
  • 购买积分:17 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)富莱纳根编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7302067511
  • 页数:568 页
图书介绍:本书包含了164个完整、实用的范例,超过17900行的代码注释涵盖了20种不同的Java API。

Part Ⅰ:Core Java APIs 3

Chapter 1—Java Basics 3

Hello World 3

FizzBuzz 7

The Fibonacci Series 10

Using Command-Line Arguments 10

Echo in Reverse 11

FizzBuzz Switched 12

Computing Factorials 13

Recursive Factorials 14

Caching Factorials 15

Preface 15

Computing Big Factorials 16

Handling Exceptions 17

Interactive Input 18

Using a StringBuffer 19

Sorting Numbers 21

Computing Primes 22

Exercises 23

Chapter 2—Objects,Classes,and Interfaces 24

A Rectangle Class 25

Testing the Rect Class 26

Another Subclass 27

A Rect Subclass 27

Complex Numbers 28

Computing Pseudo-Random Numbers 30

Computing Statistics 32

A Linked List Class 33

Advanced Sorting 36

Exercises 42

Chapter 3—Input/Output 44

Files and Streams 44

Working with Files 48

Copying File Contents 49

Reading and Displaying Text Files 52

Listing Directory and File Information 55

Compressing Files and Directories 60

Filtering Character Streams 62

Filtering Lines of Text 64

A Custom HTML Output Stream 65

Exercises 68

Chapter 4—Threads 70

Thread Basics 71

Threads and Thread Groups 72

Deadlock 75

Timers 77

Exercises 82

Downloading the Contents of a URL 84

Chapter 5—Networking 84

Using a URLConnection 86

Sending Email Through a URLConnection 87

Connecting to a Web Server 89

A Simple Web Server 91

A Proxy Server 93

Networking with Applets 96

A Generic Client 99

A Generic Multithreaded Server 101

A Multithreaded Proxy Server 113

Sending Datagrams 116

Receiving Datagrams 117

Exercises 119

Chapter 6—Security and Cryptography 121

Running Untrusted Code 122

Loading Untrusted Code 123

Message Digests and Digital Signatures 128

Cryptography 136

Exercises 139

Chapter 7—Internationalization 141

A Word About Locales 141

Unicode 142

Character Encodings 146

Handling Local Customs 148

Localizing User-Visible Messages 151

Formatted Messages 156

Exercises 159

Chapter 8—Reflection 161

Obtaining Class and Member Information 161

Invoking a Named Method 164

Exercises 168

Chapter 9—Object Serialization 169

Simple Serialization 169

Custom Serialization 172

Externalizable Classes 174

Serialization and Class Versioning 176

Serialized Applets 177

Exercises 178

Part Ⅱ:Graphics and GUIs 181

Chapter 10—Graphical User Interfaces 181

Components 183

Containers 189

Layout Management 190

Event Handling 203

A Complete GUI 217

Actions and Reflection 221

Custom Dialogs 222

Displaying Tables 227

Displaying Trees 230

A Simple Web Browser 234

Describing GUIs with Properties 242

Themes and the Metal Look-and-Feel 253

Custom Components 257

Exercises 263

Chapter 11—Graphics 266

Graphics Before Java 1.2 267

The Java 2D API 276

Drawing and Filling Shapes 277

Transforms 279

Line Styles with BasicStroke 281

Stroking Lines 283

Filling Shapes with Paint 284

Antialiasing 287

Combining Colors with AlphaComposite 289

Image Processing 292

A Custom Shape 295

Custom Strokes 299

Custom Paint 303

Advanced Animation 305

Displaying Graphics Examples 308

Exercises 312

Printing with the Java 1.1 API 314

Chapter 12—Printing 314

Printing with the Java 1.2 API 316

Printing Multipage Text Documents 319

Printing Swing Documents 327

Exercises 333

Chapter 13—Data Transfer 334

Data Transfer Architecture 334

Simple Copy-and-Paste 335

A Transferable Data Type 338

Cutting and Pasting Scribbles 344

Dragging and Dropping Scribbles 347

Exercises 353

Chapter 14—JavaBeans 354

Bean Basics 355

A Simple Bean 356

A More Complex Bean 360

Custom Events 364

Specifying Bean Information 365

Defining a Simple Property Editor 367

Defining a Complex Property Editor 369

Defining a Bean Customizer 371

Exercises 374

Chapter 15—Applets 375

Introduction to Applets 375

A First Applet 377

A Clock Applet 378

Applets and the Java 1.0 Event Model 380

Java 1.0 Event Details 383

Reading Applet Parameters 385

Images and Sounds 387

JAR Files 391

Exercises 392

Part Ⅲ:Enterprise Java 395

Chapter 16—Remote Method Invocation 395

Remote Banking 396

A Bank Server 400

A Multiuser Domain 404

Remote MUD Interfaces 405

The MUD Server 408

The MudPlace Class 411

The MudPerson Class 418

A MUD Client 420

Advanced RMI 428

Exercises 429

Chapter 17—Database Access with SQL 431

Accessing a Database 432

Using Database Metadata 438

Building a Database 441

Using the API Database 446

Atomic Transactions 450

Exercises 456

Chapter 18—Servlets and JSP 458

Servlet Setup 458

A Hello World Servlet 461

Servlet Initialization and Persistence:A Counter Servlet 463

Database Access with Servlets 467

A Login Screen with JSP 471

Request Forwarding 476

JSP Pages and JavaBeans 477

Ending a User Session 482

Custom Tags 483

Deploying a Web Application 488

Exercises 492

Chapter 19—XML 494

Parsing with JAXP and SAX 1 494

Parsing with SAX 2 499

Parsing and Manipulating with JAXP and DOM 502

Traversing a DOM Tree 506

Traversing a Document with DOM Level 2 508

The JDOM API 512

Exercises 514

Chapter 20—Example Index 516

Index 535