《人体管道铸型彩色图鉴 中英文本》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李忠华,原林主编
  • 出 版 社:广州:广东科技出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7535926177
  • 页数:191 页

第一章 上肢 Chapter 1 Upper Limb 3

图1 上肢动脉铸型(前面观)Arterial cast of upper limb(Anterior aspect) 3

图2 带骨骼的上肢血管铸型 Vascular cast of upper limb with bones 4

图3 肩部血管铸型 Vascular cast of shoulder 5

图4 肩部及上臂的血管铸型(前面观、后面观)Vascular cast of the superior arm and shoulder (Anterior aspect,Posterior aspect) 6

图5 肘关节的动脉铸型(后面观)Arteral cast of elbow joint (Posterior aspect) 7

图6 肘关节的动脉铸型(前内侧观、前面观)Arterial cast of the elbow joint (Internal anterior aspect,Anterior aspect) 8

图7 前臂和手部动脉铸型(背面观)Arterial cast of forearm and hand(Dorsal aspect) 9

图8 前臂及手部血管铸型(前面观、背面观1)Vascular cast of forearm and hand (Anterior aspect,Dorsal aspect 1) 10

图9 前臂及手部血管铸型(前面观、背面观2)Vascular cast of forearm and hand (Anterior aspect,Dorsal aspect 2) 11

图10 前臂及手部血管铸型(前面观、背面观3)Vascular cast of forearm and hand (Anterior aspect,Dorsal aspect 3) 12

图11 前臂及手部血管铸型(前面观、背面观4)Vascular cast of forearm and hand (Anterior aspect,Dorsal aspect 4) 13

图12 前臂和手部动脉铸型(前面观1)Arterial cast of forearm and hand (Anterior aspect 1) 14

图13 前臂及手部动脉铸型(前面观2)Arterial cast of forearm and hand (Anterior aspect 2) 15

图14 手部血管铸型(前面观)Vascular cast of hand (Anterior aspect) 16

图15 手部血管铸型(前面观)Vascular cast of hand (Dorsal aspect) 17

图16 手部血管铸型(前面观、背面观1)Vascular cast of hand (Anterior aspect,Dorsal aspect 1) 18

图17 手部血管铸型(前面观、背面观2)Vascular cast of hand (Anterior aspect,Dorsal aspect 2) 19

图18 手部动脉铸型(前面观)Arterial cast of hand (Anterior aspect) 20

图19 手部动脉铸型(背面观)Arterial cast of hand (Dorsal aspect) 21

图20 手部动脉铸型(前面观、背面观)Arterial cast of hand (Anterior aspect,Dorsal aspect) 22

图21 掌浅弓的变异 Variability of superficial palmar arches 23

图22 手血管铸型(掌侧观、背侧观)Vascular cast of hand (Palmar aspect,Dorsal aspect) 24

图23 食指、中指血管铸型(局部放大、前面观)Vascular cast of index and middle finger (Local magnified,Anterlor aspect) 25

图24 中指和环指血管铸型(局部放大、背侧观)Vascular cast of middle and ring fingers (Local magnified,Dorsal aspect) 26

图25 手指血管铸型(局部放大、背侧观)Vascular cast of fingers (Local magnified,Dorsal aspect) 27

图26 拇指血管铸型(背侧观)Vascular cast of thumb (Dorsal aspect) 28

第二章 下肢 Chapter II Lower Limb 31

图27 下肢动脉铸型(整体观)Arterial cast of lower limb (A Whole aspect) 31

图28 股部动脉铸型(前面观、后面观)Arterial cast of the thigh (Anterior aspect, Posterior aspect) 32

图29 膝关节动脉铸型(后面观)Arterial cast of knee joint (Posterior aspect) 33

图30 膝关节动脉铸型(内侧观、外侧观)Arterial cast of knee joint (Internal aspect,Lateral aspect) 34

图31 小腿动脉铸型(内侧观、外侧观、后面观)Arterial cast of the leg(Internal aspect,Lateral sapect,Posterior aspect) 35

图32 小腿及足部动脉铸型(外侧观)Arterial cast of the leg and foot(Lateral aspect) 36

图34 小腿和足部血管铸型(内侧观、外侧观)Vascular cast of foot and leg (Internal aspect,Lateral aspect) 37

