一、前言 1
图表目录 3
二、化石地点和层位 3
图(Figures) 3
1.五图盆地化石地点分布简图(Distribution of Early Eocene mammalian localities in the Wutu Basin of Changle County,Shandong Province) 3
2.山东昌乐五图盆地老旺沟地层剖面(Stratigraphic section at Laowanggou in the Wutu Basin,showing position of fossiliferous beds there) 5
1.五图盆地各地点早始新世哺乳动物化石名单(Distribution of Early Eocene mammals in the Wutu Basin of Changle County) 5
表(Tables) 5
三、研究方法和约定 7
拟间异兽Mesodmops Tong et Wang,1994 8
四、分类记述 8
多瘤齿兽目Multituberculata Cope,1884 8
3.道森拟间异兽,上、下颊齿(IVPP V 10699),冠面视和侧面视(Mesodmops dawsonae Tong et Wang,1994,upper and lower cheek teeth,occlusal and lateral views) 8
羽齿兽亚目Ptilodontoidea Sloan et Van Valen,1965 8
新斜沟齿兽科Neoplagiaulacidae Ameghino,1890 8
道森拟间异兽Mesodmops dawsonae Tong et Wang,1994 8
?鳞甲目?Pholidota Weber,1904 9
古乏齿兽亚目Palaeanodonta Matthew,1918 9
侨兽科Epoicotheriidae Simpson,1927 9
晨兽Auroratherium Tong et Wang,1997 9
4.中华晨兽,左下颌骨(IVPP V 10703-2),冠面视和侧面视(Auroratherium sinense Tong et Wang,1997,left mandible,occlusal and lingual views) 9
中华晨兽Auroratherium sinense Tong et Wang,1997 9
亚洲?(新属)Asioictops gen.nov 10
麦氏亚洲?(新属、新种)Asioictops mckennai gen.et sp.nov 10
原真兽目Proteutheria Romer,1966 10
?科Leptictidae Gill,1872 10
5.麦氏亚洲?(新属、新种),上颊齿(IVPP V 10701),冠面视[LP3~4(A),and RM1~3(B)of Asio-ictops mckennai gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal view] 11
简单影?(新属、新种)Scileptictis simplus gen.et sp.nov 12
影?(新属)Scileptictis gen.nov 12
2.麦氏亚洲?(新属、新种)上颊齿测量(Measurements of upper cheek teeth of Asioictops mckennai gen.et sp.nov.) 12
3.简单影?(新属、新种)上、下颊齿测量(Measurements of cheek teeth of Scileptictis simplus gen.et sp.nov.) 13
6.简单影?(新属、新种),上、下颊齿(IVPP V 10704),冠面视(Upper and lower cheek teeth of Scilepti-ctis simplus gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views) 13
窄跟影??(新属、新种)Scileptictis?stenotalus gen.et sp.nov 14
4.窄跟影??(新属、新种)下颊齿(IVPP V 10705)测量(Measurements of lower cheek teeth of Scilep-tictis?stenotalus gen.et sp.nov.) 15
7.窄跟影??(新属、新种),下颊齿(IVPP V 10705),冠面视和内侧视(Lower cheek teeth of Scileptictis?stenotalus gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal and lingual views) 15
?科小结 15
5.?科主要成员的颊齿特征(Comparison of cheek teeth of leptictids) 17
似猬山东猬(新属、新种)Luchenus erinaceanus gen.et sp.nov 19
山东猬(新属)Luchenus gen.nov 19
猬科Erinaceidae Fischer Von Waldheim,1817 19
猬形亚目Erinaceomorpha Gregory,1910 19
