
  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:姚云桥主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1993
  • ISBN:7313011539
  • 页数:432 页

结构篇 1

Chapter Quiz 1

1.2 合成名词的复数形式 3

1 名词 3

1.1 复合形容词中的名词的数 3

1.4 常见的不可数名词 4

1.3 集合成名词+单数或数数动词 4

1.7 双重所有格 5

1.5 名词化的形容词的数 5

1.6 合成词的所有格 5

1.8 mathematics等词作学科名词时都作单数用 6

1.11 majority和most的区别 7

1.9 常用的单、复数含义不同的名词 7

1.10 all+抽象名词或抽象名词+itself的含义 7

1.12 由两个部分成双组成和名词通常用复数 8

1.14 a large amount of,a great deal of和a number of的区别 9

1.13 the amount of和the mumber of的区别 9

2.1 易错易混限定词 13

2 限定词 13

2.2 限定词的顺序 14

Chapter Quiz2 15

2.3 限定词在使用中的几种例外情况 15

3.2 as well as/with/accompanied by/along with 19

3.1 either…or和neither…nor 19

3 主语和谓语的一致 19

3.6 分数/百分比+of+名词 20

3.5 none的用法 20

3.3 each/either/neither+of+名词 20

3.4 many a+名词 20

3.8 作主语的关系代词 21

3.7 表示时间、距离、金钱等词组作主语时动词的数 21

Chapter Quiz3 22

4.1 几个形容词修饰一个名词时的词序 25

4 形容词和副词 25

4.3 由hyphen连接的复合形容词中名词要用单数 26

4.2 以a-开头的形容词只能作表语 26

4.4 某些以-ly结尾的是形容词 27

17.62 tame,adopt,feed,breed 28

4.6 worth,worhty,worthwhile的用法 28

4.5 given作为形容词的用法 28

4.8 kind和kinely的用法 29

4.7 contnual和continuous的用法 29

4.9 certain和sure的用法 30

4.11 economic和economical 31

4.10 be likely…的两种用法 31

4.13 “the+形容词”的用法 32

4.12 electric,electrical和electronic的区别 32

20.1 absence fron 33

4.14 形容词的不同反义词 33

4.15 such…as的用法 34

4.16 It is+adj.for sb./sth.to do和It is+adj.lf sb./sth.to do 35

4.17 so+形容词(副词)+that的用法 36

4.18 “such+形容词+名词+that”的用法 36

4.19 not so much…as和wothout’so much as 36

4.20 no more…than的用法 36

4.21 no less…than的用法 37

4.22 be busy(in)doing和be busy with 38

4.23 不能用比较级的形容词 38

4.24 用介词to引出比较对象的形容词 39

4.25 要求跟不定式的形容词 39

4.26 三种要求形容词作表语的系动词 40

4.27 half作副词的用法 41

4.28 badly表示程度的用法 41

4.29 enough在句中的位置 42

4.30 yet和still比较 42

4.31 already和yet的区别 43

4.32 outdoor和outdoors的区别 43

4.33 all together和altogether 44

4.34 some time,sometime和sometimes 44

4.35 hard和hardly 45

4.36 all too的用法 45

4.37 that相当于so 45

4.38 so和such 46

4.39 不定冠词a和an在比较级结构中的词序位置 46

4.40 also,too和as well在句的位置 47

4.41 程序副词在“名词限定词+形容词+名词”结构中的位置 47

4.42 与“系词+形容词(表语)”结构连用的程序副词 49

4.43 ever的用法 50

4.44 if ever的用法 50

4.45 ever so和ever such 51

4.46 anything but,nothing but和all but 51

4.47 something of和noghing of 52

4.48 几个不用介词开头的时间状语 52

4.49 两个或多个状语同时修饰时的顺序 53

Chapter Quiz4 53

5 动词 62

5.1 agree with,agree to和agree on/upon 62

5.2 consist of和consist in 62

5.3 repair和mend 63

5.4 affect和effect 63

5.5 keep dong sth和keep on doing sth比较 64

5.6 keep sb doing sth和keep sb done的区别 64

5.7 cant not…too…/can never…too…的用法 65

5.8 do作为代词的用法 65

5.9 let alone…和let…alone的区别 65

