Beyond the "Wang River":An Exploration of the Chan Spirit in the Nature Poetry of Wang Wei 1
论李商隐诗的用事与多义——兼析传统与创新的关系 21
从原型到变体——论潘金莲的文学形象 28
A Triumph of Naturalism:Stephen Crane's The Red Badge ofCourage 40
Eastern Interludes:Taoism and Eugene O'Neill 48
All Over:A Dramatic Interpretation of Munch's "Chamber of Death" 60
Triple-minded:A Close Reading of Zhang Jie's "Love Must Not Be Forgotten" 69
美国人、中国人,还是华裔美国人?——从文化“转移”看美国华裔作家笔下的种族文化“认同”问题 89
欲望二重奏:张艺谋的《菊豆》与奥尼尔的《榆树下的欲望》 102
From Verbal to Visual:Pearl Buck's Pavilion of Women(1946) and It's Filmic Adaptation(2001) 113
后记 122