
  • 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:薄冰主编
  • 出 版 社:太原:山西教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7544028992
  • 页数:710 页

a/an 1

a/an,one 1

Aa 1

ability 2

abandon 2

able,capable 3

able 3

ability,capability,capacity,talent 3

about,of,on 4

about 4

above,on,over 5

above,beyond 5

above 5

absorb 6

absent 6

abroad 6

absence 6

academy,college,school,university 7

abundance,plenty 7

absorb,suck 7

accept 8

accent,noise,sound,voice 8

accent 8

access 9

accept,receive 9

accept,admit,take 9

accommodate,adapt,adjust 10

accommodate 10

accident,event,incident 10

accomplish,finish,complete 11

accompany 11

accommodate,favor 11

accord,agree,conform 12

accord 12

account,story 13

account 13

accurate,correct,right 14

accurate,exact 14

accumulate,amass 14

accurate 14

accustom 15

accuse,charge 15

accuse 15

achieve 16

ache,pain 16

ache 16

acknowledge 17

achieve,arrive,reach 17

acquire,gain,get,obtain 18

acquaintance,familiarity 18

act 19

across,over,through 19

across 19

across,along 19

adapt 20

actual,real,true 20

act,behave 20

addition 21

add 21

adapt,fit 21

adequate,enough,sufficient 22

adequate 22

address 22

admit 23

admire 23

adjust 23

administration 23

advance,proceed,progress 24

advance 24

adopt 24

advantage,benefit,profit 25

advantage 25

advice,opinion,proposal,suggestion 26

advice 26

adventure 26

affair,business,matter 27

affair 27

advise 27

affection 28

affect,assume,feign,pretend 28

affect 28

afraid 29

afford,provide,supply 29

afford 29

after 30

afraid,frightened,terrified 30

against 31

again 31

after,behind 31

ago 32

aged,ancient,elder,elderly,old 32

age 32

agree 33

ago,before 33

aid 34

ahead 34

agree,approve,consent 34

agreement 34

aim 35

aid,assist,help 35

air 36

aim,purpose 36

alarm,amaze,astonish,surprise 37

alarm 37

aircraft 37

airport 37

alive 38

alike,as,like 38

alert 38

all,both 39

all 39

alive,live,living 39

all ready,already 40

all,entire,total,whole 40

allow,let,permit 41

allow 41

all together,altogether 41

almost nearly 42

almost 42

along 43

alone,lonely 43

alone 43

already,yet 44

already 44

aloud,loud,loudly 44

although 45

also,either,too 45

also 45

among 46

always,often,usually 46

although,though 46

altitude,height 46

amount,quantity 47

amount 47

among,between 47

and 48

ancient 48

amuse,entertain 48

animal,beast,creature 49

angle,corner 49

answer,reply,respond 50

answer 50

announce,declare 50

anxious 51

anxiety,care,worry 51

any 52

anxious,eager,keen 52

any one,anyone 53

any,some 53

any,either 53

anywhere 54

anything 54

anybody 54

appeal 55

apologize 55

apart 55

apt,likely,subject 56

appearance 56

appear,look,seem 56

argue,debate,dispute 57

argue 57

area,district,region 57

around 58

army,force,troops 58

arise 58

arm,weapon 58

arrive,get,reach 59

arrange,organize 59

arouse 59

arouse,rouse 59

as 60

artificial;synthetic 60

art,skill 60

ashamed 61

ash 61

as,when,while 61

asleep 62

ask,beg,demand,request 62

ashamed,shameful 62

assurance,guarantee 63

assault,attack,charge 63

asleep,sleeping,sleepy 63

at 64

assure,ensure 64

at last,finally,in the end 65

at,in,on 65

audience 66

attentive,careful 66

attempt,try 66

authority 67

author,writer 67

await,wait 68

avoid 68

avenue,road,street,way 68

awake,awaken,wake,waken 69

aware,conscious 70

award,reward 70

La Vie En Rose/粉红玫瑰 72