5.10 从seize…by the…说开去 66

5.11 lack也可作作及物动词 67

5.12 occur和take place的区别 67

5.13 insist on和persist in 67

5.14 be of用法 68

5.15 be+完成时态不定式的用法 68

5.16 used to的几种不同用法 69

5.17 used to和would的区别 69

5.18 excuse sb for…;forgive sb sth和apologise to sb for sth的区别 70

5.19 go on to do,go on doing和go on with的区别 70

5.20 Let’s和Let us的区别 71

5.21 uerb+疑问词=让步句 72

5.22 “why not+原形动词”表示建议 72

5.23 “动词命令式+and”和“动词命令式+or”表示条件 73

5.24 lie和lay 73

5.25 rise,raise和arise 74

5.26 afraid of和afraod to 74

5.27 care for,care about和care to 75

5.28 sorry for和sorry about 75

5.29 feel like的两种含义 76

5.30 can do with的用法 76

5.31 使役动词后的宾语补语 77

5.32 感官动词后接原形动词和现在分词的区别 77

5.33 begin,start和commence 78

5.34 substitute和replace的区别 78

5.35 see(to it)that的用法 79

5.36 be supposed to的用法 79

5.37 哪些动词通常不能用进行时态 79

5.38 带by the time…的句子中谓语动词的用法 80

5.39 时间状语从句和条件状语从句中谓语动词的状态 80

5.40 不能与for,since连用的表示完成时态的动词 81

5.41 thank和appreciate 82

5.42 be+形容词后从句的时态 82

5.43 定语从句和主句的时态一致 82

5.44 将来进行时的一种惯用法 83

5.45 某些起始动词用于表示不久将要做的事 84

5.46 begin用于进行时态的含义 84

5.47 不宜用被动语态的某些及物动词 85

Chapter Quiz5 85

6 情态动词 96

6.1 should,may,might,can,could 96

6.2 情态动词和不定式符号to 97

6.3 need作为情态动词和实意动词的区别 97

6.4 dare的两种用法 98

6.5 ought to的用法 99

6.6 mustn’t和needn’t不同 99

6.7 一些情态动词+完成时态 99

6.8 would like和should like的用法 100

6.9 had better+原形动词的用法 101

6.10 cannot but的用法 101

6.11 may as well和might as well 101

6.12 I dare say的用法 101

6.13 shuld用于第一人称时的委婉含义 102

6.14 情态动词should用在if引导的条件从句中的含意 103

6.15 Why+should的含意 103

Chapter Quiz6 103

7 虚拟语气 110

7.1 had hoped后从句中的虚拟语气 110

7.2 would rather和had rather+从句的用法 110

7.3 would as soon相当于would rather 110

7.4 would rather和wpuld sonner+原形动词的用法 111

7.5 It’s time后从句中的虚拟语气 111

7.6 wish+宾语从句中的虚拟语气 112

7.7 hope和wish后跟宾语从句的区别 113

7.8 I would=I wish 113

7.9 以if,if only表示愿望的假设 113

7.10 advise等动词后宾语从句中的虚拟语气 114

7.11 advice等名词后主语、表语、或同位语从句中的虚拟语气 114

7.12 It is essential that…结构中的虚拟语气 115

7.13 省去if的条件从句 116

7.14 as if(as though)方式状语从句中的虚拟语气 116

7.15 but for+名词结构中的虚拟假设 117

7.16 lest的用法 117

7.17 whether引导的虚拟让步从句中的谓语形式 118

7.18 意同if的其他假设连词 118

7.19 but that的用法 119

7.20 错综时间条件句 119

Chapter Quiz7 120

8 非谓语动词 128

8.1 要求后接不定式的动词 128

8.2 不定式做表语可以省略to 129

8.3 not to speak of和not to say 129

8.4 分裂不定式 130

8.5 “独立不定式+句子”的结构 130

8.6 不定式的省略式 131

8.7 用had better在等后的不定式 131

8.8 “动词+名词(或代词)+不定式”的结构 132

8.9 不定式的否定式 133

8.10 在save,except,than后的不定式 133

8.11 用在too…to,so as to,so…as to,only to,enough to结构中的不定式 133

8.12 不定式作定语和它所修饰的名词间的三种不同关系 134

8.13 不及物动词不定式作定语时,后面要带介词 134

8.14 不定式作定语替换定语从句的条件 135

Chapter Quiz8-8 135

