《幻想与现实 二十世纪科幻小说在中国的译介》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:姜倩著
  • 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787309071627
  • 页数:219 页

Introduction 1

Rationale for the Study 2

Translation history and its position in Holmes'Map 2

The definition and divisions of translation history 5

Theoretical Preliminaries 7

Polysystem Theory 8

Norm Theory 12

Multiple Causality Theory 16

Literature Review 19

Previous research on translation history 19

Research on SF translation in the West and China 23

Overview of the Book 26

Part One Science Fiction and Its Development as a Literary Genre in China 29

The Name and Nature of Science Fiction 29

The Development of Chinese SF in the 20th Century 35

The budding of Chinese SF in Late Qing and Republic periods 36

The First Tide of Chinese SF in the 1950s 39

The Golden Age of Chinese SF in the 1980s 40

The Flourish of Chinese SF in the 1990s 42

Part Two An Exploration into SF Translation in 20th-century China:Five Case Studies 45

Yuejie Lüxing(《月界旅行》,1903):Epitome ofthe First Wave of SF Translation 45

Jules Verne and De la Terre à la Lune(1865) 47

Lu Xun,the Translator 50

China in the Early 20th Century 53

The influence of Japan 54

The rise of publishing industry 58

The Early 20th-Century Literature 59

Tradition versus innovation 59

The rise of New Fiction 61

Translation Tendencies in Early 20th-Century China 64

The wave of literary translation 64

The trend of free translation 66

Weilai Shijie(《未来世界》,1934):An Exceptional Case in the Low-tide Period of SF Translation between 1920s and 1940s 72

H.G.Wells and The Shape of Things to Come(1933) 73

The Chinese Society in the Republic Era 78

The influence of the May Fourth Movement 78

The threat of war in the 1930s 82

Literary Tendencies in the Republic Era 84

Translation Norms in the Republic Era 88

Shuilu Liangqi Ren(《水陆两栖人》,1958):The Soviet Model and the Second Wave of SF Translation 96

Alexander Belyaev and the Soviet SF Tradition 97

The Soviet SF tradition 97

Alexander Belyaev and The Amphibious(1928) 100

The Chinese Society in the Early PRC Years 102

Socialist construction and the march toward science 102

The publishing industry after 1949 105

The Chinese Literature in the Early PRC Years 107

Translation Norms in the Early PRC Years 111

Wo,Jiqiren(《我,机器人》,1981):Opening Up to the Outside World in the Golden Age of Chinese SF 119

Isaac Asimov and I,Robot(1950) 120

The Chinese Society in the Late 1970s and Early 1980s 123

Literary Tendencies in the Late 1970s and Early 1980s 128

Translation Norms in the Late 1970s and Early 1980s 134

Shenjing Langyouzhe(《神经浪游者》,1999):Cyberpunk's First Encounter with China in the Fourth Wave of SF Translation 140

William Gibson and Neuromancer(1984) 141

The Chinese Society in the 1990s 146

Economic and scientific advancement in the 1990s 147

The influence of globalization 150

Literary Trends in the 1990s 154

Translation Tendencies in the 1990s 159

Part Three Translation and the Spread of a Genre in China 168

Science Fiction as an Imported Genre 168

Translation and the birth of the SF genre 168

Translation and the literary evolution in the genre 175

The Concept of the Genre vs.The Policies of Translation 180

From"science"to"fiction":(mis)conception of the genre and its influence on SF translation 180

Cultural elements and neologsms in SF vs.the policies of translation 186

Conclusion 195

Significance of the Study 195

Possibilities for Future Research 198