食虫目Insectivora Cuvier,1817 19
6.似猬山东猬(新属、新种)上、下颊齿测量(Measurements of cheek teeth of Luchenus erinaceanus gen.et sp.nov.) 20
8.似猬山东猬(新属、新种),右下颊齿(IVPP V 10709),冠面视和唇侧视(Luchenus erinaceanus gen.et sp.nov,right i1~m3,occlusal and labial views) 20
齐地类毛猬(新属、新种)Hylomysoides qiensis gen.et sp.nov 23
类毛猬(新属)Hylomysoides gen.nov 23
类毛猬亚科(新亚科)Hylomysoidinae subf.nov 23
?半猴猬科?Amphilemuridae Heller,1935 23
7.齐地类毛猬(新属、新种)下颊齿测量(Measurements of lower cheek teeth of Hylomysoides qiensis gen.et sp.nov.) 24
9.齐地类毛猬(新属、新种),左下颊齿(IVPP V 10711),冠面视和舌侧视(Hylomysoides qiensis gen.et sp.nov.,left i1~m3,occlusal and lingual views) 25
席氏齐鲁猬(新属、新种)Qilulestes schieboutae gen.et sp.nov 26
齐鲁猬(新属)Qilulestes gen.nov 26
10.席氏齐鲁猬(新属、新种),下颊齿(IVPP V 10712),冠面视和舌侧视(Qilulestes schieboutae gen.et sp.nov.,right c~p1 and p3~m2,occlusal and lingual views) 27
昌乐鼩科Changlelestidae Tong et Wang,1993 27
鼩形亚目Soricomorpha Granger,1910(sensu Saban,1954) 27
8.席氏齐鲁猬(新属、新种)下颊齿测量(Measurements of lower cheek teeth of Qilulestes schieboutae gen.et sp.nov.) 27
昌乐鼩亚科Changlelestinae Tong,1997 28
深裂昌乐鼩Changlelestes dissetiformis Tong et Wang,1993 28
9.深裂昌乐鼩上颊齿测量(Measurements of upper cheek teeth of Changlelestes dissetiformis Tong et Wang,1993) 28
昌乐鼩Changlelestes Tong et Wang,1993 28
11.深裂昌乐鼩,右上颌骨(IVPP V 10713.2)和左前颌骨(IVPP V 10713.1)(反转),侧面视[Changle-lestes dissetiformis Tong et Wang,1993,right maxilla with C~M3 and left premaxilla,with 11~3(reversed),lateral view] 29
12.昌乐鼩(D)与齿鼩(A)、鼬鼩(B)和猬形鼩(C)的上颊齿比较[Upper cheek teeth of Changlelestes dissetiformis(D),compared with those of Tupaiodon morrisi(A),Ictopidium lechei(B),and Zaraalests russelli(C),occlusal views] 31
?夜鼩科?Nyctitheriidae Simpson,1928 32
鼹鼩亚科(新亚科)Talpilestinae subf.nov 32
鼹鼩(新属)Talpilestes gen.nov 33
10.亚洲鼹鼩(新属、新种)颊齿测量(Measurements of cheek teeth of Talpilestes asiatica gen.et sp.nov.) 33
亚洲鼹鼩(新属、新种)Talpilestes asiatica gen.et sp.nov 33
13.亚洲鼹鼩(新属、新种),上、下颊齿(IVPP V 10714),冠面视和侧面视(Talpilestes asiatica gen.et sp.nov.,upper and lower cheek teeth,occlusal and buccal views) 34
五图食虫类小结 36
?兽目Anagalida Szalay et McKenna,1971 38
素因非猬(新属)Suyinia gen.nov 38
假古猬科Pseudictopidae Sulimski,1968 38
昌乐素因非猬(新属、新种)Suyinia changleensis gen.et sp.nov 38
11.昌乐素因非猬(新属、新种)和潍坊玉萍?(新属、新种)下颊齿测量(Measurements of lower cheek teeth of Suyinia changleensis gen.et sp.nov.and Yupingale weifangensis gen.et sp.nov.) 39
