
  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:张广来主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:化学工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7502572562
  • 页数:487 页

故事简介 1

A Fantastic Tale(海外奇谈) 4

Part One A Baby from Outer Space(太空婴儿) 4

Section One David and His Wife,Alice(大卫和他的妻子艾丽丝) 4

Section Two Alice's Romantic Ideas(艾丽丝的浪漫想法) 6

Section Three An Architect Working in Space(太空建筑师) 8

Section Four A Negro's Fantastic Experience(一个黑人的奇遇) 10

Section Five The Worry about the Energy Crisis(关于能源危机的忧虑) 14

Section Six The Landing of a Flying Saucer(飞碟降临) 16

Section Seven They are Virtually Sirian People(竟然是天狼星人) 20

Section Eight The Chief Saucer Man's Request(首领的请求) 24

Section Nine Generous Rewards(丰厚的酬劳) 26

Section Ten The Magical Robot(不可思议的机器人) 28

Part Two The Close Contact(密切接触) 32

Section One The Delivery of the Baby(送子) 32

Section Two The Separation between Beloved Ones(亲子分离) 34

Section Three The Baby Seems Particular about His Food(挑剔食物) 36

Section Four The Baby's First Sample of Milk(初尝牛奶) 40

Section Five Popularity of the Milk(牛奶大受欢迎) 42

Section Six Things Seldom Seen are Strange(少见多怪) 44

Section Seven Everything Is Worth a Try(什么都要试试) 48

Section Eight The Attraction of Music(音乐的吸引力) 50

Section Nine They Can't Eat to Their Heart's Content(吃完了还想要吃) 52

Part Three They Are on Friendly Terms(友好相处) 56

Section One The Chief's Resume and His Views(首领的简历和他的观点) 56

Section Two They Have to Have the Baby Adopted(寄养的苦衷) 60

Section Three An Unexpected Power Failure(意外停电) 60

Section Four The Accommodation in David's Home(在大卫家的食宿) 64

Section Five They Keep Vigilance at All Times(始终警惕) 66

Section Six A False Alarm(假警报) 68

Section Seven The Wonderful Robot(奇妙的机器人) 70

Section Eight A Fruitful Writer(多产作家) 74

Section Nine The Robot's Argument(机器人的争辩) 78

Section Ten About Religion and Education(关于宗教和教育) 80

Section Eleven About Politics and the Child's Treatment(关于政治和孩子的待遇) 84

Part Four A High Price for an Advanced Civilization(先进文明的代价) 88

Section One Space Travel Is Not So Romantic(太空旅行并不浪漫) 88

Section Two They Often Meet with a Refusal(经常碰壁) 92

Section Three A Terrible Nuclear War(可怕的核战争) 94

Section Four Patrick's Desire for Cooperation(渴望合作) 96

Section Five The Consequence of a Large Population(大量人口的后果) 98

Section Six The Historical Cause(历史原因) 102

Section Seven Cloning Technology Makes Things Worse(克隆技术使事情更糟) 106

Section Eight The Serious Pollution Problem(严重的污染问题) 108

Section Nine How to Feed Such a Large Population?(大量人口的食物问题) 112

Section Ten A Global Famine(全球性的饥荒) 114

Section Eleven The Famine and the War(饥荒和战争) 118

Part Five They Can't Get a Visa(拿不到签证) 120

Section One In the Immigration Office(在移民局) 120

Section Two A Miserable Childhood(悲惨的童年) 122

Section Three Forced to Immigrate Abroad(被迫移民国外) 124

Section Four On the Eve of Their Departure(出发的前夕) 130

Part Six Bobby Grows Up Healthy(博比健康成长) 134

Section One A Shrewd Accountant(精明的会计师) 134

Section Two A Responsible Nurse and Helper(尽责的保姆和帮手) 136

Section Three A Talented Boy(神童) 138

Section Four Bobby Receives Education(博比上学) 144

Section Five Wandering Around the Zoo(公园戏猴) 146

