
  • 购买积分:35 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:刘有成著
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787030262318
  • 页数:1454 页

第一部分 早期工作 3

1.The elimination of methylthiol and dimethyl sulphide from methylthiol and dimethylsulphonium compounds by moulds(1950) 3

2.The synthesis of 17α-ethynyltestosterone-20,21-14C(1951) 12

第二部分 自由基化学 19

3.Reactions of atoms and free radicals in solution ⅩⅩⅩⅤ.Migration of a methyl group in the rearrangement of the free di-tert-butylcarbinyl radical.The reaction of di-tert-butylcarbinyl chloride with a Grignard reagent in the presence of cobaltous bromide(1954) 19

4.Studies on free radical reaction.The reaction of Grignard reagents with 2-bromo-2,3-dimethylbutane and with 1-chloro-1-methylcyclohexane in the presence of cobaltous halides(1956) 26

5.研究工作简报.硫醇与苯乙炔的加成(1957) 36

6.研究简报与报导.溶液中游离基的异构化(1960) 38

7.硫醇对炔属化合物的加成反应的研究Ⅰ.苯硫酚与苯乙炔的加成反应(1961) 40

8.自由基反应的研究.Grignard试剂与2-溴辛烷在二溴化钴存在下的反应(1962) 46

9.硫醇对炔属化合物的加成反应Ⅲ.苯硫酚与硫醇乙酸对β-烷基苯乙炔的加成(1964) 50

10.The polymerization of phenylacetylene in solution with boron trifluoride as catalyst(1964) 58

11.The addition of thiols to acetylenic compounds.The addition of thiophenol to phenylpropiolic acid,ethyl propiolates,and ethyl but-2-ynoate(1965) 62

12.硫醇对炔属化合物的加成反应Ⅴ.苯硫酚对几种炔烃加成的立体化学(1965) 69

13.脂族酰基过氧化物分解动力学研究Ⅰ.过氧化月桂酰在苯中的分解动力学(1980) 76

14.脂族酰基过氧化物分解动力学的研究Ⅱ.过氧化月桂酰在苯中分解产物的鉴定和反应机理(1982) 86

15.乙烯基溴化镁与苯基取代氯甲烷反应的CIDNP效应(1983) 93

16.脂族酰基过氧化物分解动力学的研究Ⅲ.过氧化3,5,5-三甲基己酰在苯中的分解动力学和机理(1983) 96

17.碳—碳键新型引发剂的研究(1984) 103

18.Grignard试剂的单电子转移反应——乙烯基溴化镁与二苯基氯甲烷的反应(1984) 108

19.脂族酰基过氧化物分解动力学的研究Ⅳ.正构酰基过氧化物在苯中分解形成的烷基苯异构体的鉴定和烷基的氢重排(1984) 112

20.2,3-二氰基-2,3-二苯基丁二酸二乙酯的两种异构体的晶体结构和分子结构(1986) 116

21.乙烯基溴化镁与苯基取代氯甲烷的单电子转移反应(1986) 124

22.脂族酰基过氧化物分解动力学的研究Ⅴ.对称脂族酰基过氧化物的羧基转化反应(1985) 131

23.脂族酰基过氧化物分解动力学的研究Ⅵ.过氧化月桂酰和过氧化3,5,5-三甲基己酰热分解产物的化学诱导动态核极化(CIDNP)(1986) 137

24.β-苯乙烯基溴化镁生成中的CIDNP效应(1986) 143

25.脂族酰基过氧化物分解动力学的研究Ⅶ.过氧化丁酰、己酰和辛酰在苯中的分解动力学及机理(1986) 146

26.内消旋2,3-二苯基-2,3-二乙氧基丁二腈的meso/dl热异构化(1986) 152

27.Some recent studies on electron transfer reactions at Lanzhou University(1986) 158

28.脂族酰基过氧化物分解动力学的研究(Ⅷ).过氧化辛酰、过氧化己酰热分解产物的CIDNP效应(1987) 179

29.The mechanism for the formation of Z-and E-β-styrylmagnesium bromide and their reactions with trityl chloride(1988) 184