英文歌曲 72

back 73

baby,child,infant 73

Bb 73

bad,evil,ill,poor,wrong 74

bad,badly 74

back,backward,backwards 74

balance,scale 75

bake,roast 75

baggage 75

bath,bathe 76

base,basis 76

bare 76

be able to,can,could 77

be,exist,live 77

battle,war 77

beam,ray 78

beach,shore 78

beat,hit,strike 79

bear,endure,stand 79

because,since 80

because 80

beautiful,fair,handsome,pretty 80

become,come,go 81

become 81

before 82

become,turn 82

begin 83

beg 83

before,till 83

believe 84

beginning,original 84

begin,commence,start 84

beloved 85

belong 85

believe,trust 85

beside,besides 86

bench,chair 86

below,under 86

besides,except 87

besides 87

beside,by 87

better 88

bet 88

best 88

beyond 89

between 89

better,improve 89

big 90

bid 90

beyond,outside,over 90

bit 91

bind,fasten,tie 91

big,large,great 91

blame,scold 92

blame 92

black 92

blood 93

blaze,fire,flame 93

blue 94

blow 94

bloom 94

border 95

body 95

boat 95

boat,craft,ship 95

borrow,lend 96

border,frontier 96

border,edge 96

both 97

bother,disturb,interrupt 98

both,either,neither 98

both,each 98

brain,head,mind 99

boy,child,lad 99

bow 99

break 100

brave,heroic 100

break,pause,rest 101

break,damage,destroy,ruin 101

brief,short 102

brief 102

breakfast 102

breath,breathe 102

bring 103

bright,light 103

bright,clever,wise 103

broad,wide 104

broad 104

bring,fetch,take 104

bulk 105

build,establish,found 105

brook,stream 105

burden,load 106

bundle,parcel 106

bundle 106

business,commerce,trade 107

bus,car,lorry,truck 107

burst,explode 107

bus 107

buy 108

but 108

by,in,on 109

by 109

buy,purchase 109

by,till,until 110

by,near 110

by,with 111

Against All Odds/困难重重 112

英文歌曲 112

cabin,hut 113

cab,carriage,coach 113

Cc 113

call 114

calculate 114

cable,rope,string,thread 114

calm,quiet,silent,still 115

calm 115

can,may 116

can 116

cannon,gun 117

candy,sugar,sweet 117

canal,channel,strait 117

care 118

captive,prisoner 118

cap,hat 118

capable 118

career,job,work 119

career 119

cattle 120

catch 120

cat 120

cause,make 121

cause,excuse,reason 121

cause 121

cease 122

cave,hole 122

cause,occasion 122

center〔centre〕 123

celebrate,congratulate 123

cease,pause,stop 123

ceiling,roof,top 123

certain 124

centre,middle 124

champion 125

challenge 125

chair 125

charge 126

character,nature 126

chance,opportunity 126

cheat,deceive,trick 127

cheat 127

chase,follow 127

cheerful,glad,happy,joyful 128

check 128

chief,main,principal 129

chief,chieftain,head 129

choose 130

chilly,cold,cool 130

cite 131

cinema,film,theatre 131

choose,elect,select 131

clasp,grip,snatch 132

claim 132

city 132

city,town 132

clean 133

classic,classical 133

class,lesson 133

clear 134

clean,sweep,wipe 134

clean,clear 134

clean,pure 134

close 135

climb 135

climate,weather 135

clothes 136

cloth,clothes,dress,suit 136

close,near 136

colo(u)r 137

collect,gather 137

coal 137

cold 137

come 138

combine,connect,join,unite 138

command 139

comfort 139

committee 140

commit 140

command,order 140

commerce 140

compare 141

company 141

common,ordinary 141

compel,force,oblige 142

compel 142

compare,contrast 142

complaint 143

complain 143

compete 143

concern 144

concentrate 144

condition 145

condemn 145

congratulate 146

conduct,guide,lead 146

condition,situation,state 146

consider,regard 147

consider 147

conquer,overcome 147

constant,continual,continuous,incessant 148

