《篇章英语 短语动词篇》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)Betty Kirkpatrick著;赵保京等译
  • 出 版 社:北京:中信出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7800734854
  • 页数:200 页

目录 1

A Missing Passport 失踪的护照 2 1

A Street Accident 交通事故 4 2

The Missing Directions 迷失方向 6 3

Childminding 临时保姆 8 4

A Change of Subject 课程的改变 10 5

Waiting for a Job 等候工作 12 6

Sunbathing Interrupted 中断的日光浴 14 7

Choosing a Present 选择礼物 16 8

Burglary 夜间盗窃 18 9

Dieting 节食 20 10

Gardening 整理花园 22 11

A Shopping Trip 购物之旅 24 12

A Surprise Test 突击考试 26 13

Organizing a Fete 组织游乐会 28 14

A Dyeing Disaster 染发招灾 30 15

A Trip to the Seaside 海滨之旅 32 16

A Skiing Trip 滑雪之旅 34 17

The Perfect Cottage 完美的乡间别墅 36 18

An Important Invitation 一个重要的邀请 38 19

A Stress Test 一次压力测试 40 20

A Car Accident 一场交通事故 42 21

A Football Camp 足球集训营 44 22

In Financial Difficulties 经济困境 46 23

The Winners 优胜者 48 24

A Would-be Actor 自命的演员 50 25

Buying a Car 购买汽车 52 26

A Health Scare 健康恐慌 54 27

Planning a Night Out 计划夜出 56 28

Room-cleaning 房屋清理 58 29

A Broken Leg 一条断腿 60 30

Making a Job Move 跳槽 62 31

The Exam Aftermath 考试过后 64 32

A Winter Holiday 一个寒假 66 33

Sudden Illness 急病 68 34

Market Research 市场调研 70 35

Amateur Dramatics 业余戏剧活动 72 36

Auditions 试演 74 37

Bullying 以强凌弱 76 38

A Breakdown 半路抛锚 78 39

A Visit to the Zoo 游览动物园 80 40

A Surprise Goes Wrong 失误的惊喜 82 41

A Murder Investigation 谋杀案调查 84 42

A Wedding Invitation 婚礼请柬 86 43

The Missing Tickets 失踪的彩票 88 44

Lost Love 失去的爱情 90 45

Hard Work Rewarded 辛苦工作获得回报 92 46

A Proposal with a Difference 别具一格的求婚 94 47

Permission for a Party 宴会批准了 96 48

A Family Trip 一次家庭旅行 98 49

A Successful Take-over Bid 一次成功的接管 100 50

Assembling Furniture 装配家具 102 51

The College Prize 大学奖学金 104 52

A Skating Trip Goes Wrong 滑冰之旅告吹 106 53

A City Attack 市内遭袭 108 54

Locked Out 被锁在门外 110 55

Party Clean-up 宴会清理 112 56

No Sea View 看不到海 114 57

Work Comes to a Halt 工作中断 116 58