30.内消旋和外消旋2,3-二异丁酰氧-2,3-二苯基丁二腈的晶体结构和分子结构——受-授取代基效应对分子构象的影响(1987) 194

31.烯基Grignard试剂与二苯基卤甲烷的单电子转移反应(1987) 200

32.双哌啶基二硫化物的动态NMR的研究(1987) 204

33.内消旋-和外消旋-2,3-二氰基-2,3-二苯基丁二酸二乙酯的热异构化反应(1987) 210

34.付氏反应中自由基的鉴定及其生成机理(1988) 216

35.一个稳定自由基的酮-烯醇互变异构——三(2-去氧2-L-抗坏血酸基)胺自由基负离子的ESR和ENDOR研究(1988) 221

36.脂族酰基过氧化物分解动力学的研究Ⅹ.过氧化酰热分解反应的自旋捕获ESR研究(1988) 225

37.Radical intermediates and antioxidant activity of ascorbic acid(1988) 229

38.α-生育酚模型——色满酚氧自由基的电子自旋共振研究(1989) 250

39.Synthesis and properties of dialkylmethyl sulphate bilayers(1990) 255

40.Aggregation of 1,3-di(α-naphthyl)propane and di(α-naphthylmethyl)ether in aqueous binary solvents(1990) 257

41.Advances in free radical chemistry(1990) 266

42.p-硝基氯苯与α-氰基乙酸乙酯-α-碳负离子的电子转移反应动力学研究——非链式的自由基机理(1991) 302

43.Studies on bio-antioxidants Ⅱ.An ESR study on the antioxidant efficiency of ascorbyl palmitate in micelles(1991) 309

44.Bilayer characteristics and cholesterol effects of sodium dialkylmethyl sulphates(1991) 317

45.芳香族硝基化合物与苯硫酚钠盐的亲核取代反应——自由基IPSO取代机理(1991) 327

46.硝基苯甲酸酯水解反应单电子转移机理的证据——ESR和自旋捕获的研究(1991) 333

47.2,3-二氰基-2,3-二(p-取代苯基)丁二酸二乙酯的合成及其在苯乙烯中的分解(1991) 339

48.meso和dl 2,3-二氰基-2,3-二(p-取代苯基)丁二酸二乙酯的1H NMR研究(1991) 343

49.2,3-二氰基-2,3-二(p-取代苯基)丁二酸二乙酯的分子结构和晶体结构(1991) 347

50.Interaction of cyclodextrins with 1,3-di(1-naphthyl)propane and the additive effects of ionic surfactants(1991) 357

51.Effects of electrolytes on micellae and miceliized radical pairs associability control(1991) 366

52.FAB-B/E联动扫描亚稳离子谱法鉴别2,3-二氰基-2,3-二苯基丁二酸二乙酯及其衍生物——p-X(X=CH3,OCH3)取代苯基系列化合物dl和meso构型(1991) 370

53.A study on the mechanism of reaction between BNAH and chloranil:Evidence for electron transfer(1992) 372

54.α-氰基-p-X苯基乙酸乙酯的[Cu2+(OH-)TMEDA]2Cl- 3催化氧化偶联反应机理(1993) 377

55.2,3-二氰基-2,3-二(p-X苯基)丁二酸二乙酯的分子构型和取代基电子效应对13C NMR谱的影响(1993) 384

56.Effects of electron acceptors and radical scavengers on nonchain radical nucl-eophilic substitution reactions(1993) 388

57.Antioxidant synergism and mutual protection of α-tocopherol and β-carotene in the inhibition of radical-initiated peroxidation of linoleic acid in solution(1995) 392

58.Antioxidant activity of lipophilic vitamin C derivative in dipalmitoyl phospha-tidylcholine vesicles—A stopped-plow ESR kinetic study(1993) 399

59.2,3-二氰基-2,3-二(p-X苯基)丁二酸二乙酯类碳—碳键型引发剂(1993) 411

60.碳—碳键均裂反应的溶剂效应(1994) 420

61.Making vitamin C lipo-soluble enhances its protective effect against radical induced hemolysis of erythrocytes(1994) 425

62.Mechanistic studies on the reduction of 2-bromo-1-phenylethylidenemalono-nitrile by NADH models BNAH and AcrH2(1994) 428

63.Antioxidant synergism and mutual protection of α-tocopherol and β-carotene in the inhibition of radical initiated peroxidation of linoleic acid in solution(1995) 432

64.内消旋和外消旋2,3-二氰基-2,3-二苯基丁二酸二乙酯对苯乙烯聚合反应的影响(1995) 439

65.Study of mechanism of reduction of 2-bromo-1-(p-X-phenyl)ethylidenemalo-nonitrile by 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide and 10-methyl-9,10-dihydroa-cridine(1995) 443

66.自由基化学(1999) 453

67.Remarkable enhancement of antioxidant activity of viramin C in an artificial bilayer by making it lipo-soluble(1996) 457

