《传播政治经济学 英文读本 下》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:曹晋,赵月枝主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9787309058000
  • 页数:486 页

Part Four: Ownership and Control in the Anglo-American Contexts:Capital, the State, and Other Social Forces 1

24.The Process of Legitimation-Ⅱ&Ralph Miliband 2

25.A Propaganda Model&Edward Herman Noam Chomsky 33

26.Extending and Refining the Propaganda Model&Colin Sparks 70

27.Large Corporations and the Control of the Communications Industries&Graham Murdock 84

28.The Publishing Industry&Mark Crispin Miller 116

29.Speaking Volumes: The Book Publishing Oligopoly and Its Cultural Consequences&Leah F.Binder 132

30.Government Financial Support to the Film Industry in the United States&Thomas Guback 141

31.The New Theology of the First Amendment: Class Privilege over Democracy&Robert W.M cChesney 157

32.Copyright and the Commodification of Culture&Ronald V.Bettig 176

33.Stealth Regulation: Moral Meltdown and Political Radicalism at the Federal Communications Commission&Andrew Calabrese 187

34.Dynamics of Power in Contemporary Media Policy-Making&Des Freedman 194

35.Commercialism and Professionalism in the American News Media&Daniel C.Hallin 209

36.The Hidden Side of Television Violence&George Gerbner 227

Part Five: International Perspectives: The Global, and National, and Lo-cal Dynamics of Capitalist Integration 234

37.The Context: Great Media Debate&Kaarle Nordenstreng 235

38.The Processes: From Nationalisms to Transnationals&Jesus Martin-Barbero 262

39.Communication and the Postcolonial Nation-State: A New Political Economic Research Agenda&Amin Alhassan 292

40.Who Speaks for Asia: Media and Information Control in the Global Economy&Gerald Sussman John A.Lent 305

41.Global Productions&Gerald Sussman John A.Lent 318

42.Political Economy and Ethnography: Transformations in an Indian Village&Manjunath Pendakur 326

43.A Contemporary “Denial of Access”: Knowledge, IPR and the Public Good&Pradip Thomas 346

Part Six: Sites, Agents and Processes of Transformation 355

44.Rethinking Media and Democracy&James Curran 356

45.Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High-Technology Capitalism&Nick Witheford 390

46.For a Political Economy of Indymedia Practice&Bob Hanke 431

47.Global Commons, Public Space and Contemporary IPR&Lawrence Liang 452

48.Who Speaks for the Governed? World Summit on Information Society, Civil Society and the Limits of “Multistakeholderism”&Paula Chakravartty 460

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