《英语扩充词汇阅读欣赏 3》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王朝霖等编著
  • 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7560512542
  • 页数:223 页

1 Give Yourself a Break 放松自我 1

2 How to Talk to Anyone,Anytime,Anywhere 训练口才 5

3 What is Freedom?何谓自由? 11

4 The Real True Purpose真正的目标 14

5 Darkness at Noon阳光里的黑暗 19

6 Exercise:How much Do You Need?如何锻炼为适度 24

7 The Truth About Lying(1)说谎的真谛(一) 31

8 The Truth about Lying(2)说谎的真谛(二) 36

9 My Friend,Albert Einstein(1)我的朋友爱因斯坦(一) 41

10 My Friend,Albert Einstein(2)我的朋友爱因斯坦(二) 46

11 How to Take a Job Interview如何参加求职面试 51

12 Tune up Your Senses耳聪目明有妙方 58

13 My Forever Valentine永恒的情人 63

14 I d Rather be Black Than Female 宁为黑人,不做女人 68

15 Tea,It s just the Cure茶便是良药 73

16 Love s Hidden Clauses爱情的隐藏条款 79

17 Managing Your Time 有效利用时间 85

18 What Makes a Leader?为领袖人物试画像 92

19Why I Want to Have a Family 我为何想要个家 97

20 Don t Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgments 成见扭曲判断 102

21 Cinematypes趣谈看电影 109

22 How the Body Responds to Stress人体对压力的反应 115

23 Lotteries Cheat,Corrupt the People万恶的彩票 120

24 The Effects of Beauty Found to Run Surprisingly Deep漂亮的外表与人生 124

25 The Needs of Human Beings(1)人类的需求(一) 130

26 The Needs of Human Beings(2)人类的需求(二) 134

27 I Am I,a Worker我就是我,一个工人 139

28 Learning from Foreign Management学习外国的企业管理 144

29 The Trouble with Television电视之弊 150

30 What Does a woman Want?女人所喜所爱 155

31Stress and Other Scapegoats现代人的替罪羊 160

32 The World is Mixed Up融合的世界 165

33 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech-William Faulkner获诺贝尔奖演说辞—威廉·福克纳 172

34 The Number One Problem人类头号公敌 176

35 Genetic Engineering(1) 基因工程(一) 181

36 Genetic Engineering(2) 基因工程(二) 188

37 The Fear of Losing a Culture担心一种文化的丧失 193

38 The American Way of Death(1)美国式死亡(一) 199

39 The American Way of Death(2)美国式死亡(二) 205

40 A Child is Born(1)同是母亲(一) 211

41 A Child is Born(2)同是母亲(二) 217