图33 小腿及足动脉铸型(内侧观)Arterial cast of the leg and foot(Internal aspect) 37

图35 足部动脉铸型(内侧观、外侧观)Arterial cast of foot(Internal aspect,Lateral aspect) 38

图36 足部动脉铸型(底内侧观、背外侧观)Arteral cast of foot (Inferior-internal aspect Superior-lateral aspect) 39

图37 足部动脉铸型(足底观1)Arterial cast of foot (Inferior aspect 1) 40

图38 足部动脉铸型(足底观2)Arterial cast of foot (Inferior aspect2) 41

图39 足部动脉铸型(足背观1)Arterial cast of foot (Superior aspect 1) 42

图40 足部动脉铸型(足背观2)Arterial cast of foot (Superior aspect 2) 43

图41 足部动脉铸型(内侧观、外侧观)Arterial cast of foot (Internal aspect,Lateral aspect) 44

图42 足部动脉铸型(后面观)Arterial cast of foot (Posterior aspect) 45

图43 足部动脉铸型(左足内侧观、左足背外侧观)Arterial cast of foot(Internal inferior aspect,Latcral superior aspect) 46

图44 足部动脉铸型(背面观)Arterial cast of foot (Superior aspect) 47

图45 足部血管铸型(外面观、内面观)Vascular cast of foot (Lateral aspect,Internal aspect) 48

图46 足部血管铸型(足背观)Vascular cast of foot (Superior aspect) 49

图47 股骨内的动脉铸型 Arteral cast of interior of the femur 50

图48 头颈部血管铸型(侧面观1)Vascular cast of the head and neck (Lateral aspect 1) 53

第三章 头颈部 Chapter III Head and Neck 53

图49 头颈部血管铸型(侧面观 2)Vascular cast of the head and neck (Lateral aspect 2) 54

图50 头颈部血管铸型(侧面 3)Vascular cast of the head and neck (Lateral aspect 3) 55

图51 头颈部血管型(侧面 4)Vascular cast of the head and neck (Lateral aspect 4) 56

图52 头颈部血管铸型(前面观)Vascular cast of the head and neck (Lateral aspect) 57

图53 头颈部血管铸型(后面观)Vascular cast of the head and neck (Posterior aspect) 58

图54 头颈部血管铸型(下面观)Vascular cast of the head and neck (Inferior aspect) 59

图55 头颈部血管铸型(侧面观)Vascular cast of the head and neck (Lateral aspect) 60

图56 头颈部静脉铸型(侧面观)Venous cast of the head and neck (Lateral aspect) 61

图57 头部血管铸型(颅顶观)Vascular cast of the head(Epicranial aspect) 62

图58 头部动脉铸型(前面观、颅顶观)Arterial cast of the head (Anterior aspect,Epicranial aspect) 63

图60 颅内外动脉吻合术有关的血管 Blood vessels related to the endocranid extracranial anastomosis 64

图59 头部血管铸型Vascular cast of the head 64

图61 脑静脉铸型(背外侧面观)Venous cast of the brain(Dorsal lateral aspect) 65

图62 脑静脉铸型(后面观、背外侧面观)Venous cast of the brain (Posterior aspect,Dorsal lateral aspect) 66

图63 板障静脉铸型 Cast of the diploic veins 67

图64 板障静脉铸型(颅顶观)Cast of the diploic veins(Epicranial aspect) 68

图65 上颌骨的动脉铸型 Arterial cast of tne maxilla 69

图66 下牙槽动脉铸型 Cast of inferior alveolar artery 69

图67 鼻腔和口腔的动脉铸型 Arterial cast of nasal cavity and oral cavity 70

图68 颌面部动脉铸型 Arterial cast of the jaw and face 71

图69 舌的动脉铸型(上面观)Arerial cast of the tongue(Superior aspect) 72

图70 口腔底的动脉铸型(下面观)Arterial cast of the base of oral cavity(Inferior aspect) 72

图72 脑垂体的动脉 Arteries of the Pituitary body 73

图71 眶部血管铸型 Vascular cast of the oubit 73

图73 上颌和眶部血管铸型(同一标本) Vascular cast of the maxilla and orbit(same specimen) 74

图74 脑动脉分色铸型(脑底观、侧面观)Arterial cast of the brain(Basis encephalic aspect,Lateral aspect) 75