68.Mechanism of reduction of benzylidenemalononitrile by 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydro-nicotinamide(1999) 462

69.Reduction of o-and p-bromomethylbenzylidenemalononitrile by 1-benzvl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide(1999) 467

70.Which hydrogen atom is first transferred in the NAD(P)H model Hantzsch ester mediated reactions via one-step and multistep hydride transfer?(1999) 471

71.A remarkable kinetic isotope effect in one-electron transfer from 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide(1999) 473

72.BNAH-mediated free radical addition to aromatic imines(2000) 475

73.NAD(P)H模型引发的还原环化——2,2-双取代1,2-二氢茚的合成(2000) 479

74.Mechanism of reduction of 1,1-diphenyl-2,2-dinitroethylene by 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide:Transition state with partial diradical and partial covalent bonding character(2000) 482

75.辅酶NADH模型物还原活化烯烃反应机理研究(2001) 487

76.Nucleophilic substitution reaction of p-dinitrobenzene by a carbanion:Evidence for electron transfer mechanism(2002) 493

77.Thermal and photoinduced reduction of some benzyl bromides by an NAD(P)H model:The effect of electron withdrawing groups on mechanism and reacti-vity 497

78.辅酶NADH模型物还原反应动力学的核磁共振研究(2003) 501

79.Reaction of 1,1-di-p-methoxyphenyl-2,2-dinitroethylene and 1,1-di-O-metho-xyphenyl-2,2-dinitroethylene with 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide:Evidence for concerted electron-hydrogen atom transfer mechanism(2004) 504

80.Mechanistic investigation on the reaction of 1,1-di-p-substituted phenyl-2,2-dinitroethylene with 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotin-amide in oxygen saturated acetonitrile—clear evidence for intermediate mechanism(2005) 508

81.A novel coenzyme NADH model 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide-mediated reaction:A single intermediate serves two mechanisms(2006) 512

82.A study on the reaction of l-(3-pyridyl)-2,2-di-substituted ethylenes with 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide(2007) 521

