Letter seeking for Employment2(求职信) 98

A Letter seeking for Employment3(求职信) 100

5致词(欢迎、欢送词) 104

A Speech Introducing Beijing Zoo(介绍北京动物园) 104

A Speech Introducing Our Library(介绍图书馆) 107

A Welcome Speech1(欢迎词) 108

A Welcome Speech2(欢迎词) 111

A Farewell Speech(欢送词) 113

6便条 118

NOTE1(便条1) 118

NOTE2(便条2) 119

Asking for Leave(请假) 122

Asking for Sick Leave(请病假) 123

7海报 125

English Lecture(英语讲座) 125

Basketball Match(篮球赛) 127

8启事 129

Schoolbag Lost(书包丢失) 129

Lost(失物) 130

Found(招领) 132

9规定、规则 133

Notice to Visitors(参观者须知) 133

Notice to Swimmers(游泳者须知) 135

看图写作类 139

A Clever Boy(聪明的男孩儿) 139

A Day in the Science and Technology Month(科技月里的一天) 142

You Lost Your Morals(丧失道德) 145

We Should t Set Off Fireworks Any More(不要再放烟火) 148

Two Good Young Pioneers(两名优秀少先队员) 151

A Special Experience(一次特殊经历) 153

Please Save Water(节约用水) 156

A Parents Meeting(家长会) 158

Flood Can t Stop Our School Studies(洪水阻挡不了学校学习) 161

My Out-of-Class Activities(课外活动) 163

How Xiao Ming Became Shortsighted(晓明是如何近视的 166

Please Protect Trees(爱护树木) 168

Great Changes in My Hometown(家乡巨变) 170

Something Unexpected(意想不到的事) 173

We Want our Schoolbags Lighter(我们想要把书包变轻) 175

How to Study(如何学习) 178

An Interesting Book(一本有意义的书) 180

A Bitter Lesson(一次惨痛的教训) 183

Dreaming on a Winter Day(梦回春天) 185

Eat My Own Bitter Fruit(自食其果) 187

An Unforgettable Experience(难忘的经历) 190

Looking After a Baby(照看婴儿) 192

Crossing a River(过河) 195

Protecting Flowers(护花) 198

A Good Teacher(一位优秀教师) 200

Li Lei s Abacus(李雷的算盘) 203

A Real Football Fan(一个真正的足球迷) 206

An Extortion(一次勒索事件) 208

What an Impolite Girl(多么没礼貌的女孩) 210

Planting Trees(植树) 212

My School(我的学校) 218

记叙文 218

学校 218

My Class(我的班) 220

地点 222

I Love My Hometown(我爱家乡) 222

A Big City-Chengdu(大都市-成都) 225

Our Village(我们的村庄) 227

家庭 229

My Family(我的家庭) 229

My Room(我的房间) 231

Self-Introduction(自我介绍) 233

My Beloved Grandfather(我敬爱的爷爷) 235

My Father(我的父亲) 237

My Mother(我的母亲) 239

老师及同学 241

My Beloved Teacher(我敬爱的老师) 241

A Model Teacher(一位模范教师) 243

Our Monitor(我们的班长) 245

A Hard-Working Student(一名刻苦用功的学生) 247

My Good Friend(我的好友) 249

My Best Friend(我最好的朋友) 251

Mrs.Brown(布朗夫人) 253

My Foreign Friend(我的外国朋友) 255

事件 256

An English summer Camp(一次英语夏令营) 256

English Corner for Children(儿童英语角) 259

Disneyland(迪斯尼乐园) 261

A Shopping Experience(一次购物经历) 263

A Good Deed(一件好事) 264

What Exciting News(令人激动的消息) 267

A Fire in Guangming Cinema(光明影院失火记) 269

A Traffic Accident(一起交通事故) 271

An Exciting Basketball Match(一场令人激动的篮球赛) 272

说明文 277

地点 277

The Great Wall(长城) 277

Hope Primary School(希望小学) 279

Children s Center(儿童中心) 281

The Empire State Building(帝国大厦) 283

The People s Republic of China(中华人民共和国) 285

The United States of America(美国) 287

Antarctica(南极州) 288

Hua Luogeng(华罗庚) 291

人物 291

A Brave Boy-Zhang Tianxi(勇敢的孩子--张天喜) 292

Madam Curie(居里夫人) 294

事物 296

The Earth(地球) 296

Water(水) 298

Desert(沙漠) 300

Pander,a National Treasure of China(熊猫,中国的国宝) 302

Tomato(西红柿) 304

Computer(计算机) 306

Christmas(圣诞节) 308

A Day at My School(学校一天) 309

情况介绍 309

The Hope Project(希望工程) 311

The Olympic Games(奥林匹克运动会) 313

The Four Seasons(四季) 315

指示路线 317

How to Get to My Home(如何到我家) 317

方式、方法 318

How to Protect Your Eyesight?(如何保护视力) 318

Repotting(移栽) 320

The Key to Success(成功的关键) 324

议论文 324

Why Do We Attend University?(为什么上大学) 327

How to Learn English Well?(怎样学好英语) 328

Why Do We Learn English?(为什么学英语) 330

Making Friends(交朋友) 332

Travelling(旅行) 334

Examinations(考试) 336

Sports(体育) 338

The Value of Time(时间的价值) 339

Why Do They Drop Out of School?(他们为何失学) 341

Our Environment Is Getting Worse(环境在变坏) 343

Trees(树木) 345

The Cause of Animal Extinction(动物灭绝的原因) 347

My View on Too Much Homework(对家庭作业太多的看法) 349

My View of the Ban on Firecrackers(对禁止烟花爆竹的观点) 352

图表类 357

Report on the Survey about Our School Uniform(服装调查报告) 357

The Effect of Sleep on Memory(睡眠对记忆的影响) 359

One PE Class(体育课) 361

Announcement(通知) 362