consist 148

considerable 148

continue,last,resume 149

continent,land 149

contain,hold 149

content 149

control,govern,rule 150

contrast 150

contrary 150

cook,cooker 151

conversation,dialogue 151

cost,pay,spend,take 152

cost 152

corn,grain 152

country,nation,state 153

country 153

cottage,house,hut,villa 153

crazy,mad 154

craft 154

couple 154

couple,pair 154

course 154

crop 155

create,discover,invent 155

cry,scream,shout 156

crush,smash 156

crop,harvest,plant 156

cross 156

custom,habit,hobby 157

cup,glass 157

cry,sob,weep 157

customer,guest 158

To Love Somebody 去爱一个人 159

英文歌曲 159

damn 160

damage,injure 160

Dd 160

damage 160

dare 161

dangerous 161

danger,risk 161

dark,darkness 162

dark 162

dare,venture 162

deaf 163

date,day 163

dark,dim 163

decay,go bad,rot,spoil 164

debate 164

dear,dearly 164

dear,high 164

decide,determine,settle 165

decide 165

deceive 165

deep,deeply 166

decrease,reduce 166

decline 166

delay,postpone,put off 167

defend,guard,protect 167

defend 167

deliberate 168

delegate 168

deny 169

demand 169

delight 169

depend 170

depart,go,leave 170

depart 170

deserve 171

describe,portray 171

desire 172

design,plan,proposal 172

design 172

desk,table 173

desire,hope,want,wish 173

detest,dislike,hate 174

determine 174

despite 174

die 175

device 175

develop 175

differ 176

diet,food,table 176

die,kill 176

difficulty,trouble 177

difficult,hard 177

different 177

different,several,various 177

disappoint 178

dinner,meal,supper 178

digest 178

disease 179

discover,find 179

discharge 179

discharge,dismiss 179

dislike 180

dish 180

disease,illness,sickness 180

disorder 181

dismiss,release 181

dismiss 181

dispose 182

display,show 182

display 182

dissolve 183

dispute 183

distinguish 184

distant,far,faraway 184

distance 184

divert 185

distribute 185

division 186

divide,separate 186

divide 186

door,gate 187

doll 187

divorce 187

do 187

doubt 188

double,time,twice 188

double 188

dozen 189

down 189

doubt,suspect 189

drain 190

drag,draw 190

draft 190

dress 191

dream 191

drill 192

dress,put on,wear 192

drink,have,take 193

drink 193

drill,exercise,practice 193

drive,ride 194

drive 194

drug,medicine,pill 195

drown 195

drop 195

dumb 196

due 196

duck 196

dust 197

during,for,in 197

during 197

duty,obligation,responsibility 198

Stand By Me/与我同行 199

英文歌曲 199

ear 200

each,every 200

Ee 200

each 200

earnest 201

earn,win 201

earn 201

earth,world 202

earth,floor,ground,soil 202

earth 202

easy 203

east 203

ease 203

eat,have,take 204

easy,simple 204

educate,teach,train 205

educate 205

edge 205

edit 205

effective,effectual,efficient 206

effect,result 206

effect 206

either 207

egg 207

effort 207

elder,older 208

elbow 208

electric 209

elect 209

elderly 209

emerge 210

else 210

element 210

employ 211

emperor,king 211

emergency 211

empty,hollow 212

employ,hire,rent 212

endure 213

encourage,excite 213

encourage 213

engage 214

enemy,foe 214

entire,whole 215

enter 215

enjoy,like,love 215

enough 215

envy 216

entrance 216

error,fault,mistake 217

equal,same,similar 217

essential 218

especially,specially 218

escape 218

estimate 219

establishment 219

establish 219

even,flat,level 220

even 220

ever 221

event 221

every day,everyday 222

every 222

ever,forever 222

evidence,proof,witness 223

everyone 223

every one,everyone 223

