
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:殷军主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国医药科技出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7506733773
  • 页数:163 页

实验室规则 1

第一篇 实验技术 Chapter One Experimental Techniques 1

第一节 显微镜的构造及使用上的注意事项 1

Regulations of Laboratory 2

Section 1 Structure of Microscope and Announcement of Usage 5

第二节 生药显微标本的制作 10

Section 2 Preparation of Microscopic Specimens of Crude Drugs 11

第三节 绘图方法与要求 13

Section 3 Drawing Methods and Requests 16

第四节 生药的理化鉴定及质量分析 18

Section 4 Physical and Chemical Identification and Quality Analysis of Crude Drugs 29

实验一 植物细胞、细胞后含物的观察及藻、菌类生药的鉴定 43

第二篇 实验部分 Chapter Two Experimental Contents 43

The 1st Exp.Observation of Plant Cells and Their Ergastic Substances and Identification of Algae and Fungi Crude Drugs 46

实验二 植物的组织构造 49

The 2ed Exp.Botanic Tissue Structures 52

实验三 根类生药的组织构造 56

The 3rd Exp.The Microscopic Construction of the Root Type of Crude Drugs 59

实验四 根类药材-人参、甘草、何首乌、麦冬的鉴定 63

The 4th Exp.Identification of the Root Type of Crude Drugs-Ginseng,Licorice Root,Fleeceflower Root and Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber 66

实验五 茎、根茎类生药的组织构造 68

The 5th Exp.Tissue Structures of the Stem and Rhizome Types of Crude Drugs 70

实验六 根茎类药材—大黄、黄连、川芎、苍术的鉴定 72

The 6th Exp.Identification of the Rhizome Type of Crude Drugs-Rhubarb,Coptis Root,Szechwan Lovage Rhizome and Atractylodes Rhizome 75

实验七 根茎类药材—半夏、川贝母、天麻的鉴定 78

The 7th Exp.Identification of the Rhizome Type of Crude Drugs-Pinellia Tuber,Szechuan-fritillaria Bulb and Tall Gastrodia Tuber 80

实验八 皮类药材—厚朴、黄柏、五加皮、肉桂、秦皮的鉴定 82

The 8th Exp.Identification of the Bark Type of Crude Drugs-Magnolia,Phellodendron,Acanthopanax,Cinnamon and Ash Barks 85

实验九 叶类、全草类生药——麻黄、薄荷叶、大青叶、洋地黄叶、颠茄叶的鉴定 88

The 9th Exp.Identification of the Leaf and Herb Types of Crude Drugs-Ephedra Herb,Mint,Indigowoad,Foxglove and Belladonna Leaves 92

实验十 花、果实、种子类生药的鉴定 95

The 10th Exp.Identification of the Flower,Fruit and Seed Types of Crude Drugs 99

实验十一 动物类生药—斑蝥的鉴定 102

The 11th Exp.Identification of Animal Drugs-Blister Beetle 104

实验十二 动物类生药蟾酥的鉴定 106

The 12th Exp.Identification of Animal Drug-Toad Cake 108

实验十三 矿物类生药朱砂、石膏、信石的鉴定 111

The 13th Exp.Identification of Mineral Crude Drugs-Cinnabar,Gypsum and Arsenolite 114

实验十四 生药挥发油的提取及鉴定 117

The 14th Exp.Extraction and Identification of Volatile Oil 119

实验十五 生药的理化鉴别 121

The 15th Exp.Physical and Chemical Identification of Crude Drugs 123

实验十六 未知生药的鉴别 126

The 16th Exp.Identification of Unknown Crude Drugs 127

实验十七 开放性实验:药材标准的制定 128

The 17th Exp.Opening Experiment:Establish a Crude Drug Standard 130

实验十八 生药川芎的HPLC指纹图谱分析 132

The 18th Exp.HPLC Finger Print Analysis of Szechwan Lovage Rhizome 134

实验十九 RAPD法鉴定细辛类药材 136

The 19th Exp.Identification of Asarum with RAPD 139

实验二十 药用植物园及标本室实习 143

The 20th Exp.Practicing in Medicinal Plant Garden and Herbarium 151

附录 160

参考文献 163