
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)迈克尔·R. 扬(Michael R. Young)著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中信出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7508600150
  • 页数:337 页

Chapter 1:The Origin of Financial Fraud 1

Foreword 11

Preface 13

Acknowledgments 14

About the Authors 15

Detailed Table ? Contents 19

Chapter 2:So Who Gets the Btame? 23

Table of Exhib? 27

Chapter 3:The Immediate Aftermath 45

Chapter 4:Getting New Audited Financial Statements 61

Chapter 5:Digging Out the Fraud:The Lawyers 81

Chapter 6:Digging Out the Fraud:The Forensic Accountants 97

Chapter 7:Class Action Lawsuits 119

Chapter 8:Dealing with the D O Insurer 141

Chapter 9:Dealing with the Regulators 167

Chapter 10:Criminal Investigations 191

Chapter 11:What's an Audit Committee to Do? 227

Chapter 12:Due Diligence 281

Chapter 13:Accounting Irregularities and the Future of Financial Reporting 305

Index 319