8.15 要求后接动名词的动词 138

8.16 用动名词作宾语的常用动词短语 139

8.17 动名词的几个常用惯用语 139

8.18 need,requrie,want等动词后的主动态名词具有被动意义 140

8.19 Prefer后接不定式或动名词的区别 141

8.20 remember后接动名词或不定式的区别 141

8.21 forget后接动名词或不定式的区别 142

8.22 regret后接动名词或不定式的区别 142

8.23 stop后接动名词或不定式的区别 142

8.24 try后接动名词或不定式的区别 143

8.25 mean后接动名词或不定式的区别 143

8.26 want后接动名词或不定式的区别 144

8.27 cease后接动名词或不定式的区别 144

Chapter Quiz8-2 145

8.28 分词独立结构 149

8.29 thus+分词作结果状语 150

8.30 现在分词短语条件状语的用法 150

8.31 作状语用的分词短语可以和若干连接词连用 151

8.32 易混淆的现在分词的过去分词 151

8.33 要求分词作宾补的动词 152

8.34 在see等感觉动词后接现在分词或不定式构成复合宾语的区别 153

8.35 单个分词作定语的位置 153

Chapter Quiz8-3 154

9 介词 157

9.1 as folloews的用法 157

9.2 for all,with all含有让步意义 157

9.3 on the morning还是in the moring 158

9.4 表示时间终点的till和by有何区别 158

9.5 in front of和in the front of的区别 159

9.6 despite和in spite of 159

9.7 except的4种用法 160

9.8 besides,except和but的异同 161

9.9 as和like比较 162

9.10 on time和in time 162

9.11 before long和long before 163

9.12 几个表示原因和理由的介词和区别 163

9.13 beneath,under,below的区别 164

9.14 in case的用法 165

9.15 in a way,in the way,on the way 166

9.16 in the end和at the end 167

9.17 三个表示“方法与手段”的介词by,with,throuah的比较 167

9.18 表示时间范围的介词in,within,after 168

Chapter Quiz9 168

10 连接手段和从属句 175

10.1 as if/as though有时后面可接不定式 175

10.2 in that相当于because 175

10.3 what可用as代替 176

10.4 一种表示让步意义的虚拟倒装句 176

10.5 in the event of…的用法 176

10.6 provided和providing 177

10.7 seeing that和seeing的用法 177

10.8 now that的用法 177

10.9 such being the case作让步状语用 178

10.10 regardless of的用法 178

10.11 in ivew of的用法 178

10.12 the moment的用法 179

10.13 unless的用法 179

10.14 引导名词从句的whether和if区别 179

10.15 whether引导的上步区别 180

10.16 becaues与for的比较 181

10.17 for引导的原因句不能和not,but的连用 181

10.18 because of,due to和owing to的用法 182

10.19 doubt后面的连接词 182

10.20 rather than的两种用法 183

10.21 同位语从句的连接词 183

10.22 代替整个主句的as 184

10.23 as…as和so…so 184

10.24 that作为关系代词的一种特殊用法 185

10.25 并列成分的对等 185

10.26 whoever的用法 186

10.27 wherever,whenever和however的用法 186

Chapter Quiz10 187

11 反意问句 195

11.1 arent’t的一种特殊用法 195

11.2 wish作陈述句谓语时的反意问句 195

11.3 have to作陈述句谓语时的两种反意问句 195

11.4 haev作为陈述句中实意动词时的反意问句 196

11.5 ought to作为陈述句的谓语动词时的反意问句 196

11.6 祈使句Let’s后的反意问句 196

11.7 第二人称祈使句的反意问句 196

11.8 感叹句的反意问句 197

11.9 everybody作陈述句主语时,反意问句的主语要用they指代 197

11.10 used to作陈述句谓语时的反意问句 197

11.11 dare等词作为陈述句助动词时的反意问句 197

11.12 陈述句含有否定词时的反意问句 198

11.13 陈述句部分为主从复合句时的反意问句 198

11.14 反意问句的谓语动词根据复合句中的从句谓语动词来定 199

Chapter Quiz11 199

12 倒装 203

12.1 倒装结构的含义 203

12.2 倒装结构的使用 203

12.3 疑问句多用倒装语序 204

12.4 在“there be”结构中的倒装 205

12.5 here,there,then,now等词置于句首时的倒装 205

12.6 在以so,nor,neither等开头的陈述句中的倒装 206