Section Six An Unusual Hobby(与众不同的爱好) 150

Section Seven Is the Restriction Effective?(约束有效吗?) 152

Section Eight An Accident(一场事故) 156

Section Nine Further Cooperation(进一步合作) 160

Part Seven Classroom Violence(课堂暴力) 166

Section One Bobby Is Bullied at School(受尽欺凌) 166

Section Two Tony's Undesirable Behavior(托尼的不良表现) 170

Section Three Tony's Gang of Bullies(欺凌弱小的托尼帮) 176

Section Four The Direct Cause of Violence(暴力的直接原因) 180

Section Five What a Free Fight!(好一场混战) 182

Section Six The Authorities'Reaction(当局的反应) 186

Section Seven Bobby's Escape(博比逃跑) 192

Section Eight The Robot Is Not Programmed to Fight(机器人没安打架程序) 196

Section Nine Another Fight in the Garden(在花园里又打一架) 200

Section Ten A Little"Magic Power"(一点小“魔力”) 204

Section Eleven The Robot Has to Change its Program(机器人得改程序) 208

Section Twelve David's Worry about the Consequences(大卫担忧后果) 212

Section Thirteen Bobby's Fantasy(博比的幻想) 214

Part Eight The Upgrade of the Conflict(冲突升级) 218

Section One Bobby's Encounter with Tony's Gang(博比遭遇托尼帮) 218

Section Two A Small Pet Mouse(小小宠物鼠) 222

Section Three The Media's Reaction(媒体的反应) 226

Section Four A Behind-the-Scene Deal(幕后交易) 230

Section Five Lucy's Transfer into the School(露茜转学) 234

Section Six Bobby's Guardian(博比的保护人) 234

Section Seven The Robots Teach the Bullies a Lesson(一顿教训) 238

Section Eight The Disappointment in Love(失恋) 242

Section Nine Another Free Fight(又一次大打出手) 244

Part Nine Bobby's Dismissal from the School(博比被开除) 252

Section One A Little Scheme(小花招) 252

Section Two The Interference from the Congressman(国会议员的干预) 256

Section Three Bobby's Disappearance(博比失踪) 258

Section Four The Two Detectives(两个侦探) 264

Section Five Lying Patiently in Wait(耐心守候) 268

Section Six Scoring a Lucky Hit(歪打正着) 270

Section Seven One Event Succeeds Another(一波未平,一波又起) 276

Section Eight The Principal's Nightmare(校长的噩梦) 282

Part Ten The Massive Search(大搜索) 288

Section One The Pressure of the Public Opinion(舆论的压力) 288

Section Two The Principal's Anxiety(校长的焦虑) 290

Section Three The Ally with a Journalist(和一个记者结盟) 294

Section Four The Bloody Trail(血迹追踪) 298

Section Five In the Second Hand Market(二手市场) 300

Section Six The Natural Enemies(天敌) 306

Section Seven An Episode(小插曲) 308

Section Eight The Search Is in Vain(找不到人) 312

Part Eleven A Peaceful Settlement(和平解决) 320

Section One David's Attitude(大卫的态度) 320

Section Two The Rescue of Bobby(博比获救) 324

Section Three The Two Corps Are Facing Out(两军对峙) 328

Section Four The Negotiation(谈判) 334

Section Five The Robot's Indifference(机器人的冷漠) 338

Section Six The Compromise and Coexistence(妥协和共存) 340

Section Seven The Building of Grand Solar Cities(建设大太阳城) 344

Cocky and Huddy's Story(二进宫) 354

Part One A Hardened Burglar,Cocky(惯偷科基) 354

Part Two Cocky's Account of his Prison Life(科基讲述铁窗风味) 360

Part Three Cocky Wants to Escape(科基想要逃跑) 368

Part Four John's Jewels Are Stolen(约翰珠宝被窃) 380

Part Five Cocky Is the Suspect(科基是嫌犯) 384

Part Six At the End of the Resources(山穷水尽) 388

Part Seven Hand in Glove with Each Other(互相勾结) 394

Part Eight New Strategy(新的战略) 398

Part Nine The Burglars'Encounter with the Policemen(遭遇警察) 402

Part Ten The Lousy End(可耻的下场) 410

四级词汇表 416

后记 483

参考文献 487