《深入解析Windows操作系统 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:30 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)MarkE.Russinovich著
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民邮电出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787115211651
  • 页数:1234 页
图书介绍:本书是Windows操作系统原理的最新版著作,针对Windows Vista和Windows Server 2008进行了全面的更新,主要讲述Windows的底层关键机制,Windows的核心组件,并分析了启动进程、关机进程以及缓存转储。

1 Concepts and Tools 1

Windows Operating System Versions 1

Foundation Concepts and Terms 2

Windows API 2

Services,Functions,and Routines 4

Processes,Threads,and Jobs 5

Virtual Memory 14

Kernel Mode vs.User Mode 16

Terminal Services and Multiple Sessions 19

Objects and Handles 21

Security 22

Registry 23

Unicode 23

Digging into Windows Internals 24

Reliability and Performance Monitor 25

Kernel Debugging 26

Windows Software Development Kit 31

Windows Driver Kit 31

Sysinternals Tools 32

Conclusion 32

2 System Architecture 33

Requirements and Design Goals 33

Operating System Model 34

Architecture Overview 35

Portability 38

Symmetric Multiprocessing 39

Scalability 43

Differences Between Client and Server Versions 43

Checked Build 47

Key System Components 49

Environment Subsystems and Subsystem DLLs 50

Ntdll.dll 57

Executive 58

Kernel 61

Hardware Abstraction Layer 65

Device Drivers 68

System Processes 74

Conclusion 83

3 System Mechanisms 85

Trap Dispatching 85

Interrupt Dispatching 87

Exception Dispatching 114

System Service Dispatching 125

Object Manager 133

Executive Objects 136

Object Structure 138

Synchronization 170

High-IRQL Synchronization 172

Low-IRQL Synchronization 177

System Worker Threads 198

Windows Global Flags 200

Advanced Local Procedure Calls(ALPCs) 202

Kernel Event Tracing 207

Wow64 211

Wow64 Process Address Space Layout 211

System Calls 212

Exception Dispatching 212

User Callbacks 212

File System Redirection 212

Registry Redirection and Reflection 213

I/O Control Requests 214

16-Bit Installer Applications 215

Printing 215

Restrictions 215

User-Mode Debugging 216

Kernel Support 216

Native Support 217

Windows Subsystem Support 219

Image Loader 220

Early Process Initialization 222

Loaded Module Database 223

Import Parsing 226

Post Import Process Initialization 227

Hypervisor(Hyper-V) 228

Partitions 230

Root Partition 230

Child Partitions 232

Hardware Emulation and Support 234

Kernel Transaction Manager 240

Hotpatch Support 242

Kernel Patch Protection 244

Code Integrity 246

Conclusion 248

4 Management Mechanisms 249

The Registry 249

Viewing and Changing the Registry 249

Registry Usage 250

Registry Data Types 251

Registry Logical Structure 252

Transactional Registry(TxR) 260

Monitoring Registry Activity 262

Registry Internals 266

Services 281

Service Applications 282

The Service Control Manager 300

Service Startup 303

Startup Errors 307

Accepting the Boot and Last Known Good 308

Service Failures 310

Service Shutdown 311

Shared Service Processes 313

Service Tags 316

Service Control Programs 317

Windows Management Instrumentation 318

Providers 319

The Common Information Model and the Managed Object Format Language 320

Class Association 325

WMI Implementation 327

WMI Security 329

Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure 329

WDI Instrumentation 330

Diagnostic Policy Service 330

Diagnostic Functionality 332

Conclusion 333

5 Processes,Threads,and Jobs 335

Process Internals 335

Data Structures 335

Kernel Variables 342

Performance Counters 343

Relevant Functions 344

Protected Processes 346

Flow of CreateProcess 348

Stage 1:Converting and Validating Parameters and Flags 350

Stage 2:Opening the Image to Be Executed 351

Stage 3:Creating the Windows Executive Process Object(PspAllocateProcess) 354

Stage 4:Creating the Initial Thread and Its Stack and Context 359

Stage 5:Performing Windows Subsystem-Specific Post-Initialization 360

Stage 6:Starting Execution of the Initial Thread 362

Stage 7:Performing Process Initialization in the Context of the New Process 363

Thread Internals 370

Data Structures 370

Kernel Variables 379

Performance Counters 379

Relevant Functions 380

Birth of a Thread 380

Examining Thread Activity 381

Limitations on Protected Process Threads 384

Worker Factories(Thread Pools) 386

Thread Scheduling 391

Overview of Windows Scheduling 391

Priority Levels 393

Windows Scheduling APIs 395