except 224

examination,quiz,test 224

exam 224

excite,inspire 225

exchange 225

excuse 226

exercise 227

excuse,forgive,pardon 227

exist,survive 228

exhaust 228

expect 229

expand 229

exit 229

expense 230

expect,wait 230

extend 231

expose 231

explore,search,seek 231

eye 232

extreme 232

Can't Help Falling In Love 堕入爱河 233

英文歌曲 233

fact 234

face 234

Ff 234

fail,miss 235

fail,failure 235

factory,mill,plant 235

fail 235

fairly,pretty,quite 236

fair 236

faith 237

fairly,rather 237

family,home,house 238

family 238

fall 238

far 239

fancy,like 239

famous 239

farther,further 240

farm,field,garden 240

fat,plump,stout 241

fast,quickly,soon 241

fast,quick,rapid,swift 241

feed 242

fear 242

favo(u)r 242

feel,think 243

feel 243

festival,holiday,leave,vacation 244

fence,hedge 244

fellow 244

fence 244

few 245

fever,heat 245

fetch 245

fight 246

field 246

fill,full 247

file 247

fight,struggle 247

figure 247

fine 248

find 248

final,last 248

fit 249

fish 249

finish 249

fix,mend,repair 250

fix 250

fit,suit 250

flavo(u)r 251

flatter 251

flash 251

floor 252

flight,stair,step 252

flee 252

flesh,meat 252

fluid,liquid 253

flower 253

floor,storey 253

fond 254

follow 254

fog,mist 254

folk 254

for 255

foolish,silly,stupid 255

forbid 256

forbid,prohibit 256

forest,jungle,wood 257

foreign 257

force,make,oblige 257

form,shape 258

forgive 258

forget 258

found 259

fortune 259

former,previous 259

fresh,new 260

freeze 260

free 260

freedom,liberty 260

from,since 261

frighten 261

friend 261

fun,joke 262

fun 262

full 262

furniture 263

function 263

Turn!Turn!Turn! 转!转!转! 264

英文歌曲 264

game,match,sport 265

game 265

Gg 265

gain 265

garden 266

garbage,rubbish 266

generally 267

gather 267

gas,gasoline,oil,petrol 267

genius 268

generation 268

get 269

gentle,mild,soft 269

gift,present 270

gift 270

glad,happy,pleased 271

glad 271

girlfriend 271

give 271

glare 272

glance 272

go 273

glory 273

glass 273

god 274

good 275

gold,golden 275

gold 275

good,well 276

goose 277

goods 277

goodness 277

graduate 278

grace 278

grab,grasp,hold,seize,snatch 278

grant 279

grand 279

grain 279

grateful,thankful 280

grass 280

grasp 280

green 281

greedy 281

great 281

grind 282

grief,sadness,sorrow 282

group 283

ground 283

grip 283

grow,increase 284

grow 284

guard 285

guarantee 285

guess 286

guilty 287

guide 287

guess,imagine,suppose 287

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head 雨点打在我头上 289

英文歌曲 289

hail 290

habit 290

Hh 290

halt 291

half 291

handful 292

hand 292

hang,kill,murder,shoot 293

hang 293

handle 293

happily 294

happen 294

harbo(u)r,port 295

harbo(u)r 295

happiness 295

happy 295

hardly 296

hard,hardly 296

hard 296

harm 297

hardly,scarcely 297

hate 298

harmony 298

harm,hurt,injure,wound 298

have 299

heading,headline,title 300

head 300

he 300

hear 301

heap 301

heal,cure 301

health,healthful,healthy 301

healthy,well 301

heart,centre,middle 302

heart 302

hear,listen,listen to,sound 302

heaven,sky,space,universe 303

heaven 303

heat 303

help 304

hell 304

heavy,weighty 304

high,highly 305

high 305

hint 306

high,tall 306

hold 307

hit 307

his 307

historic,historical 307

holiday 308

hole 308

hold,keep 308

hono(u)r 309

honest 309

home 309

hope 310

host 311

horror 311

horizon 311

hour 312

hotel,inn,restaurant 312

hot 312