图75 脑室铸型Cast of the ventriclcs 76

图76 腮腺管道系铸型 Cast of the parotid ducts 76

图77 左内耳铸型(后面观)Cast of the left internal ear (Posterior aspect) 77

图78 泪道(左侧) lacrimal passage (Left) 78

第四章 脊柱 Chapter IV Spine 81

图79 颈椎血管铸型(左侧观)Vascular cast of the cervical vertebrae (Left Lateral aspect) 81

图80 颈椎血管铸型(右侧观)Vascular cast of the cervical vertebrae (Right lateral aspect) 82

图81 上部胸椎血管铸型(右侧观)Vascular cast of the superior thoracie vertebrae (Right lateral aspect) 83

图82 上部胸椎血管铸型(左侧观)Vascular cast of the superior theoracie vertebrae (Left lateral aspect) 84

图83 颈椎外静脉丛(后面观)External cervical vertebral venous plexuses (Posterior aspect) 85

图84 颈椎静脉丛(后面观)Cervical vertebrae venous plexuses(Posterior aspect) 86

图85 颈椎静脉铸型(右侧观)Venous cast of the cervical vertebrae(Right lateral aspect) 86

图86 下部胸椎和腰椎血管铸型(后面观)Vascular cast of the inferior thoracic vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae (Posterior aspect) 87

图87 下部胸椎和腰血管铸型(侧面观)Vascular cast of the inferior thoracic vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae (Lateral aspect) 88

图88 胸、腰椎血管铸型(前面观)Vascular cast of the thoracic vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae (Anterior aspect) 89

图89 脊柱和脊髓的血管(前面观)Blood vessel of the spine and spinal cord (Anterior aspect) 90

图90 腰、骶椎动脉铸型(后面观)Arterial cast of the lumbar vertebrae and sacrum (Posterior aspect) 91

图91 腰、骶椎血管铸型(前面观)Vascular cast of the lumbar vertebrae and sacrum (Anterior aspect) 92

图92 骶椎的血管铸型(前面观)Vascular cast of the sacrum(Anterior aspect) 93

图93 骶椎的血管铸型(后面观)Vascular cast of the sacrum (Posterior aspect) 94

图94 盆部动脉铸型(前面观)Arterial cast of the pelvis (Anterior aspect) 97

第五章 盆部和盆腔脏器Chapter V Pelvis and pelvic Organs 97

图95 盆部动脉铸型(右侧前面观)Arterial cast of the pelvis (Right,Anterior aspect) 98

图96 盆部动脉铸型(右侧后面观)Arterial cast of the pelvis (Right,Posterior aspect) 99

图97 盆壁血管铸型(左侧观)Vascular cast of the pelvic wall(Left Lateral aspect) 100

图98 女性盆部动脉铸型(前面观)Arterial cast of the female pelvis(Anterior aspect) 101

图99 女性盆部血管铸型(前面观)Vascular cast of the female pelvis(Anterior aspect) 102

图100 男性盆部血管铸型(前面观)Vascular cast of the male pelvis(Anterior aspect) 103

图101 男性盆部血管铸型Vascular cast of male pelvis 104

图102 直肠静脉丛铸型(前观观、后面观、侧面观)Cast of the rectal venous plexuses(Anterior aspect,Posterior aspect,Lateral aspect) 105

图103 胎盘的血管铸型(胎儿面观、母体面观)Vascular cast of the placenta(Fctal surface,Maternal surface) 106

第六章 胸部脏器 Chapter VI Thoracic Organs 109

图104 心的动脉铸型(前面观)Arterial cast of the heart(Anterior aspect) 109

图105 心血管铸型(前面观1)Vascular cast of the heart (Anterior aspect 1) 110

图106 心血管铸型(前面观2)Vascular cast of the heart (Anterior aspect 2) 111

图107 心血管铸型(后面观)Vascular cast of the heart (Posterior aspect) 112

图108 心血管铸型(前面观、左侧观)Vascular cest of the heart(Anterior aspect,Left lateral aspect) 113