玉萍?(新属)Yupingale gen.nov 39
丽?科Astigalidae Zhang et Tong,1981 39
14.昌乐素因非猬,下颊齿(IVPP V 10715),冠面视(Suyinia changleensis gen.et sp.nov.,right p4~m3,occlusal view) 39
潍坊玉萍?(新属、新种)Yupingale weifangensis gen.et sp.nov 40
15.潍坊玉萍?(新属、新种),下颊齿p3~m3(IVPP V 10716),冠面视和唇侧视(Yupingale weifang-ensis gen.et sp.nov.,right p3~m3,occlusal and labial views) 40
?兽类讨论 41
?灵长目?Primates Linnaeus,1758 42
更猴形亚目Plesiadapiformes Simons et Tattersall,1972(sensu Simons,1972) 43
更猴科Plesiadapidae Trouessart,1897 43
亚洲更猴亚科Asioplesiadapinae Fu,Wang et Tong,2002 43
亚洲更猴Asioplesiadapis Fu,Wang et Tong,2002 43
16.杨氏亚洲更猴,右下颌骨(IVPP V 10708),冠面视和舌侧视(Asioplesiadapis youngi Fu et al.,2002,right mandible,occlusal and lingual views) 43
杨氏亚洲更猴Asioplesiadapis youngi Fu,Wang et Tong,2002 43
东方多脊猴Carpocristes oriensBeard et Wang,1995 44
食果猴科Carpolestidae Simpson,1935 44
食果猴亚科Carpolestinae Simpson,1935 44
多脊猴Carpocristes Beard et Wang,1995 44
17.东方多脊猴,右P3~M3(IVPP V 10697.2),冠面视(Carpocristes oriens Beard et Wang,1995,right P3~M3,occlusal view) 45
18.Carpocristes oriens(IVPP V 10698.1)(A)、Carpocristes?hobackensis(B)和Carpodaptes cygneus(C)的右p4,舌侧视[Lingual views of right p4 of Carpocristes oriens(IVPP V 10698.1)(A),Carpocristes?hobackensis(B)and Carpodaptes cygneus(C)] 45
高辈猴亚科Chronolestinae Beard et Wang,1995 46
高辈猴Chronolestes Beard et Wang,1995 46
晚出高辈猴Chronolestes simul Beard et Wang,1995 46
疑猎镜猴(新属、新种)Dianomomys ambiguus gen.et sp.nov 47
似火镜猴(新种,未命名,待刊)cf.Ignacius sp.nov.(in prep.,unnamed) 47
?副镜猴科?Paromomyidae(Simpson,1940) 47
猎镜猴(新属)Dianomomys gen.nov 47
19.晚出高辈猴,上颊齿(IVPP V 10695-1),冠面视和下颌骨(IVPP V 10696.2),舌侧视(Chronolestes simul Beard et Wang,1995,occlusal view of upper cheek teeth and lingual view of right mandible) 47
副镜猴科Paromomyidae Simpson,1940 47
20.疑猎镜猴,存i1齿根和p2~m1的左下颌骨(IVPP V 10718),冠面视和唇侧视(Dianomomys ambi-guus gen.et sp.nov.,left mandible with i1 root and p2~m1,occlusal and labial views) 48
啮齿目Rodentia Bowdich,1821 49
新属新种(未命名,待刊)gen.et sp.nov.(in prep.,unnamed) 49
?小镜猴科?Micromomyidae Szalay,1974 49
斑鼠科Alagomyidae Dashzeveg,1990 49
斑鼠Alagomys Dashzeveg,1990 49
21.东方斑鼠?,右p4~m3(IVPP V 10693),冠面视(Alagomys?oriensis Tong et Dawson,1995,right p4~m3,occlusal view) 49
东方斑鼠?Alagomys?oriensis Tong et Dawson,1995 49
12.东方斑鼠?下颊齿测量和比较(Measurements and comparison of lower cheek teeth of Alagomys?oriensis Tong et Dawson,1995) 50