12.7 在虚拟条件句中省略if的倒装 206

12.8 让步状语从句的倒装 207

12.9 在某些祝愿句与惊叹句中的倒装 207

12.10 直接引语中间或后面的插入语的倒装 207

12.11 以含有否定意义的词开头的句子的倒装 208

12.12 “only+状语”置于句首时的倒装 209

12.13 由于结构匀称需要而引起的语序倒装 209

12.14 使语言生动而引起的语序倒装 210

Chapter Quiz12 210

13 省略 217

13.1 省略的意义 217

13.2 主语的省略 218

13.3 由and,but或or连接的并列句子中的省略 218

13.4 常见于口语中的主谓语省略 219

13.5 若干从句中的省略 220

13.6 在so/such…that句型中的省略 220

13.7 比较状语从句中的省略 221

13.8 as…as…句型中的省略 222

13.9 由than,as引导的从句中的省略 222

13.10 由as,as if引导的从句中的省略 222

13.11 “the+比较级…,the+比较级”中的省略 223

13.12 that在一些从句中的省略 223

13.13 在定语从句中作宾语用的关系代词的省略 224

13.14 冠词的省略 224

Chapter Quiz13 225

14 强调句 228

14.1 强调句型It is…that/who 228

14.2 强调句型It was not until…that 228

14.3 用do强调谓语 229

14.4 用very,only,certainly,of course,to be sure等词语以加强语气 229

Chapter Quiz14 230

15 否定 233

15.1 否定的表示法 233

15.2 部分否定 236

15.3 双重否定 236

15.4 强意否定 237

15.5 多项否定 238

Chapter Quiz15 238

16 插入语 245

16.1 副词作插入语 245

16.2 形容词词组作插入语 245

16.3 介词词组作插入语 246

16.4 分词短语作插入语 246

16.5 不定式短语作插入语 246

16.6 表示强调语气的词组作插入语 247

16.7 由短句组成的插入语 247

16.8 起注释作用的插入语 248

Chapter Quiz16 248

词汇篇 251

17 同义词和近义词 253

17.1 abandon,desert,forsake,give up 253

17.2 ability,capability,capacity,talent 253

17.3 accident,enent,incident,occurrence 254

17.4 acknowledge,admit,confess 254

17.5 acquire,get,obtain,gain,attain 255

17.6 actual,genuine ,real,true 255

17.7 adequate,ample,enough,sufficient 256

17.8 advantage,benefit,interest,profit 257

17.9 agree,approve,comply,conaent 257

17.10 announce,declare,proclaim 258

17.11 apparent,clear,distinct,evident,obvious,plain 258

17.12 arise,rise,raise,get up 259

17.13 assume,presume,suppose 259

17.14 attempt,endeavor,try 260

17.15 attract,absorb,concentrate,draw 260

17.16 bear,endure,stand,tolerate 261

17.17 available,acceptable,applicable,advisable 262

17.18 blame,condemn,repocah,scold 262

17.19 be composed of,comprise,consist of,be made of/up of 263

17.20 constant,continual,continuous,successive 263

17.21 convince,persuade 264

17.22 cost,expend,spend,take 264

17.23 cry,call,exclaim,roar,scream,shout 265

17.24 damage,destroy,harm,ruin,spoil,wreck 265

17.25 declin,lesson,reduce,rdject 266

17.26 decrease,lesson,reduce 267

17.27 defend,guard,protect,safeguard,shield 267

17.28 desire,hope,long,wish 268

17.29 display,exhibiy,expose,reveal,disclose 268

17.30 doubt,supspect 269

17.31 especial,special,particular,extraordinary,unique 269

17.32 follow,chase,hunt,pursue 270

17.33 foolish,absurd,ridiculous,silly,stupid 270

17.34 gap,length,intervel,distance 271

17.35 grant,give,entitle,provide,offer 272

