1.Patrick Henry Prepares Virginia for War Against the Mother Country(March 23,1775) 1
2.Daniel Webster Celebrates the American Heritage(August 2,1826) 11
3.Frederick Douglass,an Ex-Slave,Discusses Slavery(July 4,1854) 20
4.John Brown ExplainS a Mar tyr's Course(November 2,1859) 33
5.President Abraham Lineoln Delivers His First Inaugural Address(March 4,1861) 38
6.Edward Everett Delivers the Oration at the Dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg(November 19,1863) 46
7.President Abraham Lincoln Makes“A Few Appropriate Remarks”on the Same Occasion(November 19,1863) 51
8.President Abraham Lincoln Delivers His Second Inaugural Address(March 4,1865) 55
9.President Woodrow Wilson Asks Congress to Declare War Against Germany(April 69
2,1917)………………………………………………61 69
10.President Franklin Roosevelt Asks for a Declaration of War Against Japan(December 8,1941) 69
11.President John Fitzgerald Kennedy Delivers His Inaugural Address(January 20,1961) 74
12.Reverend Martin Luther King,Jr,Speaks to a Unique Audience(August 28,1963) 82
13.William Pitt Objects to Taxation Without Representation(January 14,1766) 91
14.Prime Minister Winston Churchill Presents His Program May 13,1940) 105
15.Prime Minister Winston Churchill Reports the Miracle of Dunkirk(June 4,1940) 111
16.Prime Minister Winston Churchill Anticipates the Battle of Britain(June 18,1940) 123