?似鼠科?Tamquammyidae Shevyreva,1984 50
半岛鼠Bandaomys Tong et Dawson,1995 50
中华半岛鼠Bandaomys zhonghuaensis Tong et Dawson,1995 50
22.五图待明鼠?,右m1~2(IVPP V 10692),冠面视(Acritoparamys?wutui Tong et Darson,1995,right m1~2,occlusal view) 51
副鼠科Paramyidae Miller et Gidley,1918 51
待明鼠Acritoparamys Korth,1984 51
五图待明鼠?Acritoparamys?wutui Tong et Dawson,1995 51
待明鼠?(未定种)Acritoparamys?sP 51
13.昌乐泰山鼠、小巧泰山鼠(新种)、五图待明鼠?和待明鼠?(未定种)下臼齿测量(Measurements of the lower molars of Taishanomys changlensis,T.parvulus sp.nov.,Acritoparamys?wutui and A.?sp.) 52
23.待明鼠?(未定种),存门齿和m1的不完整的右下颌骨(IVPP V 10706),冠面视(Acritoparamys?sp.,incomplete right mandibles with m1 and i1,occlusal view) 52
昌乐泰山鼠Taishanomys changlensis Tong et Dawson,1995 52
泰山鼠Taishanomys Tong et Dawson,1995 52
25.小巧泰山鼠(新种),左p4~m2(IVPP V 10719),冠面视(Left p4~m2 of Taishanomys parvulus sp.nov.,occlusal view) 53
24.昌乐泰山鼠,左下臼齿(IVPP V 10691),冠面视(Taishanomys changlensis Tong et Dawson,1995,left m1~3,occlusal view) 53
小巧泰山鼠(新种)Taishanomys parvulus sp.nov 53
26.牛鬣兽属?(未定种),左P4~M1(IVPP V 10721.1),冠面视(P4~M1 of Oxyaena?sp.,occlusal view) 54
牛鬣兽?(未定种)Oxyaena?sp 54
牛鬣兽Oxyaena Cope,1874 54
牛鬣兽科Oxyaenidae Cope,1877 54
肉齿目Creodonta Cope,1875 54
啮齿目(属种未定)Rodentia indet 54
牛鬣兽亚科Oxyaeninae Cope,1877 54
27.沼泽炭锐兽(新属、新种),右dp1,p2~m1(IVPP V 10722),冠面视和唇侧视[Anthracoxyaena palustris gen.et sp.nov.,right dp1,p2~m1(Holotype),occlusal and labial views] 55
沼泽炭锐兽(新属、新种)Anthracoxyaena palustris gen.et sp.nov 55
古鬣兽亚科Palaeonictinae Denison,1938 55
炭锐兽(新属)Anthracoxyaena gen.nov 55
14.沼泽炭锐兽(新属、新种)下颊齿测量(Measurements of lower cheek teeth of Anthracoxyaena palu-stris gen.et sp.nov.) 56
鬣齿兽科Hyaenodontidae Leidy,1869 57
原灵猫亚科Proviverrinae Matthew,1909 57
半岛鼬(新属)Preonictis gen.nov 57
杨氏半岛鼬(新属、新种)Preonictis youngi gen.et sp.nov 57
28.杨氏半岛鼬(新属、新种),颊齿(IVPP V 10723),冠面视(Cheek teeth of Preonictis youngi gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal view) 58
古灵猫科Viverravidae Wortman et Matthew,1899 59
褐灵猫(新属)Variviverra gen.nov 59
朝气褐灵猫(新属、新种)Variviverra vegetatus gen.et sp.nov 59
食肉目Carnivora Bowdich,1821 59
29.朝气褐灵猫(新属、新种),上、下颊齿(IVPP V 10724),冠面视或唇侧视(Cheek teeth of Variviverra vegetatus gen.et sp.nov.) 60
细齿兽科Miacidae Cope,1880 61
乖犬(新属)Zodiocyon gen.nov 61
15.朝气褐灵猫(新属、新种)下颊齿测量(Measurements of lower cheek teeth of Variviverra vegetatus gen.et sp.nov.) 61
隐藏乖犬(新属、新种)Zodiocyon zetesios gen.et sp.nov 62
