
  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:宋勇,郝群著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9787568217255
  • 页数:118 页
图书介绍:本书主要结合作者已完成和正在进行的研究工作,系统阐述人体通信的建模、仿真及实现问题,具体内容包括:(1) 人体通信的建模。软件模型是开展人体通信技术研究的前提条件。本书将阐述基于传递函数法、有限元法的人体通信建模方法,并给出具有多路径仿真能力的人体通信电路模型及有限元模型。(2) 人体通信的仿真。本书将以所给出的人体通信电路模型、有限元模型为基础,讨论电容耦合型、电流耦合型人体通信的仿真方法,同时对不同电极尺寸、电极方向、基带频率、载波频率、调制方式等条件下的仿真结果进行讨论。(3) 基于电光调制的人体通信方法。电光调制技术为解决人体通信中的传输速率、误码率等问题提供了重要途径。目前已有的电光调制型人体通信包括:日本NTT提出的体器件法及本书作者提出的Mach-Zehnder电光调制法。本书将从理论和实验角度对上述两种人体通信方法进行比较和分析,并给出相关实验结果。(4) 人体通信系统设计。主要介绍人体通信的主要设计方法,包括:适用于人体通信的调制、解调、放大、滤波电路设计,电容耦合型、电流耦合型人体通信电极设计,面向人体通信的半物理仿真模型设计等。作为一种新型的网络通信技术,人体通信

1.Introduction 1

1.1 Concept of Intra-Body Communication 1

1.2 Safety Issue 2

1.3 Advantages of IBC 2

1.4 Applications of IBC 3

1.4.1 Biomedical monitoring 3

1.4.2 Consumer electronics 5

1.4.3 Secure space 6

1.4.4 Application prospect 6

1.5 The Scope of This Book 7

1.5.1 The modeling and the simulation of IBC 7

1.5.2 The implementing methods of IBC 7

1.5.3 Book contents 8

References 9

2.Theory Foundation 11

2.1 IBC Types 11

2.1.1 Electrostatic coupling type 11

2.1.2 Galvanic coupling IBC 12

2.2 Theoretical Analysis of Signal Transmission Within the Human Body 14

2.2.1 Signal represented as electromagnetic wave 14

2.2.2 Signal represented as current density 18

2.3 Theoretical Explanation of Galvanic Coupling IBC 20

2.4 Theoretical Explanation of Electrostatic Coupling IBC 22

2.4.1 Electric fields of electrostatic coupling IBC 22

2.4.2 Model of electrostatic coupling IBC 23

2.5 Conclusions 23

References 24

3.IBC Modeling Based on the Transfer Function Method 27

3.1 Current Researches 27

3.1.1 Galvanic coupling IBC 27

3.1.2 Electrostatic coupling IBC 29

3.2 IBC Modeling Based on the Transfer Function 31

3.2.1 Modeling of galvanic coupling IBC 31

3.2.2 Modeling of electrostatic coupling IBC 36

3.3 IBC Simulation Based on the Transfer Function 39

3.3.1 Method 39

3.3.2 Signal transmissions along arm 39

3.3.3 Signal transmissions along different paths 41

3.4 Discussions 45

References 45

4.IBC Modeling and Simulation Based on FEM 47

4.1 Finite-element Modeling Method 47

4.2 The Research Status 48

4.2.1 Research of ETH 48

4.2.2 Research of HKUST 49

4.3 Modeling of the Whole Human Body 49

4.3.1 The modeling of the head and the neck 51

4.3.2 The modeling of the torso 51

4.3.3 The modeling of the arm and the 52

4.3.4 The connection of the human body part models 52

4.4 IBC Simulation Based on FEM 52

4.4.1 Galvanic coupling IBC 52

4.4.2 Electrostatic coupling IBC 54

4.4.3 Electromagnetic parameters 57

4.5 Simulation Results and Analysis 58

4.5.1 Simulation results of galvanic coupling IBC 58

4.5.2 The measurement experiments 62

4.5.3 Simulation results of electrostatic coupling IBC 66

4.6 Conclusions 77

References 77

5.IBC Based on Electro-Optical Modulation 79

5.1 Current Studies 80

5.2 IBC Based on a Mach-Zehnder EO Modulator 81

5.2.1 Circuit model 82

5.2.2 Mathematical model 84

5.2.3 The complete mathematical model 88

5.3 Experiments 89

5.3.1 Sensitivity 89

5.3.2 Frequency response 91

5.3.3 Temperature characteristic 95

5.4 Conclusions 97

References 98

6.Signal Transmission System of IBC 99

6.1 Current Research 99

6.2 IBC System 100

6.2.1 System structure 100

6.2.2 DBPSK modulation and demodulation 101

6.3 Transmitter and Receiver Design 102

6.3.1 Transmitter circuit 102

6.3.2 Receiver circuit 103

6.3.3 Electrodes design 107

6.4 Experiments and Discussion 107

6.4.1 Experiment device 107

6.4.2 Influence of carrier frequency 108

6.4.3 Influence of baseband frequency 109

6.4.4 Influence of signal transmission path 110

6.5 Conclusions 112

References 112

7.Conclusions and Future Outlook 114

7.1 Summary of Intra-Body Communication 114

7.2 Future Research 115

7.3 Future Applications of IBC 116

References 117