第三部分 氮氧自由基的电子转移反应 527

83.氮氧自由基的研究(Ⅰ)——哌啶类氮氧自由基的合成与反应(1980) 527

84.氮氧自由基的研究(Ⅱ)——哌啶类氮氧自由基的溶剂效应及其分子结构的研究(1980) 537

85.氮氧自由基的研究(Ⅲ)——2,2,6,6-四甲基-4-羟基-哌啶-1-氧自由基的分子轨道计算(1981) 545

86.氮氧自由基的研究(Ⅳ)——氮氧自由基对半胱氨酸的氧化反应(1983) 552

87.氮氧自由基的研究(Ⅴ)——哌啶类氮氧自由基4-位取代基对ESR超精细分裂的影响(1983) 555

88.氮氧自由基的研究(Ⅵ)——4-位取代的哌啶类氮氧自由基的溶剂效应(1983) 562

89.氮氧自由基的研究(Ⅹ)——溶剂与哌啶氮氧自由基分子间的相互作用对ESR aN值的影响(1984) 567

90.氮氧自由基的研究(ⅩⅤ)——2,2,6,6-四甲基-4-羟基哌啶-1-氧自由基各向异性的测定(1984) 575

91.氮氧自由基的研究(Ⅶ)——二元混合溶剂体系的溶剂效应(1985) 577

92.氮氧自由基的研究(Ⅷ)——关于溶剂极性经验参数的讨论(1985) 583

93.氮氧自由基的研究(Ⅸ)——一些哌啶氮氧自由基的紫外-可见光谱、红外光谱和质谱(1985) 588

94.氮氧自由基的研究(Ⅺ)——哌啶氮氧自由基与羟胺的单电子转移反应(1985) 591

95.氮氧自由基的研究(Ⅻ)——氮氧自由基对维生素C氧化反应的动力学ESR研究(1985) 596

96.氮氧自由基的研究(ⅩⅢ)——哌啶氮氧自由基与半胱氨酸在碱性水溶液中的反应动力学和机理(1985) 602

97.氮氧自由基的研究——哌啶氮氧自由基与谷胱甘肽的氧化还原反应(1986) 608

98.氮氧自由基的研究(ⅩⅥ)——哌啶氮氧自由基电子转移反应的循环伏安特性(1987) 609

99.氮氧自由基的研究(ⅩⅦ)——水溶液中哌啶氮氧自由基的电化学行为和自衰变动力学研究(1987) 614

100.氮氧自由基研究(ⅩⅧ)——水溶液中哌啶氮氧自由基单电子氧化电极反应动力学参数的测定(1989) 621

101.氮氧自由基研究(ⅩⅩ)——哌啶氧铵溴化物与半胱氨酸于酸性水溶液中的反应和机理(1989) 626

102.氮氧自由基研究(ⅩⅪ)——水溶液中哌啶氮氧自由基单电子还原反应机理的极谱研究(1989) 632

103.氮氧自由基研究(ⅩⅫ)——哌啶氮氧自由基与卤代甲烷的接触电荷转移络合物及其光诱导的反应(1989) 636

104.生物抗氧化剂的研究——维生素C还原氮氧自由基反应中的胶束效应(1989) 642

105.氮氧自由基研究(ⅩⅧ)——哌啶氮氧自由基及其氧铵盐与N,N,N',N'-四甲基对苯二胺在水溶液中的单电子转移反应(1989) 651

106.Kinetic ESR study on the reaction of vitamin E radical with vitamin C and its lipophilic derivatives in cetyltrimethylammonium bromide micelles(1992) 657

107.哌啶氮氧自由基电子转移反应研究新进展(1993) 663

第四部分 自由基正离子 673

108.A facile generation of radical cations via the action of nitroxides(1985) 673

109.Oxoammonium trifluoroacetate—A facile oxidant for the generation of radical cations(1986) 675

110.一种用氧铵三氟乙酸盐产生自由基正离子的方便方法(1988) 683

111.Generation of quinone cation radicals via photo-induced electron transfer:ESR evidence(1988) 692

112.NAD(P)H模型化合物与N,N,N',N'-四烷基对苯二胺自由基正离子之间的电子转移反应(1988) 696

113.Studies on single-electron oxidation of N-alkyl-p-phenylenediamines and benzidines in aqueous acetonitrile by cyclovoltammetry and ESR spectroscopy(1988) 700

114.Selective oxidation of secondary alcohols in the presence of primary alcohols by an oxoammonium salt(1988) 708

115.N-烷基取代对苯二胺自由基正离子的超声辐射产生(1989) 713

116.Crystal and molecular structure of N-ethylphenothiazine radical cation hexa-chloroantimonate EPT+ SbC1- 6(1989) 716

117.吩噻嗪衍生物自由基正离子六氯锑酸盐单晶的制备和分子结构(1990) 721

118.生物抗氧化剂的研究——Ⅲ.维生素E在十二烷基硫酸钠胶束中对亚油酸自动氧化的促氧化作用(1990) 726

119.哌啶氧铵盐对醇氧化反应的活性和选择性(1991) 733

120.脂溶性维生素C衍生物及氮氧自由基在胶束中络合平衡常数的测定(1992) 739

121.生物抗氧化剂的研究——Ⅴ.维生素E、维生素C及其脂溶性衍生物在胶束中对亚油酸自动氧化的抗氧化作用(1992) 742

122.Isotopically selective electron transfer between free radical cations and their parent molecules enables isotope enrichment(1992) 749

123.N-alkylphenothiazine radical cations generated in the cavity of β-cyclodextrins in aqueous solution(1992) 751

124.1-oxo-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-chloropiperidinium perchlorate.A new facile oxidant for phenol coupling(1992) 755

125.A study on bilirubin radical cation generated by one-electron oxidation(1992) 762

126.A study of vitamin A radical cation generated by chemical and radiolytic oxidation(1994) 766

127.A study of vitamin A as a probe in critical micelle concentration determinations of surfactants(1994) 773

128.Novel oxidative coupling of papaverine by an oxoammonium salt(1994) 781

129.Study on the reaction of N-alkylphenothiazine radical cations with 2,4-dini-trophenylhydrazine(1994) 783

130.二硫蒽及其自由基正离子间电子转移反应的1H/2H和32S/33S同位素效应(1994) 787

131.Rate of electron exchange between thianthrene and its cation radical as studied by ESR and NMR line-broadening effect(1995) 792

132.ESR studies on N-alkylphenothiazine radical cation salts(1995) 798

133.1H/2H and32S/33S isotope effect in the electron transfer reaction of thian-threne and its radical cation(1995) 805

134.有机正离子自由基的产生及其结构研究的进展(1990) 812

135.Infrared and Raman spectroscopic studies on the H-D equilibrium isotope effect in the electron-transfer equilibrium of thianthrene and its radical cation(1992) 822

136.Oxidative coupling of phenols by 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-methoxypiperidine oxoammonium chloride(1996) 826

137.N-乙基吩噻嗪及其自由基正离子的结构和电子光谱的理论研究(1996) 830

138.Selective oxyfunctionalization of ketones using 1-oxopiperidinium salt(1996) 835