17.36 guilt,penalty,crime,sentence 272

17.37 heppen,occur,take,place 273

17.38 hurt,injure,wound 274

17.39 interfere,interrupt 274

17.40 more,remove,shift,transfer 275

17.41 plunge,instert,thrust,pitch 275

17.42 precise,definite,exact,accurate 276

17.43 profession,occupation,position,career 277

17.44 prohibit,forbid 277

17.45 promote,improve,develop,increase 278

17.46 range,extent,scope 278

17.47 regular,average,normal,ordinary,common,usual 279

17.48 replace,substisute 279

17.49 result,fruit,end,conclusion,effect 280

17.50 rude,crude,rough,coarse 281

17.51 rescue,release,save,liberate 281

17.52 rival,partner,companion,company 282

17.53 send,daliver,ship,transmit 282

17.54 shake,quiver,shiver,tramble 283

17.55 sign,signal,symbol,symptom 283

17.56 situate,locate,spot,place 284

17.57 smash,crush,crash,break 285

17.58 spot,stain,mark,pollute 285

17.59 step,pace,speed,rate 286

17.60 sustain,maintain,persist,insist 286

17.61 switch,transfer,change,alter 287

17.63 temper,mood,passion,mind 288

17.65 trouble,disturb,distract,bother 289

17.64 tragedy,disaster,misfortune,hazard 289

17.67 unrel,unnatural,false,artificial 290

17.66 trust,loyalty,faith 290

17.68 valid,fruitful,effective,benericial 291

17.70 vision,view,sight,look 292

17.69 vigorous,forceful,strong,powerful 292

Chapter Quiz17 293

18.1 ccount,accountant,accountancy,accounting,accountable 301

18 同族词 301

18.3 alive,live,lively,living 302

18.2 act,action,active,activity,acting 302

18.4 alternate,alternative,alteration 303

18.6 assuer,ensure,insure,secure 304

18.5 ashamed,shameful 304

18.9 critic,critirize,critical,criticism 305

18.7 confident,confidential 305

18.8 consider,considerable,considerate 305

18.10 dead,deadly,dying,deathly 306

18.12 economic,economical,economy,economics 307

18.11 discount,uncounted,uncountable,countless 307

18.14 historic,historical 308

18.13 emerge,emergence,egergency,emergent 308

18.16 immigrate,emigrate,migrate,emigiant 309

18.15 imaging,imaginary,imaginable,imaginative 309

18.18 late,later,latter,lately,latest 310

18.17 industrial,industrious 310

19.27 result,insult,consult 311

18.19 like,alike,likely 311

18.20 lonely,alone 311

18.21 physics,physical,physicisy,physician 312

18.22 popular,population,popularity 312

18.23 respect,respectful,respectable,respective 313

18.24 residence,residency,resident,residential 313

18.25 resist,resistant,resistable(resistible),resistance,resistive 314

18.26 repond,correspond,correspondence,corresponding,response,responsive,responsible,responsiblity 314

