
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:成应翠主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7111197305
  • 页数:201 页

1.Downstairs在楼下 2

2.Fish Sink and Birds Drop沉鱼落雁 3

3.Beautiful Furs美丽的毛皮 4

4.Two Rules两个规章 5

5.The Goddess in the Moon嫦娥 6

6.The Same Place老地方 7

7.A Lamp电灯泡 8

8.Model Boyfriend模范男友 9

9.My Wish我的愿望 10

10.Music音乐 11

11.An Exception例外 12

12.A Handsome Boy's Call帅哥的电话 13

13.Mr.Right白马王子 14

14.The Reason for Being Late迟到的原因 15

15.The Mice Quarrelling吵架的老鼠 16

16.Shut Up闭嘴 17

17.Weigh Myself称体重 18

18.Play a Joke开玩笑 19

19.Sleeping-God睡神 20

20.The Diamond Necklace钻石项链 21

21.Shoe Repair Store修鞋铺 22

22.A Little Deaf耳朵有点聋 23

23.Proposing求婚 24

24.The Future Tense of“Love”爱的将来时 25

25.Stars and the Tent星星与帐篷 26

26.Don't Open勿拆 27

27.The Beautiful Girl漂亮女孩 28

28.Xiaoli's Home Is Over There小丽的家在那边 29

29.Sing唱歌 30

30.The Maiden Work处女作 31

31.Order顺序 32

32.A Newly-designed Fashion新设计的时装 33

33.The Key钥匙 34

34.The Crystal Shoes水晶鞋 35

35.The Happiest Girl最最幸福的女孩 36

36.Make Bean Curd做豆腐 37

37.Wake Her Up叫醒她 38

38.Fall Asleep in Class上课睡觉 39

39.The Shopping Cart购物车 40

40.Water the Flowers浇花 41

41.AWrong Diagnosis误诊 42

42.The Football Game球赛 43

43.Dirty Socks脏袜子 44

44.Say Hello to Him打招呼 45

45.A Birthday Gift生日礼物 46

46.Same Day Next Month下个月的今天 47

47.The Birds in the Same Forest同林鸟 48

48.A Cow Eating Grass牛吃草 49

49.A Love Letter一封情书 50

50.Copy抄袭 51

51.A Prince or a Frog青蛙还是王子 52

52.The Imagination想象力 53

53.The Crime of Fraud诈骗罪 54

54.Love爱 55

55.Be Lovelorn失恋 56

56.The Exciting Game刺激的游戏 57

57.The Pen and the Thermometer钢笔和体温计 58

58.The Parrot鹦鹉 59

59.The Black Keys黑色键 60

60.The Statue of Liberty自由女神 61

61.Wait for My Secretary等秘书 62

62.The Zoo动物园 63

63.Coop up the Dog把狗锁起来 64

64.The Fame名气 65

65.The Circus马戏表演 66

66.The Sport Suit运动衣 67

67.Everest珠穆朗玛峰 68

68.Short Sight近视 69

69.Two Snakes两条蛇 70

70.Do You Like Me你喜欢我吗 71

71.Terrible Sharks凶恶的鲨鱼 72

72.A Fly in My Coffee咖啡里有只苍蝇 73

73.A Bump肿块 74

74.A Rich Variety of Foods花样繁多的食物 75

75.Never Learn to Swim千万别学游泳 76

76.The View of the Backboard篮板后面的视线 77

77.Encircle Myself把自己围起来 78

78.An Honest Horse忠实的马 79

79.My Boyfriend Is Missing男朋友失踪 80

80.Bury Bird葬鸟 81

81.Buy the Insurance买保险 82

82.Here's Picturesque这里风景如画 83

83.The Ticket车票 84

84.Ladies女厕所 85

85.An Apple一个苹果 86

86.Travel All over the World周游世界 87

87.The Clone克隆 88

88.His Is Here他的在这里 89

89 Benz 600奔驰600 90

90.An“Excellent”Composition一篇“优秀”的作文 91

91.AYearIs Too Long一年太长 92

92.Spirit of Adventure冒险精神 93

93.Siton It!坐在上面! 94

94.A Note一张便条 95

95.The Girl in the Picture照片中的女孩 96

96.Pretend to Be a Tiger假装老虎 97

97.The Same Mentality一样的心态 98

98.Accept Your Criticism接受批评 99

99.Break Up分手 100

100.Arnold Schwarzenegger阿诺·施瓦辛格 101

101.Do You Love Me?你爱我吗? 102

102.Study Hard好好学习 103

103.Sneeze打喷嚏 104