Relevant Tools 396

Real-Time Priorities 399

Thread States 400

Dispatcher Database 404

Quantum 406

Scheduling Scenarios 413

Context Switching 418

Idle Thread 418

Priority Boosts 419

Multiprocessor Systems 434

Multiprocessor Thread-Scheduling Algorithms 442

CPU Rate Limits 444

Job Objects 445

Conclusion 450

6 Security 451

Security Ratings 451

Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria 451

The Common Criteria 453

Security System Components 454

Protecting Objects 458

Access Checks 459

Security Descriptors and Access Control 484

Account Rights and Privileges 501

Account Rights 502

Privileges 503

Super Privileges 509

Security Auditing 511

Logon 513

Winlogon Initialization 515

User Logon Steps 516

User Account Control 520

Virtualization 521

Elevation 528

Software Restriction Policies 533

Conclusion 535

7 I/O System 537

I/O System Components 537

The I/O Manager 539

Typical I/O Processing 540

Device Drivers 541

Types of Device Drivers 541

Structure of a Driver 547

Driver Objects and Device Objects 550

Opening Devices 555

I/O Processing 562

Types of I/O 563

I/O Request to a Single-Layered Driver 572

I/O Requests to Layered Drivers 578

I/O Cancellation 587

I/O Completion Ports 592

I/O Prioritization 598

Driver Verifier 604

Kernel-Mode Driver Framework(KMDF) 606

Structure and Operation of a KMDF Driver 607

KMDF Data Model 608

KMDF I/O Model 612

User-Mode Driver Framework(UMDF) 616

The Plug and Play(PnP)Manager 619

Level of Plug and Play Support 620

Driver Support for Plug and Play 621

Driver Loading,Initialization,and Installation 623

Driver Installation 632

The Power Manager 636

Power Manager Operation 638

Driver Power Operation 639

Driver and Application Control of Device Power 643

Conclusion 644

8 Storage Management 645

Storage Terminology 645

Disk Drivers 646

Winload 646

Disk Class,Port,and Miniport Drivers 647

Disk Device Objects 650

Partition Manager 651

Volume Management 652

Basic Disks 653

Dynamic Disks 656

Multipartition Volume Management 661

The Volume Namespace 667

Volume I/O Operations 674

Virtual Disk Service 675

BitLocker Drive Encryption 677

BitLocker Architecture 677

Encryption Keys 679

Trusted Platform Module(TPM) 681

BitLocker Boot Process 683

BitLocker Key Recovery 684

Full Volume Encryption Driver 686

BitLocker Management 687

Volume Shadow Copy Service 688

Shadow Copies 688

VSS Architecture 688

VSS Operation 689

Uses in Windows 692

Conclusion 698

9 Memory Management 699

Introduction to the Memory Manager 699

Memory Manager Components 700

Internal Synchronization 701

Examining Memory Usage 701

Services the Memory Manager Provides 704

Large and Small Pages 705

Reserving and Committing Pages 706

Locking Memory 707

Allocation Granularity 708

Shared Memory and Mapped Files 709

Protecting Memory 711

No Execute Page Protection 713

Copy-on-Write 718

Address Windowing Extensions 719

Kernel-Mode Heaps(System Memory Pools) 721

Pool Sizes 722

Monitoring Pool Usage 724

Look-Aside Lists 728

Heap Manager 729

Types of Heaps 730

Heap Manager Structure 731

Heap Synchronization 732

The Low Fragmentation Heap 732

Heap Security Features 733

Heap Debugging Features 734

Pageheap 735

Virtual Address Space Layouts 736

x86 Address Space Layouts 737

x86 System Address Space Layout 740

x86 Session Space 740

System Page Table Entries 744

64-Bit Address Space Layouts 745

64-Bit Virtual Addressing Limitations 749

Dynamic System Virtual Address Space Management 751

System Virtual Address Space Quotas 756

User Address Space Layout 757

Address Translation 761

x86 Virtual Address Translation 762

Translation Look-Aside Buffer 768

Physical Address Extension(PAE) 769

IA64 Virtual Address Translation 772

x64 Virtual Address Translation 773

Page Fault Handling 774

Invalid PTEs 775

Prototype PTEs 776

In-Paging I/O 778

Collided Page Faults 779

Clustered Page Faults 779

Page Files 780

Stacks 784

User Stacks 785

Kernel Stacks 786

DPC Stack 787

Virtual Address Descriptors 787

Process VADs 788

Rotate VADs 790

NUMA 791

Section Objects 792

Driver Verifier 799

Page Frame Number Database 803

Page List Dynamics 807

Page Priority 809

Modified Page Writer 812

PFN Data Structures 814

Physical Memory Limits 818

Windows Client Memory Limits 819

Working Sets 822

Demand Paging 823

Logical Prefetcher 823

Placement Policy 827

