《当代世界研究年鉴 2011-2012 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:于洪君主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中央编译出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787511715234
  • 页数:237 页
图书介绍:本书遴选了当代世界研究中心研究人员及特约理事、特约研究员在2011~2012年所撰写的部分文稿,集中探讨了中国及世界政治格局的变化和面临的挑战, 包括诸多国际热点问题。主要用于外宣。作者队伍包括了知名的国际问题专家于洪君、金灿荣、庞中英等,还有国外顾问意大利前总理普罗迪、波兰前总理奥莱克西、摩洛哥王国皇家战略研究院院长穆利内等。

Written Address to the First Council Meeting of China Center for Contemporary World Studies&Dai Bingguo 1

Adhere to the Path of Peaceful Development&Dai Bingguo 1

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the International Symposium on “the Building of the Communist Party of China”&Wang Jiarui 15

On the Development and Evolution of the Major Current International Trends&Yu Hongjun 23

The New Changes and Challenges of the World’s Political Pattern&Kong Genhong 36

Seize the Right Opportunity and Achieve Great Accomplishment&Hu Hao 45

The Evolution and Future Development of Global Governance&Hu Hao 54

The Success and Failure of the US in Combating Terrorism&Wang Dong 60

The Evolution of the US Attitude towards Shanghai Cooperation Organization&Yang Hongxi 67

Comparing and Learning from the Development Models of the BRICS&Yu Sui 74

A Tentative Analysis on the Medium and Long-term Impact of Regime Changes in West Asia and North Africa&Sui Xiaowei 79

The Future of Arabic Countries from the Perspective of Recent Turmoil in the Middle East&Xu Yongquan 86

Is the China Model an Ideological Threat to the US?&Zhao Minghao 92

On the Disputes over South China Sea&Sun Binghui 101

China-US-Europe Relations in a Global Perspective&Yu Hongjun 108

Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions of Sustainable Global Development&Zhang Yansheng 115

On the Tenets, Orientation and Mechanisms of the BRICS&Yang Jiemian 122

The Emergence of BRIC Countries and Global Governing System&Huang Renwei 127

Rise of BRICS and Political and Economical Changes in the World&Jin Canrong 139

Policy Analysis on Mutual Investment among BRIC Countries&Liu Youfa 154

Trend of World Economic Development in the Next Decade&Chen Fengying 162

Truly Transform from “International Governance” to “Global Governance”&Pang Zhongying 169

How to Build China’s International Image&Romano Prodi 183

Modern Tendencies as a Challenge for Social Left-wing Ideologies&Jozef Oleksy 190

Morocco in the Globalized System:Stakes and Challenges&Mohammed Tawfik Mouline 198

Appendix 209

China’s Peaceful Development 209

Major Events of China Center for Contemporary World Studies (CCCWS) in 2011 231