30.隐藏乖犬(新属、新种),上、下臼齿(IVPP V 10725),冠面视(Upper and lower molars of Zodiocyon zetesios gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views) 62
裂齿兽目Tillodontia Marsh,1875 63
美爪兽科Esthonychidae Cope,1883 63
美爪兽亚科Esthonychinae Zittle et Schlosser,1911 63
仲裂兽(新属)Paresthonyx gen.nov 63
东方仲裂兽(新属、新种)Paresthonyx orientalis gen.et sp.nov 63
31.东方仲裂兽(新属、新种),左P3~M2(IVPP V 10726.1),冠面视(Upper cheek teeth of Paresthonyx orientalis gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal view) 64
豫裂兽(未定种)Yuesthonyx sp 65
豫裂兽Yuesthonyx Tong,Wang et Fu,2003 65
亚洲的裂齿兽类地史分布 65
豫裂兽科Yuesthonychidae Tong,Wang et Fu,2003 65
16.东方仲裂兽(新属、新种)上颊齿(IVPP V 10726)测量(Measurements of the holotype of Paresthonyw orientalis gen.et sp.nov.) 65
软食中兽科Hapalodectidae Szalay et Gould,1966 68
软食中兽Hapalodectes Matthew,1909 68
黄海软食中兽(新种)Hapalodectes huanghaiensis sp.nov 68
中兽目Mesonychia Van Valen,1969 68
32.黄海软食中兽(新种),上、下颊齿(IVPP V 10728),冠面视或侧面视(Hapalodectes huanghaiensis sp.nov.,occlusal or lateral views of cheek teeth) 69
17.黄海软食中兽(新种)和其他软食中兽的p4~m3数据比较(Measurements and comparisons of p4~m3 of Hapalodectes species) 70
33.软食中兽属河塘种(A)、黄海种(B)和晚种(C)的右M1冠面形态比较[Comparison of first upper molars of Hapalodectes hetangensis(A),H.huanghaiensis(B)and H.serus(C)] 70
渤海双尖中兽(新种)Dissacus bohaiensis sp.nov 71
中兽科Mesonychidae Cope,1875 71
34.渤海双尖中兽(新种),下颊齿(IVPP V 10729),舌侧视Lower cheek teeth of Dissacus bohaiensis sp.nov.(Holotype),lingual views] 71
双尖中兽Dissacus Cope,1881 71
?古脊齿兽科?Archaeolambdidae Flerov,1952 72
黑脊兽(新属)Celaenolambda gen.nov 72
王钊黑脊兽(新属、新种)Celaenolambda wangzhaoi gen.et sp.nov 72
蹠行目Taligrada Cope,1883 72
35.王钊黑脊兽(新属、新种),下颊齿(IVPP V 10730),冠面视Lower teeth of Celaenolambda wang-zhaoi gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal view) 73
18.王钊黑脊兽(新属、新种)下颊齿测量(Measurements of Celaenolambda wangzhaoi gen.et sp.nov.) 74
全齿目Pantodonta Cope,1873 75
冠齿兽科Coryphodontidae Marsh,1876 75
五图冠齿兽(新属)Wutucoryphodon gen.nov 75
宪武五图冠齿兽(新属、新种)Wutucoryphodon xianwui gen.et sp.nov 75
36.宪武五图冠齿兽(新属、新种),右p1~m3(IVPP V 10745),冠面视(Wutucoryphodon xianwui gen.et sp.nov.,right p1~m3,occlusal view) 76
19.宪武五图冠齿兽(新属、新种)和大步五图冠齿兽下颊齿测量数据比较(Measurements and comparisons of Wutucoryphodon xianwui gen.et sp.nov.with W.dabuensis) 76
云通异冠齿兽?(新种)Heterocoryphodon?yuntongi sp.nov 77
异冠齿兽Heterocoryphodon Lucas et Tong,1987 77
