《大学英语综合教程 4》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:杨瑞英主编
  • 出 版 社:西安:西北大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787560429434
  • 页数:257 页

Unit 1 Education 1

Listening and Speaking:Information Inquiry询问信息 2

Text A:Education Does Count教育是有价值的 4

Grammar:Attributive Clause定语从句 9

Writing:Letter of Inquiry询问 11

Translation Skills:Addition and Omission增译与省译 14

Text B:Teacher’s Bet教师的赌注 17

Unit 2 Technology and Life 23

Listening and Speaking:Seeking and Offering Help寻求与提供帮助 24

Text A:The Plot Against People与人对着干 26

Grammar:Appositive Clause同位语从句 32

Writing:Application Letter forAdmittance求学申请信 34

Translation Skills:Translating Long English Sentences英语长句翻译 37

Text B:Low-tech Fixes for High-tech Problems低技术应急法解决高科技难题 40

Unit 3 Career and Achievement 47

Listening and Speaking:Interests and Hobbies表达兴趣与爱好 48

Text A:You’ve Got to Find What You Love你必须找到你热爱的东西 50

Grammar:Subjunctive Mood虚拟语气 58

Writing:Letter of Job Application求职信 61

Translation Skills:Translating No-subject Chinese Sentences into English汉语无主句的英译 64

Text B:The Story for Success成功的故事 65

Unit 4 The Art of Living 71

Listening and Speaking:Managing Stress缓解压力 72

Text A:The Art of Living生活的艺术 74

Grammar:Agreement(1)一致(1) 79

Writing:Letter of Thanks感谢信 83

Translation Skills:Transformation of Voice语态的转换 86

Text B:The Handsome and Deformed Leg美腿与丑腿 89

Unit 5 Environmental Protection 93

Listening and Speaking:Agreeing and Disagreeing同意与不同意 94

Text A:Global Warming:Causes, Effects and Prevention全球变暖:原因、影响及预防 96

Grammar:Agreement(2)一致(2) 101

Writing:Letter of Advice建议信 103

Translation Skills:Transformation转换法 106

Text B:Earth-friendly School环保型学校 109

Unit 6 Sports 115

Listening and Speaking:Likes and Dislikes表达喜欢与不喜欢 116

Text A:An Uplifting Power振奋人心的力量 118

Grammar:Coordination并列结构 124

Writing:Letter of Complaint投诉信 127

Translation Skills:Repetition in Translation词语的重复 129

Text B:How Running Has Affected My Life跑步对我生活的影响 131

Unit 7 Globalization and Culture 135

Listening and Speaking:Invitations邀请 136

Text A:An African Student in America一位留学美国的非洲学子 138

Grammar:Emphasis强调 144

Writing:Letter of Invitation邀请信 146

Translation Skills:Adjustment of Word Order词序调整 149

Text B:Reckoning with Chinese Gen-Y对中国Y一代的思考 151

Unit 8 A Taste of Literature 157

Listening and Speaking:Asking for Permission请求许可 158

Text A:The Five Boons of Life生命的五种恩赐 160

Grammar:Inversion倒装 165

Writing:Resume个人简历 168

Translation Skills:Translation of Negation in English Sentences英语否定句型汉译法 171

Text B:Mammon and the Archer财神与爱神 173

指导用书 183

Unit 1 Education 184

Unit 2 Technology and Life 191

Unit 3 Career and Achievement 200

Unit 4 The Art of Living 208

Unit 5 Environmental Protection 215

Unit 6 Sports 222

Unit 7 Globalization and Culture 230

Unit 8 A Taste of Literature 238