《新兴市场战略 管理、金融与可持续发展 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:23 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:揭筱纹,徐二明,(美)库坦主编
  • 出 版 社:成都:四川大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787561478608
  • 页数:853 页

Part One Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise,Entrepreneurship,Innovation and Strategy 1

The Effects of Government Subsidy on Entrepreneurial Firm's R&D Expenditure:A Resource Dependence and Institutional Perspective&Xu Erming Xiao Jianqiang 3

The Road of Green Transition in China&Huang Haifeng Asif Siddiqui 10

Research of Strategic Transformation of SMEs in China from International Perspective& Cao Qian 18

SME Policy System in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region:A Case Study of Yinchuan City& Zang Zhiyong 22

The Knowledge Strategy of Shenzhen Innovative SMEs:A Conceptual Model& Lin Mei 29

A Study on the Cognitive Elements of Non-Group Enterprise Strategic Thinking in Co-evolution Perspective& Yang Gang 36

Study on Optimized Path to Technology Innovation Management of Agricultural Enterprise in Perspective of Environmental Support& Li Jing Jie Xiaowen 43

Design and Research of Dynamic Developing Database Data Statistics System of the Micro,Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises&Zhu Jianfeng Zhang Chuangang Tong Xuefang 47

Research on the Development of Intra-industry Trade in Manufactures between China and Germany& Li Biao 55

The Research on the Joint Procurement among the SMEs in the Western Region of the China&Wang Yanan 60

Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Guizhou's Foreign Trade Structure and Industrial Structure&Zhang Chuangang 64

The Small and Micro-Enterprise's Selections of Financing Channels—from the Perspective of Information Economics&Xie Xiong 71

Competitiveness Evaluation and Analysis of Chinese Telecom Enterprises—Set China Mobile&China Telecom as Examples&Chen Fei 76

Study on the Strategic Synergy Mode of Resource-Based Energy Industry Based on the Supply Chain&Qiu Lu Wu Bing 86

Research on Efficient Use and Sharing of Science and Technology Resources under the Background of Big Data&Feng Chujian Wang Shuai 93

The Competition Strategic Choice for Fast Growing Enterprise—Silver Chasing Group&Chen Xiang Yin Chao 98

Reverse Innovation—A New Theory of Innovation&Zhen Weili Mu Panliang 103

Analysis on the Influence Factors of Technology-Based SMEs Growth& Dong Qiuyun 108

Impact of Progressive Knowledge Searching Path on Innovation Network Evolution&Geng Ziyang Zhang Li Gu Xin 115

Supply Chain Strategy Synergy Factor Research Based on the Typical Resource-Based Industry& Yin Chao Jie Xiaowen Ye Chunyan 119

China Mobile Broadband Business Development Strategy-Strategic Situation and Strategic Transformation& Chen Rui 127

A Game Theoretical View on the Choice of Enterprises'Innovation Pattern& Zhao Xia 132

Research on Business Model Innovation Path of Internet Enterprise& Liu Lili 137

The Impacts of the Characteristics of Board Structure on Firm's Strategic Change& Zhou Jian Yu Yaodong Zhai Mengting Zhou Feigu 143

Research on the Influential Mechanism of Strategic Thinking to Enterprise Innovation—Based on the Perspective of Entropy and Dissipative Structure Theory&LüHong Li Xue 158

Part Two Management Strategy 167

The Relationships between the Return and the Day Trading among Various Types of Day Traders:Taiwan Futures Market& Kuo Shewhuei Tu Tengtsai Chou Chiyi 169

Institutional Entrepreneurship and International Technology Transfer:A Theoretical Model&Xu Erming Yang Hui 179

The Impacts of Host Country's Institutional Pressures on Firm's International Innovation Performance:A Case Study of Huawei Investment&Holding Co.,Ltd&Zhang Yinghong 197

Research on Design of Region Postal Logistic Distribution Network with Time Windows&Zuo Xiaode Qing Yanhua Li Jianpeng 205

An Empirical Study Based on Corporate Culture and Performance of White Spirits Industry&Chen Yijun Wang Fang Yang Ping Liu Haoyu 212

Psychological Contract Breach and Organizational Political Behaviors in Organizational Change&Yuan Jia Jing Runtian 219

Impact of the Attractiveness of Corporate Brand Values to Employees on Internal Brand Strength&Liu Jiafeng 226