18.27 sensible,sensitive 315

18.28 succeed,success,succcessful,succession,successive 316

18.29 vary,various,variety,variable 316

18.30 worth,worthy,worthwhile,worthless 317

Chapter Quiz18 317

19 近形异义词 321

19.1 assess,excess 321

19.2 adopt,adapt 321

19.3 affect,effect 322

19.4 altitude,attitude,gratitude 322

19.5 attribute,contribute,distribute 322

19.6 coach,couch,crouch,crutch 323

19.7 confirm,confrm 323

19.8 conscious,conscientious,conscience 323

19.9 conserve,preserve,reserve,reverse 324

19.10 contract,contract,contrary 324

19.11 content,contest,context,contact,consent 325

19.12 council,counsel 326

19.13 effective,effivient 326

19.14 expect,except,accept,aspect 326

19.15 exposure,expansion,extension 327

19.16 extensive,expansive,expensive 327

19.17 fair,fare,flare,flair 328

19.18 favout,flavour,favourite,favourable 328

19.19 glance,glimpse,glare,gleam 329

19.20 inquire,require,acquire 329

19.21 irrigate,irritate 329

19.22 mature,manure,mutual,manual 330

19.23 precede,proceed 330

19.24 present,prevent,pretend 330

19.25 principle,principal 331

19.26 reign,design,assign 331

19.29 reward,award 332

19.28 restrain,retain,retail 332

19.32 tempt,attempt,contempt 333

19.30 shriek,shrink,wrinkle,sprinkle 333

19.31 stack,stock,stick 333

19.34 vain,vein,veil 334

19.33 transform,transrer,transport,transmit 334

Chapter Quiz19 335

19.35 vanish,varnish 335

20 名词词组 339

20.4 ambition for 340

20.5 answer to 340

20.2 access to 340

20.3 acquaintance with 340

20.8 authority on/over 341

20.7 attitude to/toward 341

20.6 approach to 341

20.11 congratulation on 342

20.10 confidence in 342

20.9 common with 342

20.15 difficulty in 343

20.14 devotion to 343

20.12 consideration for 343

20.13 contempt for 343

20.18 distinction between 344

20.17 dissatisfactinon with/at 344

20.16 dependence on/upon 344

20.21 exposure of 345

20.20 exception to 345

20.19 effect on 345

20.24 indiffenence to 346

20.23 impression of 346

20.22 hundreds of 346

20.27 intention of 347

20.26 insight into 347

20.25 influence on/upon 347

20.30 limit to/of 348

20.29 lecture on 348

20.28 judg(e)ment on 348

20.33 objection to 349

20.32 need for/of 349

20.31 means of 349

20.36 ratio to 350

20.35 pride in 350

20.34 preference for 350

20.39 requirement for 351

20.38 remark on/about 351

20.37 ralation to/with 351

20.42 solutin to 352

20.41 shelter from 352

20.40 search for 352

20.45 sympathy for/with 353

20.44 success in 353

20.43 stress on 353

Chapter Quiz20 354

20.46 thirst for 354

21.2 accustomed to 357

21.1 abundent in 357

21 形容词词组 357

21.6 ashamed of 358

21.5 anxious about/for 358

21.3 ambitious of/for 358

21.4 angry with/at 358

21.7 busy with 359

21.10 certain of 360

21.9 cautious of 360

21.8 capable of 360

21.13 consistent with 361

21.12 conscious of 361

21.11 characteristic of 361

21.15 contiary to 362

21.14 content with 362

21.18 enough for 363

21.17 deficient in 363

21.16 curious about 363

21.21 familiar with/to 364

21.20 essential to 364

21.19 equal to 364

21.24 identical to 365

21.23 guilty of 365

21.22 free fiom/of 365

21.26 iniapensible to/for 366

21.25 independent of 366

21.29 parallel to 367

21.28 jealous of 367

21.27 inferior to 367

21.32 previous to 368

21.31 preferable about 368

21.30 particular about 368

21.34 responsible for 369

21.33 proportional to 369

21.37 short of 370

21.36 similer to 370

21.35 sensitive to 370

21.39 subject to 371

21.38 strict with 371

21.42 typical of 372

21.41 sufficient for 372

21.40 subordinate to 372

Chapter Quiz22 373

21.43 worthy of 373

22.1二词动词 377

22 动词词组 377

22.2 三词动词 386

22.3 常用英语动词词组 388

Chapter Quiz22-1 399

Chapter Quiz22-2 420

Answer Key 425