
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:钱中文,童庆炳主编;王元骧著
  • 出 版 社:西安:陕西师范大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7561321260
  • 页数:347 页

Theory of Reflection and the Nature of Literature 1

反映论原理与文学本质问题 1

艺术的认识性与审美性 28

Characteristics of Recognition and Aesthetics in Art 28

Aesthetic Reflection and Artistic Creation 45

审美反映与艺术创造 45

Concerning the Sociological and Cultural Studies of Literature 67

论文学的社会学研究与文化学研究 67

Literature and Language 90

文学与语言 90

关于文艺理论研究的方法问题 110

Methodological Issues Concerning the Theoretical Studies of Art and Literature 110

The Practical Nature of Art 136

艺术的实践本性 136

黑格尔纯认识论文艺观的得与失 165

The Gains and Loses of Hegel's Views of Literature and Art Based on His Pure Epistemology 165

试论古代文论的“现代转换” 187

A Tentative View of the 'Modern Transformation' of Classical Theory of Literature 187

对于推进马克思主义文艺学在当代发展的思考 203

Reflecting on How to Promote the Contemporary Development of Marxist Theory of Literature and Art 203

再谈艺术的实践性问题——兼与俞兆平先生商讨 249

Further Thinking on The Practical Nature of Art 249

文学理论建设刍议 259

My Meager Opinions about Developing Theory of Literature 259

我国现代文学理论研究的反思与浪漫主义理论价值的重估 273

Reflection of Chinese Modern Studies of Literary Theory and a Reappraisal of the Theoretical Value of Romanticism 273

My View of the Reflective Nature of Literature and Art 294

Concerning the Prospect of Linguistic Studies of Literature 317

我所理解的反映论文艺观——读朱立元先生《对反映论文艺观的历史反思》所引发的一些思考 317

Aeademic Repercussions Since 1980's Reviews 332

学术反响综述 332

论著目录 337

Bibliography 337

后记 343

Postscript 343