
  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:朱继武,王西玲主编
  • 出 版 社:西安:西北工业大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7561219229
  • 页数:362 页

1.1 Appropriateness 1

Levels of Words 1

Part One Diction 1

Style 4

General Guidelines 5

1.2 Exactness 10

Denotation and Connotation 10

Synonymous Words and Expressions 11

General and Specific Words 11

Abstract and Concrete Words 11

Idioms 12

Figures of Speech 13

The Use of a Dictionary 20

Some Good Dictionaries 20

1.3 Dictionaries 20

Part Two The Sentence 22

2.1 Elements of a Sentence 22

Subject and Predicate 22

Modifiers 22

Coordination and Subordination 23

2.2 Types of Sentences 23

Declarative,Interrogative,Imperative and Exclamatory Sentences 23

Simple,Compound,Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences 24

2.3 Effective Sentences 28

Unity 28

Coherence 29

Conciseness 29

Emphasis 32

Variety 36

Comma Splices and Fused Sentences 43

2.4 Errors and Skills 43

Sentence Fragments 44

Subject-Verb Agreement 45

Pronoun Reference 46

Shifts 48

Faulty Parallel Constructions 51

Mixed and Incomplete Constructions 53

Modifiers 55

Part Three The Paragraph 63

3.1 Introduction to the Paragraph 63

What Is a Paragraph 63

The Function of a Paragraph 63

Length of a Paragraph 63

Basic Elements of the Paragraph 64

Unity 65

3.2 Effective Paragraphs 65

Coherence 72

Completeness 78

3.3 Ways of Developing Paragraphs 87

Development by Description 87

Development by Process 90

Development by Comparison and Contrast 92

Development by Cause and Effect 96

Development by Classification 97

Development by Definition 101

3.4 Steps to Write a Good Paragraph 116

The Prewriting Stage 116

The Writing Stage 117

The Editing Stage 118

4.1 The Writing Process 119

Part Four The Essay 119

What Is Writing 120

What Is Writing Process 120

Five Steps in Writing 120

4.2 The Main Parts of an Essay 124

The Introduction 124

The Body 127

The Conclusion 129

The Outline 130

4.3 Types of Writing 142

Narration 142

Description 150

Exposition 158

Part Five Practical Writing 202

5.1 Writing Letters 202

Personal(or Private)Letters 203

Business Letter Writing 207

5.2 Writing a Résum é 240

The Use of a Resume 240

The Appearance of Your Résumé 240

Parts of a Résumé 241

Styles of a Résumé 245

Howto Write a Perfect Résumé 250

5.3 Everyday Writing 265

Writing Notes 265

Writing Notices 274

Writing and Sending an E-mail 276

Part Six The Research Paper 281

6.1 What Is a Research Paper 281

6.2 Choosing a Suitable Topic 281

6.3 How to Research and Collect Information 282

6.4 How to Analyze the Information and Organize Ideas 283

6.5 Working Out an Outline 284

6.6 Writing the First Draft 285

6.7 Revising the Draft and Finalizing the Paper 287

6.8 Proofreading 289

6.9 The Format of a Research Paper 290

Part Seven Punctuation and Mechanics 292

7.1 Punctuation 292

The Period 292

The Comma 293

The Semicolon 296

The Colon 297

The Question Mark 297

Quotation Marks 298

The Exclamation Point 298

The Apostrophe 299

7.2 Mechanics 302

Italics 303

Syllabification 304

Capitalization 304

Abbreviations 308

Numbers 308

Key to the Exercises 312

Appendixes 343

Ⅰ.Words and Phrases Frequently Used in Letters of Application 343

Ⅰ.Words and Phrases Frequently Used in Letters of Recommendation 349

Ⅱ.Words and Phrases Frequently Used in RésuméWriting 353

Glossary 357

Bibliography 361