20.云通异冠齿兽?(新种)上颊齿测量(Measurements of upper cheek teeth of Heterocoryphodon?yuntongi sp.nov.) 78
37.云通异冠齿兽?(新种)的右M3(C)、徐氏异冠齿兽(新种)的左M2~3(B)和弗氏异冠齿兽的左M2(A),冠面视[Comparison of upper molars of Heterocoryphodon?yuntongi sp.nov.(C)with H.xuae sp.nov.(B)and H.flerowi(A)] 78
蒙古兽?(未定种)Mongolotherium?sp 79
蒙古兽Mongolotherium Flerov,1952 79
恐角兽目Dinocerata Marsh,1873 79
原恐角兽科Prodinoceratidae Flerov,1952 79
?南方有蹄目?Notoungulata Roth,1903 80
健客柱兽(新属、新种)Migrostylops roboreus gen.et sp.nov 80
客柱兽(新属)Migrostylops gen.nov 80
北柱兽科Arctostylopidae Schlosser,1923 80
38.健客柱兽(新属、新种),上、下颊齿(IVPP V 10733),冠面视(Upper and lower cheek teeth of Migrostyl-ops roboreus gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views) 81
21.健客柱兽(新属、新种)颊齿测量(Measurements of cheek teeth of Migrostylopsroboreus gen.et sp.nov.) 82
玫客柱兽(新属、新种)Migrostylops rosella gen.et sp.nov 83
39.玫客柱兽(新属、新种),右上颊齿(IVPP V 10734),冠面视(Migrostylops rosella gen.et sp.nov.,upper cheek teeth,occlusal view) 83
23.客柱兽属(新属)和已知北柱兽臼齿长度比率(Ratios of molar lengths of Migrostylops and other arctostylopids) 84
22.玫客柱兽(新属、新种)颊齿测量(Measurements of teeth of Migrostylops rosella gen.et sp.nov.) 84
北柱兽科的分类 85
脊兽Lophocion Wang et Tong,1997 88
亚洲脊兽Lophocion asiaticus Wang et Tong,1997 88
豕齿兽科Hyopsodontidae Trouessart,1879 88
伪齿兽科Phenacodontidae Cope,1881 88
“踝节目”“Condylarthra”Cope,1881 88
亚洲豕齿兽(新属)Asiohyopsodus gen.nov 88
40.亚洲脊兽,上臼齿(IVPP V 10707),冠面视(Upper molars of Lophocion asiaticus Wang et Tong,1997,occlusal view) 88
孔子亚洲豕齿兽(新属、新种)Asiohyopsodus confuciusi gen.et sp.nov 89
41.孔子亚洲豕齿兽,上颊齿(正型,IVPP V 10735)(A)和下颊齿(IVPP V 10735.3)(B),冠面视(Cheek teeth of Asiohyopsodus confuciusi gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal views) 90
24.孔子亚洲豕齿兽(新属、新种)颊齿测量(Measurements of cheek teeth of Asiohyopsodus confuciusi gen.et sp.nov.) 90
25.北美豕齿兽属地史分布(Temporal ranges of Hyopsodus in N.America) 91
26.孔子亚洲豕齿兽(新属、新种)与北美的Hyopsodus loomisi之间的差异点(Comparative dental char-acters of Asiohyopsodus confuciusi gen.et sp.nov.from Hyopsodus loomisi) 93
始爪兽科Eomoropidae Matthew,1929 94
泰山祖爪兽(新属、新种)Pappomoropus taishanensis gen.et sp.nov 94
奇蹄目Perissodactyla Owen,1848 94
爪兽超科Chalicotherioidea Gill,1872 94
祖爪兽(新属)Pappomoropus gen.nov 94
27.泰山祖爪兽(新属、新种)下颊齿测量(Measurements of lower cheek teeth of Pappomoropus taishan-ensis gen.et sp.nov.) 95