Working Set Management 828

Balance Set Manager and Swapper 831

System Working Set 832

Memory Notification Events 833

Proactive Memory Management(SuperFetch) 836

Components 836

Tracing and Logging 838

Scenarios 840

Page Priority and Rebalancing 840

Robust Performance 843

ReadyBoost 844

ReadyDrive 845

Conclusion 847

10 Cache Manager 849

Key Features of the Cache Manager 849

Single,Centralized System Cache 850

The Memory Manager 850

Cache Coherency 850

Virtual Block Caching 852

Stream-Based Caching 852

Recoverable File System Support 853

Cache Virtual Memory Management 854

Cache Size 855

Cache Virtual Size 855

Cache Working Set Size 856

Cache Physical Size 858

Cache Data Structures 859

Systemwide Cache Data Structures 860

Per-File Cache Data Structures 862

File System Interfaces 868

Copying to and from the Cache 869

Caching with the Mapping and Pinning Interfaces 870

Caching with the Direct Memory Access Interfaces 872

Fast I/O 873

Read Ahead and Write Behind 875

Intelligent Read-Ahead 875

Write-Back Caching and Lazy Writing 877

Write Throttling 885

System Threads 886

Conclusion 887

11 File Systems 889

Windows File System Formats 890

CDFS 890

UDF 891

FAT12,FAT16,and FAT32 891

exFAT 894

NTFS 895

File System Driver Architecture 895

Local FSDs 896

Remote FSDs 897

File System Operation 901

File Svstem Filter Drivers 907

Troubleshooting File System Problems 908

Process Monitor Basic vs.Advanced Modes 908

Process Monitor Troubleshooting Techniques 909

Common Log File System 910

NTFS Design Goals and Features 918

High-End File System Requirements 918

Advanced Features of NTFS 920

NTFS File System Driver 934

NTFS On-Disk Structure 937

Volumes 937

Clusters 937

Master File Table 938

File Reference Numbers 942

File Records 942

File Names 945

Resident and Nonresident Attributes 948

Data Compression and Sparse Files 951

The Change Journal File 956

Indexing 960

Object IDs 961

Quota Tracking 962

Consolidated Security 963

Reparse Points 965

Transaction Support 965

NTFS Recovery Support 974

Design 975

Metadata Logging 976

Recovery 981

NTFS Bad-Cluster Recovery 985

Self-Healing 989

Encrypting File System Security 990

Encrypting a File for the First Time 993

The Decryption Process 998

Backing Up Encrypted Files 999

Conclusion 1000

12 Networking 1001

Windows Networking Architecture 1001

The OSI Reference Model 1001

Windows Networking Components 1003

Networking APIs 1006

Windows Sockets 1006

Winsock Kernel(WSK) 1012

Remote Procedure Call 1014

Web Access APIs 1018

Named Pipes and Mailslots 1021

NetBIOS 1027

Other Networking APIs 1030

Multiple Redirector Support 1033

Multiple Provider Router 1034

Multiple UNC Provider 1037

Name Resolution 1039

Domain Name System 1039

Windows Internet Name Service 1039

Peer Name Resolution Protocol 1039

Location and Topology 1042

Network Location Awareness(NLA) 1042

Link-Layer Topology Discovery(LLTD) 1043

Protocol Drivers 1044

Windows Filtering Platform(WFP) 1047

NDIS Drivers 1053

Variations on the NDIS Miniport 1057

Connection-Oriented NDIS 1057

Remote NDIS 1060

QoS 1062

Binding 1064

Layered Network Services 1066

Remote Access 1066

Active Directory 1066

Network Load Balancing 1068

Distributed File System and DFS Replication 1069

Conclusion 1071

13 Startup and Shutdown 1073

Boot Process 1073

BIOS Preboot 1073

The BIOS Boot Sector and Bootmgr 1077

The EFI Boot Process 1086

Initializing the Kernel and Executive Subsystems 1088

Smss,Csrss,and Wininit 1094

ReadyBoot 1099

Images That Start Automatically 1100

Troubleshooting Boot and Startup Problems 1101

Last Known Good 1101

Safe Mode 1101

Windows Recovery Environment(WinRE) 1106

Solving Common Boot Problems 1109

Shutdown 1115

Conclusion 1118

14 Crash Dump Analysis 1119

Why Does Windows Crash? 1119

The Blue Screen 1120

Troubleshooting Crashes 1124

Crash Dump Files 1125

Crash Dump Generation 1130

Windows Error Reporting 1131

Online Crash Analysis 1133

Basic Crash Dump Analysis 1134

Notmyfault 1134

Basic Crash Dump Analysis 1135

Verbose Analysis 1137

Using Crash Troubleshooting Tools 1139

Buffer Overrun,Memory Corruptions,and Special Pool 1140

Code Overwrite and System Code Write Protection 1143

Advanced Crash Dump Analysis 1144

Stack Trashes 1145

Hung or Unresponsive Systems 1147

When There Is No Crash Dump 1150

Conclusion 1152

Glossary 1153

Index 1185