图109 心脏铸型(前面观1)Cast of the heart (Anterior aspect 1) 114

图110 心脏铸型(前面观2)Cast of the heart (Anterior aspect 2) 115

图111 心脏铸型(后面观)Cast of the heart (Posterior aspect) 116

图112 心脏铸型(左侧观)Cast of the heart (Left lateral aspect) 117

图113 心脏铸型(前面观、后面观)Cast of the heart (Anterior aspect,Posterior aspect) 118

图114 心静脉铸型(后面观)Venous cast of the heart (Posterior aspect) 119

图115 右支气管树铸型(前面观)Cast of the right bronchial trees(Anterior aspect) 120

图116 支气管树铸型(前面观)Cast of the bronchial trees(Anterior aspect) 121

图117 支气管树和支气管动脉铸型Cast of bronchial trees and bronchial arteries 122

图118 肺管道铸型(后面观)Canal cast of the lungs(Posterior aspect) 123

图119 肺管道铸型(前面观、后面观)Canal cast of the lungs(Anterior aspect,Posterior aspect) 124

图120 肺静脉铸型(前面观1)Cast of the pulmonary veins(Anterior aspect 1) 125

图121 肺静脉铸型(前面观2)Cast of the pulmonary veins(Anterior aspect2) 126

图122 肺静脉型(前面观、后面观)Cast of the pulmonary veins(Anterior aspect,Posterior aspect) 127

图123 肺管道铸型(前面观1)Canal cast of lungs(Anterior aspect 1) 128

图124 肺管道铸型(前面观2)Canal cast of lungs(Anterior aspect 2) 129

图125 肺管道铸型(前面观、后面观)Canal cast of lungs(Anterior aspect,Posterior aspect) 130

图126 左肺和心铸型(后面观)Cast of the left lung and heart(Posterior aspect) 131

图127 心肺联合铸型(前面观1)Cast of heart and lungs(Anterior aspect 1) 132

图128 心肺联合铸型(前面观2)Cast of heart and lungs(Anterior aspect 2) 133

图129 心肺联合铸型(前面观3)Cast of heart and lungs(Anterior aspect 3) 134

图130 心肺联合铸型(后面观1)Cast of heart and lungs(Posterior aspect 1) 135

图131 心肺联合铸型(后面观2)Cast of heart and lungs(Posterior aspect 2) 136

图132 心肺联合铸型(后面观3)Cast of heart and lungs(Posterior aspect 3) 137

图133 心肺联合铸型(后面观4)Cast of heart and lungs(Posterior aspect 4) 138

图134 心肺联合铸型(前面观、后面观1)Cast of heart and lungs(Anterior aspect,Posterior aspect 1) 139

图135 心肺联合铸型(前面观、后面观2)Cast of heart and lungs(Anterior aspect,Posterior aspect 2) 140

图136 心肺联合铸型(前面观、后面观3)Cast of heart and lungs(Anterior aspect,Posterior aspect 3) 141

图137 心肺联合铸型(前面观、后面观4)Cast of heart and lungs(Anterior aspect,Posterior aspect 4) 142

第七章 心肺肝联合铸型 Chapter VII Cast of heart,Lungs and Liver 145

图138 心肺肝联合铸型(前面观1)Cast of heart,lungs and liver(Anterior aspect 1) 145

图139 心肺肝联合铸型(前面观2)Cast of heart,lungs and liver(Anterior aspect 2) 146

图141 心肺肝联合铸型(前面观4)Cast of heart,lungs and liver(Anterior aspect 4) 147

图140 心肺肝联合铸型(前面观3)Cast of heart,lungs and liver(Anterior aspect 3) 147

图142 心肺肝联合铸型(前面观5)Cast of heart,lungs and liver(Anterior aspect 5) 148

图143 心肺肝联合铸型(后面观1)Cast of heart,lungs and liver(Posterior aspect 1) 149

图144 心肺肝联合铸型(后面观2)Cast of heart,lungs and liver(Posterior aspect 2) 150

图145 心肺肝联合铸型(后面观3)Cast of heart,lungs and liver(Posterior aspect 3) 151

图146 心肺肝联合铸型(后面观4)Cast of heart,lungs and liver(Posterior aspect 4) 152

图147 胸、腹腔脏器联合铸型(前面观)Cast of organs in the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity(Anterior aspect) 153

图148 胸、腹腔脏器联合铸型(后面观)Cast of organs in the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity(Posterior aspect) 154

第八章 腹部脏器 Chapter VII Abdominal Organs 157

图149 肝动脉铸型(下面型)Cast of the bepatic artery(Inferior aspect) 157

图150 肝动脉和胆道铸型(下面观)Cast of the hepatic artery and bile duct(Inferior aspect) 157

图151 肝动脉和胆道铸型(上面观、下面观)Cast of the bepatic artery and bile duct(Superior aspect,Inferior aspect) 158