hot,warm 312

how 313

house 313

human,people,person 314

human 314

however 314

hundred 315

humo(u)r 315

humanity 315

humble 315

hurry 316

hunt 316

hunger 316

husband 317

hurry,rush 317

I Just Called To Say I Love You 电话诉衷肠 318

英文歌曲 318

idea 319

I 319

Ii 319

idle,lazy 320

idle 320

idea,thought 320

if 321

if,whether 322

ill 323

ignore,neglect 323

ignorance 323

ignorant 323

imagine 324

ill,sick 324

impossible,unable 325

importance 325

immediately 325

improve 326

impress 326

incident 327

inch 327

in 327

in,at 327

indeed 328

include,involve 328

incline 328

indifferent 329

index 329

indeed,really,truly 329

indulge 330

individual,personal,private 330

individual 330

inflict 331

inferior 331

industrial,industrious 331

infect 331

information 332

inform 332

influence 332

insist,persist 333

inquire 333

information,news 333

inhabit 333

instant,minute,moment 334

instant 334

instance 334

instead 335

instrument,tool 336

instrument 336

institution 336

instruction 336

intelligence 337

integrate 337

insurance 337

interest 338

intention 338

intend 338

interrupt 339

interior 339

interested,interesting 339

interfere 339

introduction 340

introduce 340

interval 340

into 340

investigation 341

invest 341

invent 341

invention 341

irritate 342

irony 342

invite 342

involve 342

issue,problem,question 343

issue 343

isolate 343

itself 344

itch 344

jest 345

jealous 345

Jj 345

jar 345

join 346

job,labo(u)r,work 346

job 346

journey,tour,travel,trip,voyage 347

journey 347

joint 347

joke 347

judge 348

joy 348

just 349

junior 349

jump 349

justify 350

justice 350

keep 351

keen 351

Kk 351

kick 352

key 352

kind 353

kill 353

kid 353

kind,sort,type 354

kind,kindly 354

knock 355

knee 355

king 355

know,learn 356

know 356

knowledge 357

Ben/本 358

英文歌曲 358

lack 359

labo(u)r 359

Ll 359

language 360

land 360

lady 360

large 361

lap 361

language,tongue 361

late 362

last,later,latter 362

last 362

latter 363

later 363

lately 363

lately,recently 363

laugh,smile 364

laugh,laughter 364

laugh 364

law 365

launch 365

laughter 365

lay,lie,place,put,set 366

lay 366

lawful,legal 366

leaf 367

lead 367

learn 368

leak 368

league 368

leave 369

least 369

learn,study 369

leg 371

lecture,speech,talk 371

lecture 371

length 372

lend 372

leisure 372

lest 373

lesson 373

less 373

liable 374

level 374

let 374

life 375

lie 375

lick 375

like 376

light 376

lift 376

likely,maybe,probable,probably 377

likely 377

line 378

limit 378

listen 379

list 379

link 379

lip 379

little 380

literature 380

live 381

little,small,tiny 381

load 382

living 382

locate 383

local 383

loan 383

lobby 383

long 384

logic 384

lodge 384

log 384

look 385

look,see,watch 386

lose,miss 387

lord 387

loose 387

loud 388

lot 388

loss 388

love 389

lovable,lovely,loving 389

luck 390

low 390

lunch 391

lump 391

lucky 391

luxury 392

Beauty And The Beast 美女与野兽 393

英文歌曲 393

make 394

Mm 394

man,mankind 396

man 396

male,masculine,manly 396

management 397

manage 397

manner,means,method,way 398

manner 398

march 399

map 399

many 399

mark 400

margin 400

marriage,wedding 401

market 401

marry 402

material 403

mate 403

marvel 403

mass 403

matter 404

material,matter,substance 404

may,could,might 405

may 405

me 406

may be,maybe 406

means 407

meaning,sense 407

mean 407

memorial,monument 408