Research on the Design of Performance Management System for CD Telecom Enterprises-based on KPI Perspective&Tang Xiaowen Li Jing Wang Ye 232

The Study on the Relationship between Leader's Thoughts and the Choices of Strategic Orientation of SMEs&Jiang Danrong 236

Network Governance and Copycats in Industrial Cluster:A Case Study of Zhongshan Gas Appliance Cluster&He Zheng Zhou Shuangshuang Owusu Ackah 240

Human Resource Strategy for Informal Staff in Public Institution&Zhu Hua He Zheng Bai Canhui 247

An Analysis of Sales Channels Strategy Based on Product Line Extension&Luo Dianjun Chen Wei 254

Review and Prospect of Research on Institutional Logics&Wu Ke Zhang Liming Cao Ningxin 259

Distributors Competitiveness Key Influence Factors Analysis in an Emerging Market:Evidencefrom China&Chen Qingjiao Li Guangjin 265

Business Groups Strategy from the Perspective of Industry and Its Research Framework&Tang Jianmin Li Guangjin 272

Empirical Study of the Impact of Work Demand on the New Generation Employees'Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention&YU Xuan Chen Weizheng 278

Human Resource Management in SMEs on Western China and the Wav Out& Li Ying 284

Research on the Relationship between Employees'Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention in Chinese Private Enterprises:Based on Analysis of Differences in Demographic Variables&Xie Zhihong Chen Weizheng 289

An Empirical Study about the Organizational Learning Capability and Dual Innovation&Zhang Huiyan He Nan Gao Yuanhui 294

The Influence of Individualism-Collectivism on Entrepreneurial Decision&Ma KunShu Gu Xingshu Li Yanchen 299

Study on Technological Innovation Efficiency Evaluation of Traditional Mineral Resources Industry Based on the DEA Method&Zhang Huiqin Zhang Yuxiang Shang Tiantian 304

A Ladder of Standardization Strategy for Chinese Enterprises&Jiang Qifa 309

Institutional Root and Paradigm Construction Research on Chinese Enterprise Diversification inTransitional Period&Xie Peihong Zhou Fan Qin Hong 315

The Research on Corporate Entrepreneurship Strategy in Digital Economy&Pang Jian 322

Social Capital,Knowledge Management and Service Innovation Performance-Evidence from South China& Jian Zhaoquan Liu Yi 328

A Review of Modern Leadership Theories and Research Prospects&Yang Wanfu Chen Weizheng 335

Study on the Mechanism between MBTI Personality Types and Job Matching&Chen Yuling Chen Weizheng 341

Abusive Supervision,Leader-member Exchange and Employees'Workplace Deviance—the Moderating Role of Employee's Identity&Huang Li Chen Weizheng 347

The Building of Market Potential Forecasting Model in Emerging Countries Based on Time Series—Taking Singapore as an Example&Ye Chunyan Yin Chao 352

Research on Incentives of Social Conflict Risk Related to Environmental Pollution of Large Project from the Perspective of Information Communication&Ding Lei Yu Weiping Wang Chunya Zu Xu 357

Research on Monitoring Index System of Entrepreneurs'Negative Behavior Information Based on Micro-blog Communication&Yu Weiping Zhang Yuan Liu Yanan 369

A Study on How Firms'Soft Power Enables Changes in Innovation—A Comparative Case Study of Western and Asian Organizations& Chen Yin 378

Indigenous Research on the Positive Organizational Management& Luo Xia Chen Weizheng 383

The Relationship between Stakeholder Orientation and Social Performance:A Legitimacy Management Model& Xi Yanyan Xu Erming 388

Mood Marketing Strategies at Micro-message Age&Wen Tao 395

Based on the Life Cycle Theory of Science and Technology Business Incubator Business Model&Deng Hua 401

Resources-Based Analysis of Corporate Soft Power Mechanism&Huang Sha Li Xiaoping 406

A Study on the Cross-Cultural Management of Chinese Corporation:In the Case of Huawei&Chen Meiyan 412

Dialectical Logic of the Evolution of the Corporate Strategy&Wu Zhaoyun Yu Changchun 418

The Empirical Study of Relationship among Emotional Intelligence,Employee Emotion and Contextual Performance in the Workplace&Liu Ping Pu Lunfang Sun Ningyun Zeng Weilin 423