图152 肝管道铸型(上面观、下面观1)Cast of the hepatic ducts(Superior aspect,Inferior aspect 1) 159

图153 肝管道铸型(上面观、下面观2)Cast of the hepatic ducts(Superior aspect,Inferior aspect 2) 160

图154 肝管道铸型(上面观、下面观3)Cast of the hepatic ducts(Superior aspect,Inferior aspect 3) 161

图155 肝管道铸型(上面观、下面观4)Cast of the hepatic ducts(Superior aspect,Inferior aspect 4) 162

图156 肝管道铸型(下面观)Cast of the hepatic ducts(Inferior aspect) 163

图157 门静脉分色铸型(上面观、下面观)Cast of the portal vein(Superior aspect,Inferior aspect? 164

图158 肝静脉分色铸型(上面观、下面观1)Cast of the hepatic vein(Superior aspect,Inferior aspect 1) 165

图159 肝静脉分色铸型(上面观、下面观2)Cast of the hepatic vein(Superior aspect,Inferior aspect 2) 166

图160 肝静脉分色铸型(上面观、下面观3)Cast of the hepatic vein(Superior aspect,Inferior aspect 3) 167

图161 肝段铸型(上面观)Cast of the hepatic segments(Superior aspect) 168

图162 肝段铸型(下面观1)Cast of the hepatic segments(Inferior aspect 1) 169

图163 肝段铸型(下面观2)Cast of the hepatic segments(Inferior aspect 2) 169

图165 肝静脉铸型(上面观)Cast of the hepatic vein(Superior aspect) 170

图164 肝管道铸型(下面观)Cast of the hepatic ducts(Inferior aspect) 170

图166 胆囊和胆囊动脉铸型Cast of the gallbladder and cystic artery 171

图167 胆囊和胆囊血管铸型Cast of the gallbladder and blood vessel of gallbladder 172

图168 肾盏、肾盂铸型(后面观1)Cast of the renal pelvis and renal calices(Posterior aspect 1) 173

图169 肾盏、肾盂铸型(后面观2)Cast of the renal pelvis and renal calices(Posterior aspect 2) 174

图170 肾铸型(前面观1)Cast of the kidney(Anerior aspect 1) 175

图171 肾铸型(前面观2)Cast of the kidney(Anerior aspect 2) 176

图172 肾铸型(前面观、后面1)Cast of the kidney(Anterior aspect,Posterior aspect 1) 177

图173 肾铸型(前面观、后面观2)Cast of the kidney(Anterior aspect,Posterior aspect 2) 178

图174 肾铸型(前面观、后面观3)Cast of the kidney(Anterior aspect,Posterior aspect 3) 179

图175 肾铸型(前面观、后面观4)Cast of the kidney(Anterior aspect,Posterior aspect 4) 180

图176 双侧肾铸型(前面观)Cast of double kidneys(Anterior aspect) 181

图177 双侧肾铸型(后面观)Cast of double kidneys(Posterior aspect) 182

图178 盲肠和阑尾的血管铸型(前面观)Vascular cast of the caecum and vermiform appendix(Anterior aspect) 183

图179 盲肠和阑尾的血管铸型(后面观)Vascular cast of the caecum and vermiform appendix(Posterior aspect) 184

图180 胰管铸型(前面观)Cast of the pancreatic duct(Anterior aspect) 185

图181 胰、脾动脉铸型(前面观)Arterial cast of the pancreas and spleen(Anterior aspect) 186

图182 胰、脾的动脉铸型(前面观1)Arterial cast of the pancreas and stomach(Anterior aspect 1) 187

图183 胰、胃的动脉铸型(前面观2)Arterial cast of the pancreas and stomach(Anterior aspect 2) 188

184 脾动脉铸型(前面观)Cast of the splenic artery(Anterior aspect) 188

图185 脾内血管铸型(前面观)Vascular cast of spleen(Anterior aspect) 189

图186 上腹部器官血管铸型(前面观)Vascular cast of the superior abdomina organs(Anterior aspect) 189

图187 上腹部器官血管铸型(后面观)Vascular cast of the superior abdomina organs(Posterior aspect) 190

附 小儿全身血管铸型概况(前面观)General situation of the child body arterial cast(Anterior aspect) 191