melt 408

means,tool 408

mercy 409

mention 409

memory 409

mental,spiritual 409

mill 410

mile 410

mess 410

message 410

middle 410

miss 411

minister 411

mind 411

moment 412

modern 412

mistaken,wrong 412

mosquito 413

more 413

mood 413

moon 413

moral 413

motion 414

mother 414

most 414

move 415

mourn 415

mount 415

mountain 415

much,quite,so,very 416

much 416

move,remove,transfer 416

music 417

muscle 417

multiply 417

must 418

I'll Follow Him/追随 419

英文歌曲 419

name,subject,title,topic 420

name 420

Nn 420

near,nearby 421

near 421

nation 421

native 421

nature 421

necessary 422

neat 422

nearly 422

need 423

neither 424

negotiate 424

neglect 424

nevertheless 425

never 425

nerve 425

night 426

nice 426

news 426

newspaper 426

next 426

no one,none 427

no,not 427

no 427

noise 428

nod 428

nobody 428

nonsense 429

none 429

noise,sound,voice 429

not 430

nose 430

nor 430

north 430

nothing 431

notion 432

notice,observe 432

notice 432

nowadays 433

now 433

How Deep Is Your Love 你爱有多深 434

英文歌曲 434

objection 435

object,objectve 435

Oo 435

obey 435

object 435

occasion 436

obvious 436

obligate 436

observation 436

obtain 436

of 437

odds 437

occupy 437

off 438

offer,provide,supply 439

offer 439

offend 439

often 440

official 440

officer 440

on 441

omit 441

okey/O.K./OK 441

old 441

on,upon 442

once 443

one 444

only 445

one,single 445

opportunity 446

open 446

only,sole 446

oral 447

or 447

oppose 447

origin,source 448

order 448

other 449

out 450

ought 450

outlook 451

outline 451

outlet 451

outward 452

outstanding 452

outside 452

overcome 453

overall 453

over 453

own 454

overtake 454

overlook 454

own,possess 455

May It Be/也许 456

英文歌曲 456

pair 457

package,parcel 457

Pp 457

pace 457

pace,step 457

parliament 458

pants 458

pale,white 458

palm 458

particular 459

partial 459

part 459

pass 460

party 460

partner 460

path,pavement,route,way 461

patch 461

passion 461

past 461

pay 462

penalty 463

pay,salary,wage 463

people 464

penny 464

penetrate 464

performance 465

perform,act 465

per 465

percentage 465

perect 465

permission 466

period 466

perhaps 466

person 467

persist 467

permit 467

phone 468

persuade 468

personnel 468

picture 469

pick 469

pipe,tube 470

pierce 470

piece 470

plant 471

plan,project,scheme 471

place,room 471

pleasant,pleased,pleasing 472

play 472

plastic 472

pleasure 473

please 473

plough 474

plenty 474

pledge 474

police 475

point 475

pose 476

popular 476

police,policeman 476

policy 476

poor 476

possess 477

positive 477

position 477

practice 478

powerful 478

pound 478

power 478

prefer 479

pray 479

prepare 480

pregnant 480

preference 480

pretty 481

press,urge 481

present 481

prevent,stop 482

prevail 482

price 483

previous 483

prince 484

prime 484

pride 484

product 485

produce 485

principal 485

prior 485

process 485

programme 486

professional 486

profession 486

project 487

prohibit 487

progressive 487

prompt 488

promote 488

promise 488

property 489

proper 489

proof 489

prospect 490

propose 490

proportion 490

provide 491

proud 491

prospect,scene,scenery,view 491

protection 491

public 492

provision 492

pull 493

publish 493

publication 493

publicity 493

purpose 494

purchase 494

punch 494

pupil 494

put 495

push 495

purse,wallet 495

quality 496

qualify 496

Qq 496

qualification 496

