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  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:周学艺;刘皓明责任编辑
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1987
  • ISBN:9209·86
  • 页数:234 页

Contents 1

Unit One American Domestic Affairs(Ⅰ) 1

Lesson One:Lobbyists Out of Shadows Into The Spotlight(U.S.News World Report,February 25,1985) 1

Lesson Two:Graying Armies March to Defend Social Security(U.S.News World Report,April,29,1985) 12

Lesson Three:Busting the Mob(U.S.News World Report,February 3,1986) 19

Unit Two American Domestic Affairs(Ⅱ) 29

Lesson Four:The State of American Values(U.S.News World Report,December 9,1985) 29

Lesson Five:Furor Over Pentagon's“Revolving Door”(U.S.News World Report,April 29,1985) 43

Lesson Six:West Point Makes a Comeback(Time,November 4,1985) 51

Unit Three American Domestic Affairs(Ⅲ) 64

Lesson Seven:The Rich Get Richer and Elected(The New York Times,September 24,1985) 64

Lesson Eight:Dynasty needing a stronger cast(The Times,January 2,1986) 74

Lesson Nine:Four More Years(U.S.News World Report,November19,1984) 82

Lesson Ten:Now for Reaganism post-Reagan(The Economist,March 30,1985) 97

Unit Four American Domestic Affairs(Ⅳ) 107

Lesson Eleven:“Go Ahead—Make My Day”(Time,March 25,1985) 107

Lesson Twelve:A Battle Over Defen se(Newsweek,February 11,1985) 117

Lesson Thirteen:The State of The Union (The Washington post,February 5,1986) 130

Lesson Fourteen:The State of The Union(continued) 140

Unit Five British Domestic Affairs 149

Lesson Fifteen:Think small:Labour's line for'86(The Times,January 3,1986) 149

Lesson Sixteen:Two essentials for Tory survival (The Times,September 5,1985) 153

Lesson Seventeen:Does‘Thatcherism'Work?(Newsweek,May 13,1985) 161

Lesson Eighteen:Maybe the Thatcher revolution is complete(The Financial Times,January 31,1986) 167

Lesson Nineteen:Thatcher's Narrow Escape(Newsweek,October 22,1984) 178

Unit Six British Domestic Affairs and Foreign Policy 178

Lesson Twenty:35 years'jail for inhuman'IRA bomber 188

(The Times,June 24,1986) 188

Lesson Twenty-one:Mugwump Britain(The Spectator,May 3,1986) 193

Unit Seven American Foreign Policy 200

Lesson Twenty-two:Richard Nixon's Tough Assessment(Time,April 15,1985) 200

Lesson Twenty-three:Reagan Ⅱ:A Foreign Policy Consensus?(Time,December 10,1984) 207

Lesson Twenty-four:A Foreign Policy Without a Focus(Newsweek,January 7,1985) 224

Lesson Twenty-five:Reagan's Warrior Diplomacy(The New York Times,March 27,1985) 230