104.They Both Have Girlfriends他们都有女朋友 105

105.The Compliment称赞 106

106.Idiots in Love爱情白痴 107

107.Gloom Not Allowed禁止郁闷 108

108.The First Impression第一印象 109

109.Rescue Women First先救女人 110

110.The Concert Tickets音乐会门票 111

111.Deep Feeling深情 112

112.32 Swings per Minute每分钟32转 113

113.Unless...除非……  114

114.Date of Issue发行日期 115

115.No Beard没有胡子 116

116.Collect Stamps集邮 117

117.How Long Can a Turtle Live?乌龟能活多久? 118

118.Beautiful Dress漂亮的晚礼服 119

119.No Climbing禁止翻跃 120

120.A Materialist唯“物”主义者 121

121.Press Lips Tightly紧闭嘴唇 122

122.Two Girlfriends两个女友 123

123.Sensitive Topic敏感话题 124

124.Washing Powder洗衣粉 125

125.The Beautiful High-heel Shoes漂亮的高跟鞋 126

126.Pinch My Toes挤脚 127

127.My Girlfriend Takes Her Temper Out女朋友发脾气 128

128.The Heels鞋跟 129

129.The Faithful Reader忠实读者 130

130.Happy Time快乐时光 131

131.Still Bright Color颜色依旧鲜亮 132

132.Few Clothes衣服太少 133

133.Too Proud太骄傲 134

134.Slice Onions切洋葱 135

135.Presant礼物 136

136.Hot Temper坏脾气 137

137.Astronomy Class天文课 138

138.I Heard Nothing我什么也没听见 139

139.Job-hopping跳槽 140

140.Be Lack of Enterprise缺乏进取心 141

141.A Car of the Bigger Horsepower更大马力的车 142

142.Don't Embarrass Her别使她难堪 143

143.Make Money to Lead Our Life赚钱生活 144

144.Today's Really a Surprise今天是个意外 145

145.The Troublesome Girl麻烦女孩 146

146.Please Ask My Boyfriend问我男朋友 147

147.A Wild Island一座荒岛 148

148.The Exquisite Tea-Bar优雅的茶吧 149

149.A Big Scar一个大伤疤 150

150.The Third Child第三个孩子 151

151.Lose Eyesight失明 152

152.Be a Policeman当警察 153

153.Go to a Hair Salon去理发店 154

154.Kick Me踢我吧 155

155.The Bride Isn't Me新娘不是我 156

156.Happy Birthday生日快乐 157

157.My Beautiful Dream我的美丽梦想 158

158.Lobsters龙虾 159

159.A Leg of Lamb一只羊腿 160

160.When I Was Young英雄年少时 161

161.A Dancing Male Pig跳舞的公猪 162

162.Dream of Zhou Gong梦见周公 163

163.Go to Hell!见鬼去吧! 164

164.A Stewardess空姐 165

165.32 Teeth 32颗牙 166

166.Take a Bite of You咬你一口 167

167.Sums算术题 168

179.Lose Weight by Riding骑马减肥 168

168.Roses玫瑰花 169

169.Appetite胃口 170

170.Buy a Bottle of Cola买瓶可乐 171

171.A Cradle Song催眠曲 172

172.Trouble麻烦 173

173.The Girl in the Other Class邻班的MM 174

174.Hot Pepper辣椒 175

175.See Me Off为我送行 176

176.Honey Peach水蜜桃 177

177.The Foolish Pig笨猪 178

178.Foot a Bill买单 179

180.Lazybones懒鬼 181

181.Trachoma沙眼 182

182.Onions and Narcissuses洋葱和水仙 183

183.500 Possible Excuses 500种借口 184

184.Salt盐 185

185.A Lighter打火机 186

186.Sweep away the Dead Leaves扫落叶 187

187.Blow a Kiss飞吻 188

188.May 15th 5月15号 189

189.Love You beyond My Soul and Heart十二万分地爱 190

190.Fool Melon Seeds傻瓜瓜子 191

191.Sweet Words甜言蜜语 192

192.A Pair of Mandarin Ducks一对鸳鸯 193

193.Love Needs Darkness爱情需要黑暗 194

194.Humor幽默感 195

195.Make Up化妆 196

196.Three Candies a Day一天3颗糖 197

197.A Big Fish Slipped Away一条大鱼溜走了 198

198.Pick the Moon for Me摘个月亮给我 199

199.Tidy up the Desk整理桌子 200

200.A Couple in Nature天生一对 201