Integrated Marketing Communications-Strategic Thinking for Business Marketing Communications&Ji Weibin Zhang Dayi 435

To Disentangle the Motivation Behind Volunteers&Wu Peiguan Li Xiaoye 444

A Study on Producer Service's Supporting Effect to the Competitiveness of Automobile Industry:an Empirical Analysis based on China's Input-output Tables& Huang Jinhua Liu Ningjie 458

An ARMIA Model Study on Vegetable Price Prediction&Xu Jun Li Yan 464

Research on Evolution Path of Social Risks of New Rural Community&Gu Xingshu 469

Study on Successor Cultivation Based on Family Performance and Business Performance&Li Yanshuang Xi Dengli Wang Zhenzhen 474

The Influence of Grass-roots Employees'Interpersonal Relationship to Job Satisfaction in Middle and Small-sized Enterprises:The Moderator Role of Personality Traits& He Lin Tao Li 481

Incentive Mechanism of Knowledge Management in the Agricultural Supply Chain& He Xiaolan Wang Xianyu 487

Characteristics of New CEO and Improvement of Corporate Performance:the Moderating Effect of TMT Heterogeneity—Based on Empirical Data of Mechanical Listed Company& Li Weining Wu Di 493

The Analysis of Human Capital Strategy Based on the Endogenous Growth Model& Chen Hong'an Jiang Ji 500

Mergers and Acquisitions or Alliance?—A Study on China Liquor Industry&Yin Bo Zhao Jun Li Xiaoping 504

A Review of Researches on the Bidirectional Work-family Positive Spillover& Wang Minxia Li Guiqing 509

Government subsidies,Private R&D and Industrial Innovation in Emerging Market Country&Wang Liangbing Hong Jin Zhao Dingtao 515

Part Three Finance 521

Management of Fund Procurement and Use of Public Universities in China&Wang Chunju 523

Research on Chinese Enterprise's Cost Control Execution under Recycling Economy& Wang Pucha 530

Prospect of ICT Based Microfinance:Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh&Md.Khaled Amin Li Jinghua 535

Price Volatility,Trading Volume,and Market Depth:Evidence from Chinese Stock Index Futures Markets&Liu Lan Ma Chaoqun Chen Jing 541

Political Relations,Marketization Process and Private Listed Companies'Performance&Sun Weizhang Gan Shengdao Wang Can 548

The Risk Measurement Research of the Portfolio Based on Pair-copula&Zhang Gaoxun Tian Yixiang Li Chenggang Zhang Honglei 554

Study on Manipulation of Cash Flow from Operation in IPO Company—Evidence from Chinese A-share Market& Chi Zhaonian 558

Foreign Direct Investment and Industrial Cluster:A Financial Development Perspective& Zhou Bing Liang Song 563

The Analysis of Financial Agglomeration's Effect on Enterprise Investment&Yin Huifang Huang Xieyu 567

A Study on the Sources,the Economic Consequence of Competitive Advantage of China Listed Companies&Wang Jinxiang Liao Huiyan Wu Shinong 573

Forecasting Daily Volatility of Fuel Oil Futures on the SHFE Based on Multiracial Analysis& Wu Xiaoxiong 581

How the Value of Financial Flexibility Affects the Relation between Corporate Governance and Dividend Payouts:Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms&Dong Li Mao Ning 589

The Research for Flexible Product Mix Based on Real Option& Tian Xiangguo Jin Maozhu 597

A Study on the Development and Risk Characteristic of China's Shadow Banking& Zhen Zhen 604

Research on Supply Chain Internal Financing of Small and Micro Businesses with Signaling Game under Moral Hazard& Wang Pingping Guo Hongmei Jiang Qiang 610

Investment Analysis of Chinese Hydropower Companies Operating in Cambodia& Khoeun Monycheat 618

Research on the Stock Repurchase Motivation of Chinese Listed Companies& Yang Li 629

Enterprises'Reputation,Consumers'Rationality and Enterprises'Value:Based on the Empirical Data of Punished Companies&He Sihai Wang Mei Cheng Hongwei 635

Financial Evaluation and Warning System Research Based on DEA-ANN Theory:the Case of Listed Enterprises in North China&Zhang Kun Ding Yufang Tian Youmeng 640