queue 497

question 497

quarrel 497

quarter 497

quit 498

quiet 498

quick 498

quotation 499

quite 499

Alarm Call/警告 500

英文歌曲 500

rack 501

race 501

Rr 501

rabbit 501

rail 502

rage 502

radio 502

rag 502

raise 503

rain 503

rank 504

rally 504

raise,rise 504

rate 505

rarely 505

rare,scarce 505

read 506

react 506

rather 506

real 507

ready 507

reading 507

rear 508

realize,understand 508

rebel 509

reason 509

reckon 510

reception 510

recall 510

recently 510

recommend 511

recognize 511

recover 512

recover,restore 512

record 512

refer 513

reduce 513

red 513

refuse 514

reflection 514

reference 514

refine 514

reflect 514

regret 515

regardless 515

regard 515

relation,relationship,relative 516

relation 516

reject 516

relate 516

relief 517

release 517

relax 517

remain 518

rely 518

relieve 518

reluctant 518

remarkable 519

remark 519

remain,stay 519

remember,remind 520

remember 520

rent 521

renew 521

remind 521

render 521

reply 522

replacement 522

repair 522

replace 522

request 523

representative 523

report 523

requirement 524

require 524

resign 525

reserve 525

rescue 525

rescue,save 525

resemble 525

resort 526

resolve 526

resist 526

resistance 526

resolution 526

resume 527

responsible 527

respond 527

responsibility 527

revolution 528

revolt 528

retire,retreat,withdraw 528

return 528

reverse 528

rich,wealthy 529

rich 529

reward 529

ribbon 529

right 530

ride 530

rid 530

risk 531

right,correct 531

rob,steal 532

rob 532

roar 532

round 533

room 533

rock 533

rod 533

There You'll Be/你会在那里 534

英文歌曲 534

safe,secure 535

safe 535

Ss 535

sacrifice 535

sale 536

sake 536

sail 536

saint 536

sanction 537

sample 537

same 537

satisfy 538

satisfaction 538

saving 539

save 539

say,speak,talk,tell 540

say 540

saw 540

scan 541

scale 541

scheme 542

scenery 542

scandal 542

scare 542

scope 543

school 543

scholar 543

script 544

screen 544

scout 544

scrape 544

seat 545

search 545

seal 545

seek 546

secure 546

seat,sit 546

self 547

select 547

seem 547

sense 548

senior 548

sell 548

send 548

session 549

service 549

sensible 549

serve 549

settlement 550

set 550

shake,quake,tremble 551

shade,shadow 551

severe 551

shade 551

shape 552

shame 552

shallow 552

shed 553

she 553

share 553

shave 553

shift 554

shield 554

sheer 554

shell 554

shrink 555

shot 555

shoot 555

shop 555

signal 556

sigh 556

shrug 556

side 556

similar 557

silent 557

signature 557

significance 557

since 558

simple 558

sink 560

single 560

sing 560

size 561

sit 561

sir 561

sister 561

slender 562

sky 562

skate 562

skin 562

slow 563

slope 563

slide 563

slim 563

slip 563

smell 564

smart 564

slow,slowly 564

smoke 565

smile 565

snap 566

so 567

snow 567

solve 569

solid 569

sock 569

sole 569

some one,someone 570

some 570

something 571

somebody 571

some time,sometime,sometimes 571

sorry 572

sorrow 572

soon 572

sore 572

south 573

sound 573

sort 573

soul 573

spade 574

space,universe 574

space 574

special 575

speak 575

spare 575

spark 575

specifically 576

specific 576

special,specific 576

species 576

speed 577

speech 577

specimen 577

spill 578

spend 578

spell 578

spit 579

spiritual 579

spin 579

spirit 579

sponsor 580

spoil 580

spite 580

split 580

spot 581

sportsman 581

spoon 581

sport 581

spray 582

spring 583

spread 583

square 584

