
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:缪华伦,马鸣芳译注
  • 出 版 社:南京:江苏教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1985
  • ISBN:9351·021
  • 页数:167 页

目录 1

1.Wake Me Up at 7 a.m. 早晨七点钟叫醒我 1

2.I Did Not See the Word NOT 我没有看见那个“不”字 3

3.I Have Done It! 我成功了! 6

4.Then He Will Not Want to Be an Artist Any More 以后他就不再想当艺术家了 8

5.I Am Not Afraid of You 我可不怕你们 10

6.How Do You Stop This Car? 你们是怎样停车的? 13

7.How Old Are You? 你多大了? 15

8.Nobody Else Wants This Dress 谁都不要这件连衫裙 17

9.How Will I Find My Ring There? 在那里怎么能找到我的戒指? 20

10.And You Are the Seventh 你是第七头 23

“给”和“拿” 25

11.“GIVE”and“TAKE” 25

12.Some People Will Never Learn 有些人就是不肯接受教训 27

13.I Am Not Stupid 我可不傻 29

14.I Don't Like That 我不喜欢听那种话 31

15.“Eat,Coat!” “外套,你吃吧!” 33

16.The Pot Which Has Had a Baby 会生孩子的罐子 35

17.Don't Let Him In 不要放他进来 38

18.Then Where Is My Cat? 我的猫在哪里? 40

19.Why Don't We Find That Woman? 为什么我们不去找那个女人? 42

20.The Post-Office Box 邮政信箱 44

21.Mr.Smith Was Very Pleased 史密斯先生非常开心 46

22.Why Are You Laughing? 你为什么笑? 48

23.The Hard Five Minutes 难忍的五分钟 50

24.I'll Start in Three Months'Time 我在三个月以后开始上班 53

25.Go to Greece 希腊之行 55

26.They Are Still Damp! 它们还是潮的呢! 57

27.Grandfather Can't Hear Me 爷爷听不到 60

28.Father and Son 父与子 63

29.Mr.Knott and Mr.Watt 卜斯先生和石穆先生 65

30.But I Started My Journey Less Than an Hour Ago 我启程还不到一小时呢! 68

31.Rain 雨 70

32.Small Frying-Pan 煎锅太小 72

33.We'll Go There During the Night 我们要在晚上去那儿 74

34.Did You Like the Castle? 你喜欢那个城堡吗? 76

35.That Man Knows the Future 那人能预知未来 79

36.I Made a Mistake 我说错了 82

37.Stupid Orders 愚蠢的命令 84

38.Young Men Are Stronger Than Old Men 年轻人比老年人力气大 87

39.Successfully or Unsuccessfully? 胜任还是不胜任? 89

40.Shopping for a Friend 为朋友买东西 91

41.Don't Forget to Look to the Right 不要忘记向右边看 94

42.You Are Taking All the Good Ones 你净拣好的吃 97

43.A Wise Manager 聪明的经理 100

44.Did That Take You an Hour? 这要花你一小时的时间吗? 103

45.She Wants to Keep Them 她想占有它们 106

46.Aren't You Pleased? 你感到高兴吗? 108

47.I Was So Far Back Already 我已经退得这么远啦! 110

48.Yes,That's You 不错,那是你本人 112

参考答案 114

参考译文 141