(16 Dec.)Jane Ansten born at Steventon in Hanas,seventh child of the Revd.George Austen(1731-1805)and Cassandra Leigh(1739-1827) 1775
/5 J.A.and sister leave the Abbey School,Reading 9 1784
Elinor and Marianne written.Lady Susan written(B.C.Southam's dating) 20 1795
(Oct.)First Impressions begun(finished Aug.1797) 21 1796
(Nov.)Sense and Sensibility begun.First Impressions unsuccess-fully offered to Cadell 22 1797
/8 Northanger Abbey(Susan)written.Sold to Crosby & Co. in 1803 1797
Austens settle in Bath 26 1801
George Austen dies.The Watsons and Lady Susan(R.W.Chapman's dating)written about this time 30 1805
Austens leave Bath for Clifton with'happy feelings of escape',and visit Adlestrop and Stoneleigh 31 1806
(Mar.)Austens settle in at Castle Square,Southampton 32 1807
Austens move to Chawton,Hants(owned by Jane's brother Edward) 34 1809
Mansfield Park begun(Feb.).Sense and Sensibility published(Nov.) 36 1811
(Nov.)Pride and Prejudice sold to Egerton 37 1812
(Jan.)Pride and Prejudice published(Nov.)second editions of this and Sense and Sensibility 38 1813
(21 Jan.)Emma begun(finished 29 Mar.1815)(May)Mansfield Park published by Egerton 39 1814
(?Summer)Persuasion begun(finished August 1816)(Dec.)Emma published by John Murray.Raison et Sensibilite...traduit librement...par Mme Isabelle de Montolieu(Paris;reprinted 1828) 40 1815
Mansfield Park,second edition.Le Parc de Mansfield and Le Nouvelle Emma(Paris) 41 1816
(Jan.-Mar.)J.A.writes Sanditon(18 July)J.A.dies at Winchester;buried in the Cathedral (?Dec.)Northanger Abbey:and Persuasion published by Murray 42 1817