《巨龙传说 中学英语轻松阅读 初中版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王爱东,崔琳琳编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7200041483
  • 页数:117 页

Passage 1 The Legend of Dragon(巨龙传说) 1

Passage 2 The Magic Valley(神奇的山谷) 5

Passage 3 Trip to the Mars(火星之游) 9

Passage 4 The Writer of the Millennium(千年作家) 14

Passage 5 When Does the New Millennium Begin?(新千年何时开始?) 17

Passage 6 Woman General of Osage Tribe(奥赛奇部落的女将军) 19

Passage 7 A Flying Car(会飞的汽车) 23

Passage 8 Global Warming(全球变暖) 26

Passage 9 The Fun of Getting Ill(生病的快乐) 29

Passage 10 Aggressive Babies(好斗的孩子) 32

Passage 11 The Adventures of Alice(艾丽斯历险记) 36

Passage 12 Curtis and His Pet 40

(柯茨和他的宠物) 40

Passage 13 The Loss of a Favorite Dog(痛失爱狗) 44

Passage 14 Fighting with Monsters(大战怪物) 48

Passage 15 A Haunted House(鬼屋历险) 50

Passage 16 Tasting Seawater(品尝海水) 54

Passage 17 School Kids Doing Business(小学生做生意) 57

Passage 18 Egrets Riding On the Back of the Cows(骑在牛背上的白鹭) 61

Passage 19 The Moon That Lost Its Smile(失去微笑的月亮) 65

Passage 20 The Death of American Presidents(美国总统之死) 70

Passage 21 A Pitiful Cat(可怜的猫) 74

Passage 22 How to Measure Distance?(如何测量距离?) 77

Passage 23 Surfing(冲浪运动) 81

Passage 24 Engagement and Wedding Customs in America(美国的订婚与结婚习俗) 85

Passage 25 Dining Around in Vancouver(吃在温哥华) 89

Passage 26 The Royal Canadian Mint(加拿大皇家造币厂) 93

Passage 27 Marathon(马拉松) 96

Passage 28 Where Is the Mona Lisa?(蒙娜丽莎在何处?) 100

Passage 29 Working in Hollywood(在好莱坞工作) 104

Passage 30 Hawaiian Song and Dance(夏威夷歌舞) 107

Key to exercises(答案) 111