
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:符亦文,陆萍,杨丹编译
  • 出 版 社:上海:东华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7811112604
  • 页数:255 页

1.A bad impression 2

1.一个坏印象 3

2.A different kind of audience 4

2.不同的观众 5

3.A family rule 6

3.家规 7

4.A fine match 8

4.势均力敌 9

5.A good detective 10

5.好侦探 11

6.A great interview 12

6.超棒的面试 13

7.A hearse driver 14

7.灵车司机 15

8.A mistake 16

8.搞错了 17

9.A naughty student 18

9.顽皮的学生 19

10.A nice catch 20

10.巧妙上钩 21

11.A problem in arithmetic 22

11.一个数学问题 23

12.A proud question 26

12.引以为豪的问题 27

13.A smuggler 28

13.走私犯 29

14.A soldier's brilliant idea 32

14.士兵的高招 33

15.A trip to Disney 36

15.迪斯尼之旅 37

16.Academic game 38

16.学术竞赛 39

17.All the false are ugly 40

17.所有假的都是丑陋的吗 41

18.An old couple's quarrel 42

18.老夫妻吵架 43

19.Are you an"A"student 44

19.你是优等生吗 45

20.Are you kidding 46

20.您在开玩笑吗 47

21.Bedtime prayers 48

21.睡前祷词 49

22.Before the trouble starts 50

22.在麻烦开始之前 51

23.Butcher and lawyer 52

23.屠夫与律师 53

24.Buy me out 54

24.出钱使我放弃财产 55

25.Camera 56

25.照相机 57

26.Chaude and cold 58

26.热与冷 59

27.Choice 60

27.选择 61

28.Classroom joke 62

28.教室中的玩笑 63

29.Clever reply 64

29.巧妙的回答 65

30.Parrot 66

30.鹦鹉 67

31.Composition 68

31.作文 69

32.Computer illiterates 70

32.电脑盲 71

33.Crying man 72

33.哭泣的男人 73

34.Deserter 74

34.逃兵 75

35.Ditto 76

35.同上 77

36.Diver without equipment 78

36.无装备潜水 79

37.Drunkard 80

37.醉汉 81

38.Duck 84

38.鸭子 85

39.The oldest profession 86

39.最古老的职业 87

40.Early shopper 88

40.采购过早 89

41.Election results 90

41.竞选结果 91

42.Excuses for being late 92

42.迟到的理由 93

43.Extra copies 94

43.额外的复印稿 95

44.Father's singing 96

44.父亲的歌声 97

45.Fire-safety seminar 98

45.防火研讨会 99

46.First aid 100

46.急救 101

47.First-aid class 102

47.急救课 103

48.First flight 104

48.第一次坐飞机 105

49.Fish-lover 106

49.爱鱼人 107

50.Flunking math 108

50.数学没及格 109

51.Future-teller 110

51.预言家 111

52.Good points and bad points 112

52.优缺点 113

53.Hair-cutting 114

53.理发 115

54.Happy birthday 116

54.生日快乐 117

55.How can I get home tonight 118

55.今晚我怎么回家 119

56.How did you ever get here 120

56.你是怎样来的 121

57.How much 122

57.多少钱 123

58.I'll see to the rest 124

58.其余的事由我负责 125

59.I'm glad 126

59.我很高兴 127

60.Just whisper 128

60.轻声说话 129

61.Keep the change 130

61.零钱不用找了 131

62.Keys or kiss 132

62.钥匙还是接吻 133

63.Lazy bone 134

63.懒骨头 135

64.Loophole in law 136

64.法律的漏洞 137

65.Lucky mother 138

65.幸运的母亲 139

66.Lousy haircut 140

66.难看的头 141

67.Lunch 142

67.午饭 143

68.The coat in the room 144

68.房中的大衣 145

69.Masked ball 146

69.化装舞会 147

70.Mathematician 150

70.数学家 151

71.Midway tactics 152

71.中间战术 153

72.Mother's choice 154

72.母亲的选择 155

73.Mrs.Johnson and pig 156

73.约翰逊夫人和猪 157

74.My first and my last 158

74.第一次与最后一次 159

75.My new gear 160

75.我的新行头 161

76.Nervous young guy 162

76.紧张的小伙子 163

77.Never have to work again 164

77.永远不必再工作 165

78.New discovery 166

78.新发现 167

79.News-reporter 168

79.新闻记者 169

80.None other than a soldier 170

80.就是士兵 171

81.Not the same girl 172

81.不是同一个女孩 173

82.Part-time job 174

82.业余工作 175

83.Perfect match 176

83.绝配 177

84.Psychiatrists 178

84.精神病医师 179

85.Quick reaction 180

85.快速反应 181

86.Riddle 182

86.谜语 183

87.Saucer's value 184

87.碟子的价值 185

88.Saved from drowning 186

88.解救于溺水之灾 187

89.Secret signal 188

89.暗号 189

90.She is my daughter 190

90.她是我女儿 191

91.Sixth sense 192

91.第六感 193

92.Sleeping pills 194

92.安眠药 195

93.Smooth clerk 196

93.圆滑的职员 197

94.Son and father 198

94.父与子 199

95.Son's future job 200

95.儿子未来的职业 201

96.Sweeping 204

96.扫除 205

97.Thank you,dear 206

97.谢谢,亲爱的 207

98.That's why 208

98.原来如此 209

99.The child with a hammer 210

99.拿锤子的小孩 211

100.The divorce 212

100.离婚 213

101.The doctor's answer 214

101.医生的回答 215

102.The efficiency experts 216

102.效率专家 217

103.The non-jealous husband 218

103.不吃醋的丈夫 219

104.The same service 220

104.同样的服务 221

105.Theological seminary's lunch 222

105.神学院的午餐 223

106.Things have been okay 224

106.一切都正常 225

107.Three whistles 226

107.三声口哨 227

108.Too polite 228

108.太过礼貌 229

109.Translating skill 230

109.翻译技巧 231

110.Twin lobsters 232

110.孪生龙虾 233

111.Ugly baby 234

111.丑孩子 235

112.Very pleased to meet you 238

112.很高兴见到你 239

113.Visual training 240

113.视力训练 241

114.Walking straight crab 242

114.直行的螃蟹 243

115.West Point 244

115.西点军校 245

116.Who is fooled 246

116.谁是傻瓜 247

117.Why are you so happy 248

117.你们为什么这么高兴 249

118.Why not go with him 250

118.为什么不和他一起去 251

119.Write more legibly 252

119.写得清楚点 253

120.Yuppie 254

120.雅皮士 255