42.泰山祖爪兽(新属、新种),右下颊齿(IVPP V 10738),冠面视(A)和内侧视(B)[Lower cheek teeth of Pappomoropus taishanensis gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal(A)and lingual(B)views] 95
崂山周李貘(新属、新种)Chowliia laoshanensis gen.et sp.nov 97
周李貘(新属)Chowliia gen.nov 97
等外脊貘科Isectolophidae Peterson,1919 97
貘超科Tapiroidea Burnett,1830 97
28.崂山周李貘(新属、新种)上、下颊齿测量(Measurements of cheek teeth of Chowliia laoshanensis gen.et sp.nov.) 98
43.崂山周李貘(新属、新种),左、右上颊齿(IVPP V 10739),冠面视(Left and right upper cheek teeth of Chowliia laoshanensis gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal view) 98
29.崂山周李貘(相似种)下颊齿测量(Measurements of lower cheek teeth of Chowliia cf.C.laoshan-ensis) 99
崂山周李貘(相似种)Chowliia cf.C.laoshanensis gen.et sp.nov 99
始祖貘Homogalax Hay,1899 99
五图始祖貘Homogalax wutuensis Chow et Li,1965 99
44.五图始祖貘,右P3~M1(IVPP V 2809),冠面视(Homogalax wutuensis Chow et Li,1965,right P3~M1,occlusal view) 100
始祖貘(未定种)Homogalax sp 100
45.山东兼脊貘,右P2~M2(IVPP V 10702),冠面视(Ampholophus luensis Wang et Tong,1996,RP2~M2,occlusal view) 101
始祖貘?(未定种)Homogalax?sp 101
?脊齿貘科?Lophialetidae Matthew et Granger,1925 101
兼脊貘Ampholophus Wang et Tong,1996 101
山东兼脊貘Ampholophus luensis Wang et Tong,1996 101
亚洲始新世早期奇蹄类 102
科未定Family incertae sedis 104
报春五图猪(新属、新种)Wutuhyus primiveris gen.et sp.nov 104
五图猪(新属)Wutuhyus gen.nov 104
偶蹄目Artiodactyla Owen,1848 104
猪形下目Suiformes Jaeckel,1911(sensu Gentry and Hooker,1988) 104
30.报春五图猪(新属、新种)下颊齿测量(Measurements of lower cheek teeth of Wutuhyus primiveris gen.et sp.nov.) 105
46.报春五图猪(新属、新种),存p2~m3的左下颌骨(IVPP V 10720),冠面视(A)和外侧视(B)[Left mandible with p2~m3 of Wutuhyus primiveris gen.et sp.nov.,occlusal(A)and labial(B)views] 105
31.报春五图猪(新属、新种)和早期偶蹄类下颊齿形态比较(Comparisons of Wutuhyus primiveris gen.et sp.nov.with basal artiodactyls in dental morphology) 106
目未定Order incertae sedis 107
福兽Olbitherium Tong,Wang et Meng,2004 107
千禧福兽Olbitherium millenarianicus Tong,Wang et Meng,2004 107
47.千禧福兽,上、下颊齿,冠面视(Upper and lower cheek teeth of Olbitherium millenarianicus Tong et al.,2004,occlusal views) 108
五、讨论和结论 109
48.五图哺乳动物群的组成(Composition of the Wutu mammalian fauna) 109
32.与五图动物群相关的北美属地史分布(Temporal range of North American genera related with the Wutu species) 115
33.五图动物群(亚洲本土)和Mami Khel动物群(印巴次大陆)比较[Comparison of Early Eocene mammals of Asian mainland(Wutu fauna)and Indo-Pakistan subcontinent(Mami Khel faunas)] 119
主要参考文献 121
英文摘要 139
图版说明 192