《创新联想同步导学 初一英语 上》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:吴荣铭主编;周序阳,彭国梅副主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:龙门书局
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7801602501
  • 页数:186 页


1 Hello!Nice to meet you! 1

2 Can you spell it? 7

3 Numbers in English 15

4 What's this in English? 23

5 How old is he? 31

6 Is this'your pencil-box? 40

7 The new students 51

8 Mainly revision 62

第一学期期中测试题 72

9 Come and meet the family 78

10 Where is it? 88

11 What's in the teacher's room? 97

12 How many kites are there? 104

13 What colour is it? 112

14 Whose clothes are these? 121

15 What's the time,please? 129

16 Mainly revision 137

第一学期期末测试题 146

附录一 听力材料 153

附录二 本书检测题答案 166