spur 584

staff 585

stable 585

squeeze 585

start 586

stamp 586

stake 586

stale 586

static 587

statement 587

starve 587

stay 588

status 588

station 588

statue 588

steam 589

steal 589

steady 589

steak 589

steer 590

steep 590

steel 590

stick 591

step 591

stem 591

still,yet 592

still 592

stiff 592

stomach 593

stocking 593

stop 594

stoop 594

stone 594

story 595

storm 595

strange 596

straight 596

stretch 597

stress 597

straw 597

stream 597

student 598

strip 598

strike 598

string 598

stupid 599

stuff 599

studio 599

submit 600

subject 600

style 600

such 601

succession 601

suburb 601

subway 601

succeed 601

suggestion 602

suggest 602

summary 603

sum 603

suit 603

supplement 604

Sunday 604

summer 604

sun 604

sure 605

suppose 605

supply 605

survival 606

surround 606

surprise 606

surrender 606

sweat 607

swear 607

suspect 607

swim 608

swift 608

sweep 608

swell 608

swing 609

system 610

switch 610

Waltzing Back/倒退华尔兹 611

英文歌曲 611

tag 612

table 612

Tt 612

take 613

tailor 613

tail 613

taste 614

target 614

talk 614

teach 615

tea 615

tax 615

technique,technology 616

team 616

tender 617

tend 617

telephone 617

temper 617

than 618

textbook 618

term 618

thank 620

that 621

the 623

that,which 623

there 626

then 626

theatre 626

think 628

thing 628

though 629

this 629

thunder 630

threaten 630

thousand 630

threat 630

tide 631

ticket 631

thus 631

till 632

tight 632

tidy 632

tie 632

tiger 632

time 633

timber 633

tired 634

tip 634

together 635

today 635

title 635

tone 636

ton 636

tomorrow 636

too 637

tonight 637

tongue 637

total 638

torture 638

tooth 638

top 638

tour 639

touch 639

trace 640

town 640

towards 640

towel 640

trade 641

track 641

trace,trail 641

train 642

trail 642

traffic 642

transfer 643

training 643

travel 644

trap 644

translate 644

translation 644

transport 644

treatment 645

treat 645

triumph,victory 646

trial 646

tremble 646

true 647

trouble 647

troop 647

try 648

truth 648

trust 648

tune 649

Groovy Kind Of Love 令人着迷的爱 650

英文歌曲 650

understanding 651

understand 651

Uu 651

universal 652

unite 652

undertake 652

unfortunately 652

unique 652

unload 653

unlike 653

university 653

unless 653

up 654

until 654

upset 655

upper 655

urge 656

upward 656

used 657

use 657

usage,use 657

usually 658

value,worth,worthy 659

vegetable 659

Vv 659

variety 659

very 660

vice 661

vibrate 661

veteran 661

view 662

victory 662

victim 662

visit 663

violent,wild 663

violent 663

vote 664

volunteer 664

vivid 664

wait 666

wage 666

Ww 666

walk 667

wake 667

want 669

wander 669

way 670

watch 670

wash 670

welcome 671

weather 671

wear 671

what 672

when 673

whatever 673

where 674

while 675

which 675

whether 675

who 676

white 676

whisper 676

whom 677

whole 677

who,whom 677

willing 678

will 678

whose 678

why 678

winter 679

wind 679

win 679

wire 680

wit 681

wish 681

within 682

with 682

wonder 683

woman 683

witness 683

wool 684

wood 684

work 685

word 685

worry 686

world 686

worship 687

worse 687

worth 688

worst 688

wound 689

would 689

worthwhile 689

worthy 689

wreck 690

wrap 690

yield 691

yet 691

Yy 691

young,youngster,youth 692

You've Got A Way 你已找到方向 693

英文歌曲 693

1 标点符号的用法 694

附录 694

3 常见英文名字 698

2 公共场所常见提示用语 698

4 英语学习网站资源域名 701

5 生活中常见的英语缩略词 702

6 常见英文应用文体写作范例 705

参考文献 710