《中学1+1·高二英语同步讲解与测试 下》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:宋伯涛主编
  • 出 版 社:天津:天津人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7201045601
  • 页数:410 页

Part 1 Background Knowledge 1

Unit 11 Scientific achievement 1

in store 2

whatever 2

Part 2 Key Language Points 2

likely 3

home 4

G 5

get 5

come true及其他 6

base的用法 7

B 7

set foot in/on 7

basic 8

as well as 9

have an effect on 9

rely on 10

as 11

come to life 12

动词locate及其相应的名词location和lo-cality 13

locate 13

contribute 13

showcase 15

lead to 15

breakthrough 15

put forward 16

no和not 16

N 16

aim at 17

ever 18

Part 3 Typical Problems 20

state 20

Part 4 Grammar Items 22

Part 5 Synchronous Test 28

Part 7 Outside Reading 37

Part 6 Related Material 37

Part 8 Key and Hint 38

Unit 12 Facts and fantasy 45

Part 1 Background Knowledge 45

Part 2 Key Language Points 45

instead和instead of 45

by 46

lay the foundations 47

long before和before long 48

set out 48

turn out 49

find oneself 49

board和aboard 50

wonder 51

begin with 52

desire 53

search 54

S 54

dream of 54

cure 54

throw light on 55

fold 55

U 55

unfold 55

doubt 56

cause和reason 56

O 57

of 57

but 59

Part 3 Typical Problems 60

Part 4 Grammar Items 62

Part 5 Synchronous Test 67

Part 6 Related Material 75

Part 7 Outside Reading 76

Part 8 Key and Hint 77

Unit 13 The Water Planet 83

Part 1 Background Knowledge 83

Part 2 Key Language Points 84

benefit from/by 84

come up with 84

percent 85

vary 85

species 86

yet 87

Y 87

all the way 88

R 88

range 88

up to 88

way 89

W 89

M 90

make up 90

make up of 90

unique 90

break down 91

T 92

take advantage of 92

add to和add up to 93

be sensitive to 94

play a trick on 95

call in 95

C 95

create 96

fill...with 96

provide 96

protect 97

Part 3 Typical Problems 98

Part 4 Grammar Items 100

Part 5 Synchronous Test 111

Part 6 Related Material 119

Part 7 Outside Reading 120

Part 8 Key and Hint 121

Unit 14 Making a difference 127

Part 1 Background Knowledge 127

on 128

Part 2 Key Language Points 128

treat 128

section 129

rest 130

by和with 130

the same...as 131

free 133

A 134

act 134

fit in 135

murder 135

be well-known for,be well-known as及fa-mous的异同 136

in part 136

be+of+名词 137

start with 138

well 138

ask for,ask about及ask after 139

ask sb.for sth 139

I 140

in common 140

give voice to 140

Part 3 Typical Problems 141

Part 4 Grammar Items 143

Part 5 Synchronous Test 150

Part 6 Related Material 159

Part 7 Outside Reading 159

Part 8 Key and Hint 160

Unit 15 Destinations 166

Part 2 Key Language Points 166

see fit 166

Part 1 Background Knowledge 166

get/have an itch for sth./to do sth 167

look into 167

consider 168

urge 169

stretch 170

coast,shore与beach的区别 170

give/have a glimpse of 171

get/be tired of 172

cool off 173

offer 174

variety 175

V 175

dip 175

work out 176

avoid 176

prefer 178

include,including和included 178

some time,sometime和sometimes 179

light 180

Part 3 Typical Problems 181

Part 4 Grammar Items 183

Part 5 Synchronous Test 190

Part 6 Related Material 198

Part 7 Outside Reading 199

Part 8 Key and Hint 199

Unit 16 The United States of America 206

Part 1 Background Knowledge 206

turn into 207

connect...with和connect to 207

Part 2 Key Language Points 207

pass through 208

struggle 208

deal with 209

ways 209

P 209

pain 209

run 211

come out of 212

burn down 213

recover 214

despite 214

lead to和lead sb.to do sth 215

series 216

in honour of 217

in vain 217

determine 219

host 220

type和kind 221

onwards 223

agreement 224

as a result和as a result of 225

leave...behind 225

in turn 226

die out 226

Part 3 Typical Problems 227

Part 4 Grammar Items 229

Part 5 Synchronous Test 235

Part 6 Related Material 244

Part 7 Outside Reading 245

Part 8 Key and Hint 246

Part 2 Key Language Points 252

Part 1 Background Knowledge 252

disability和inability 252

Unit 17 Disabilities 252

award和reward 253

get around 254

such as 254

get dressed 255

L 256

launch 256

gift 256

assist 257

more than 258

play a role(part)(in) 258

motivate 260

inspire 260

adjust 261

get used to,used to和动词use的被动语态 262

event,incident和accident 264

every 264

surround by/with 265

F 266

everyday和every day 266

fail 266

participate 267

compete 267

Part 3 Typical Problems 268

Part 4 Grammar Items 270

Part 5 Synchronous Test 273

Part 6 Related Material 283

Part 7 Outside Reading 283

Part 8 Key and Hint 284

Part 1 Background Knowledge 291

Unit 18 Inventions 291

Part 2 Key Language Points 292

stuck 294

allow与allow for 294

effort 295

E 295

break away from 295

otherwise 296

solution 296

remain 297

attempt 297

aware 298

anywhere 299

similar 300

after all,at all与in all 301

Part 3 Typical Problems 302

now that与once引导的状语从句 302

Part 4 Grammar Items 304

Part 5 Synchronous Test 311

Part 6 Related Material 319

Part 7 Outside Reading 320

Part 8 Key and Hint 322

Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice 329

Part 1 Background Knowledge 329

Part 2 Key Language Points 330

as far as 330

go about 331

have mercy on sb 331

pass judgement(opinion)on sb./sth 332

may/might/just/could as well do sth.(as do sth.else) 332

倍数的表示方法 333

hope for 335

flesh与meat的区别 335

greeting 337

dress 337

envy 337

seat 338

tear up 339

declare 340

at sea 341

advance 342

shall 343

at the mercy of 344

dear 345

Part 3 Typical Problems 346

Part 4 Grammar Items 348

Part 5 Synchronous Test 354

Part 7 Outside Reading 363

Part 6 Related Material 363

Part 8 Key and Hint 365

Part 1 Background Knowledge 372

Unit 20 Archaeology 372

date back to 373

Part 2 Key Language Points 373

certain 373

D 373

work 376

倒装句 376

tend 377

convey 377

H 378

have a/one's hand in 378

pull up 379

in terms of或in...terms 380

prove 381

in the eyes of 381

serve as 382

remind sb.of sth 383

cover 384

dig up 384

none 386

Part 3 Typical Problems 388

Part 4 Grammar Items 390

Part 5 Synchronous Test 394

Part 6 Related Material 402

Part 7 Outside Reading 403

Part 8 Key and Hint 404