The Nature of Ultimate Shareholders and Corporate Tax Planning&Chen Shenglan Ma Hui Zhao Changyi 646

“Sell in May”Effect in Chinese Stock Market&Guo Biao Luo Xingguo Zhang Ziding 658

The Mutualism Between Small and Micro Enterprise and Small Loan Company in Western China&Xu Jie Jie Xiaowen 665

Is the Relation Between Institutional Investor Trading and Stock Volatility Negative?&Chen Zhijuan Ma Changfeng 669

Part Four Tourism,Environment and Crisis 677

The Innovative Modes of Rural Tourism Based on 4D Service Innovation Model&Ma Liang Huang Kai Yan Tingyu 679

Application of Network Attention in Tourism Marketing:a Case Study of Guangdong Hot Spring Tourism Destinations in China& Liu Yi Han Xiaoling Yang Yanrong 685

The Building of City Brand in Guangzhou,China:Based on a Field Survey of the Public's Perception& Liang Mingzhu Yi Tingting Liu Zhihong 690

The Optimized Design for the Employee Performance Appraisal System of Large State-Owned Tourism Enterprise:A Case Study for DJL Travel Group&Cao Ningxin Wu Jiong 695

“Travel Resource Curse”:a Term Should be Used Carefully&Tan Zhixi Sun Gennian 701

Study on the Attraction Feature and Protection&Development of Western Folk Tourism Resources:a Leisure Tourism Products View&Liao Huilan 707

Analysis on the Influence of Government Regulation to Food Enterprises Implement Quality Assurance Program&Zhang Jun Jiang Qijun 713

Study on the Tourist Perceived Value of the Suburban Leisure Tourist B ased on the CVD Theory:A Case of Chongqing&Hu Feng Xia Ling Tang Peisen 720

Research on the Optimal Matching of Scenic Resources and Tourist Demand under the GS Algorithm&Huang Yong Zhu Ronghua Li Chonghui Li Hongjuan 727

The Study of Construction to Development Evaluation Index System of Leisure Industry&Li Qiyuan Liu Minghao Li Wenlu 735

The Impacting of Post-tour Behavioral Intentions:a Research from Place Attachment and Tourist Destination Image& Qiao Enfeng Cheng Li Feng Mingyi 742

Research on the Planning and Construction of the Tourism Facilities of the Natural Scenic Spot Based on the Relative Anthropocentrism& Wang Xia 750

Analysis of Tourist Motivation from Perspective of Diversity Need&Li Zhimin Jie Xiaowen 759

Property Rights Model of Barzel and Its Application in the Development of Village Tourism in Minority Area:A Case Study on Taoping Qiang Village in Li County& Wang Ruhui Pan Xiaoyu Yan Shu 764

Exploring the Relative Uses and Advantages/Disadvantages of Case Studies versus Scale Development as Alternative Research Designs for Studying Tourism Experiences& Hoffer M.Lee 771

Experiential Tourism and Experiential Marketing&Hoffer M.Lee Stephen L.J.Smith 780

Cultural Amnesia and Ethnic Tourism:Association,Structure and Formations& Yang Lijuan 789

Western Film-reduced Tourism Product Development Based on the Theory of New Industrial District:Taking Chongqing Liangjiang International Film Studio as an Example&Tang Ruozhu 796

Enhancing Visitor Experience of Dark Tourism through Hot Interpretation:Take Wenchuan Earthquake Heritage Site as Example& Zou Pinjia 801

A Study of China Urbanization and the Model of Rural Old-aged Support& Wang Zhizhang Wang Chao Li Mengzhu 805

An Assessment of Quality of Leisure Life:A Subjective Study on the People of 80s& Zhang Jun Chen Duoping 814

Research on Multiresolution Real-time Prediction Model of Jiuzhaigou Tourists'Distribution& Gao Huafeng 819

Intelligent Transportation Mode Research Based on User Root of Mobile Operator& Liu Geng Wang Xiaoming Zhang Junqiang Li Shiming 826

A Synergetic Research of Heritage Sites'Images and Potential Tourists'Decision-making Following Emergency Events:The Case of Sichuan Heritage Sites&Zhao Rui Feng Sida Cheng Li 837

Study on Ecotourism Resources Development:A View of Confucian Ecological Ethics Ideology&Ma Dongyue Liu Ningjie Huang Jinhua 844

Authors Index 849