
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:陈文伯著
  • 出 版 社:北京:旅游教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1996
  • ISBN:7563705856
  • 页数:179 页

第一部分 人体部分构成的习语1.背 1

2.骨 3

3.血 5

4.眼 7

5.耳 13

6.鼻 18

7.唇 22

8.齿 25

9.舌 29

10.头 33

11.心 36

12.发 39

13.手 42

14.指 46

15.脸 49

16.脚 53

17.腿 57

18.肉 60

19.皮 63

20.踵 65

第二部分 趣味谚语 68

1.No pain,no gain 68

2.Nothing ventured,nothing gained 70

3.Make hay while the sun shines 71

4.Where there's smoke,there's fire 73

5.Familiarity breeds contempt 75

6.A man is known by the company he keeps 77

7.Rome wasn't built in a day 79

8.The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence 81

9.In unity there is strength 82

10.Bad news travels fast 84

11.It never rains but it pours 86

12.He who laughs last,laughs best 88

13.One swallow does not a summer make 90

14.Love makes the world go round 92

15.The squeaking wheel gets the oil 94

16.Look before you leap 96

17.Haste makes waste 98

18.The spirit is willing,but the flesh is weak 100

19.A fool and his money are soon parted 103

20.Lightning never strikes twice in the same place 104

21.A friend in need is a friend indeed 106

22.The best things in life are free 108

23.Misery loves company 111

24.The road to heel is paved with good intentions 112

25.It takes two to tango 114

第三部分 词语杂谈 117

1.词的词典释义与实际使用 117

2.从He is up and down说起 118

3.Of表示同位关系的一种用法 121

4.For that matter的用法 123

5.Touch and go和“一触即发” 125

6.当心“常用词词组” 128

7.一个与中国有关的英语成语a bull in a China shop 130

8.背景知识的重要性 132

9.英语习语的背景故事 135

10.英汉典故成语比较 138

11.富有色彩的俗语 140

12.语言的内涵色彩 144

13.三个英语习语的辨义 147

14.同词异义 149

15.巧合与差异——谈英汉词语对应问题 155

16.英汉谚语对比——貌合神离看差异 159

17.英语成语的实义与虚义 161

18.略谈英语的动词习语 163

19.有趣的英语隽语 168

20.英语定语的某些特殊用法 170