继往开来,不断开拓,不断前进!&詹伯慧 1
“至/正”与“莫个”:早期粤语语料中残留的语法现象&张洪年 5
Ripples Riding on Waves:Cantonese Tone-melody Match Mechanism Illustrated&Kwan Hin CHEUNG 28
试谈现代粤语“阳入对转”中的音义关系&陈世安 62
从短长到高低:广府片粤语入声的声学性质及演化路径&沈瑞清 73
A Study of the Properties of Cantonese Sentence-nal Particle lu3&Cindy Wan Yee LAU 89
对外粤语教学与粤语语言学的互动:以量词的语法限制为例&陈健荣 100
粤语句末助词“嘅ge2”的两种功能和交互主观化现象&饭田真纪 113
论粤方言异体字的规范&侯兴泉、吴南开 128
香港粤语亲属称谓与拟亲属称谓的变调规律&黄炳蔚、李深红、左霭云 142
粤语及普通话量词通用分类体系初探&黄阡薇、李辉 156
从老中青的差异看广州方言词类的演变情况&林茵茵 167
粤语句末语气助词“定喇”刍议&颜耀良 187
广州话韵腹[?]的两个来源&尤盛 192
The Aspectual Function of the Adverbial Modifier ging6劲in Colloquial Hong Kong Cantonese&Ken S.K.CHENG 204
Cantonese zaa and ze:Focus Function and Discontinuous Constructions&Siu-Pong CHENG 219
Acquisition of Cantonese Relative Clauses by Typically Developing and Deaf Children&Scholastica LAM 244
Classification of Yue and Pinghua:A Lexicostatistical Approach&Pui Yiu SZETO 278
后记 298