139.14N/15N isotope effect on the electron transfer process between phenothiazine and its radical cation(1997) 842

140.β-胡萝卜素和α-生育酚协同抗氧化作用的微环境效应(1997) 849

141.A novel cyclization of geraniol and nerol initiated by tris(p-bromophenyl)ammoniumyl radical cation(1998) 855

142.A study on one-electron oxidation of phenothiazine derivatives by piperidine oxoammonium ion in SDS micelle(1998) 857

143.2,2,6,6,-四甲基哌啶氧铵盐与吩噻嗪类化合物单电子转移反应动力学——Marcus理论的应用(1998) 864

144.14N/15N and 12C/13C equilibrium isotope effects on the electron-transfer reac-tion between N-methylphenothiazine and its radical cation(1999) 871

145.Electron transfer between N-substituted phenothiazines and the 1-oxopiper-idinium ion in the presence of β-cyclodextrin(1999) 881

146.14N/15N isotope effect on the electron transfer process between N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine and Wurster's blue(2001) 886

第五部分 光诱导电子转移反应 893

147.Vapor phase photochemical bromination of 2,3-dimethylbutane and 2,2,4,4-tetramethylpentane(1955) 893

148.荧光黄素敏化胆固醇的单重态氧反应(1989) 902

149.Involvement of exciplexes in the photolysis of aliphatic ketones in deuterio-chloroform:CIDNP evidence(1989) 907

150.碱基诱导激基缔合物带振动结构的荧光发射(1989) 911

151.Microenvironmental control of photochemical reactions Ⅱ.Fluorescence que-nching of naphthalene and 1,3-di-(α-naphthyl)propane by RNA and bases in aqueous methanol(1990) 914

152.Photoaddition of chloroform to ketones via a singlet exciplex:A photo-CIDNP study(1991) 924

153.Novel photoinduced self-substitution of 2,5-dichloro-1,4-benzoquinone(1991) 930

154.Fluorospectrochemistry within cyclodextrin cavities(1991) 932

155.Microenvironmental control of photochemical reactions.3.Additive effects on micellar structure and properties of TX-100(1991) 957

156.光诱导反应机理研究ⅩⅦ.ESR波谱法研究多氯甲烷对降冰片二烯的光敏化加成反应机理(1991) 962

157.The competition between δ-hydrogen abstraction and cage effects in the photoche-mistry of o-methyl dibenzyl ketone in various environments(1992) 967

158.Environmental dependence of the fluorescence of 1,3-di(α-naphthyl)propane(1992) 976

159.Photoinduced electron transfer via benzoquinone as evidenced by chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization(1992) 985

160.The photo-fries rearrangement of α-naphthyl acetate in cyclodextrin and micelle(1992) 993

161.A novel photoinduced self-substitution reaction of dichloro-1,4-benzoquinones in the presence of certain aliphatic tertiary amines(1992) 1002

162.有机化合物的光物理研究——ⅩⅤ.N,N,N',N'-四甲基联苯二胺在不同溶剂中的光诱导电子自旋共振波谱的研究(1992) 1007

163.Photoinduced self-substitution of haloquinones(1994) 1012

164.Triplex promoted intersystem crossing of ion-radical pairs in the photosen-sitized valence isomerization of quadricyclane:Chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization(CIDNP)evidence(1995) 1020

165.Photoinduced electron transfer reactions of flavone with amines—the synt-heses of 2,4'-and 2,2'-biflavanoids(1995) 1022

166.A study on the laser flash photolysis of phenothiazine and its N-alkyl deri-vatives(1996) 1026

167.Photoinduced reductions of chalcone derivatives in the presence of amines(1996) 1031

168.Photoinduced reaction of diethyl 2-bromo-1-phenylethylidenemalonate with 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide and the effect of magnesium(Ⅱ)ion on the reaction(1997) 1042

169.Thermal and photoinduced reduction of ethyl(Z)-α-cyano-β-bromomethyl-cinnamate by 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide(1997) 1046

170.Novel photoinduced aromatization of Hantzsch 1,4-dihydropyridines(1998) 1049

171.Photoinduced electron transfer reaction between N,N-dimethylaniline and 7,7-dichloronorcarane(1998) 1051

172.N-烷基吩噻嗪化合物与四氯化碳的光诱导电子转移反应(1999) 1055

173.Photochemical selective desilylation of t-butyldimethylsilyl ethers(2001) 1063

174.Photochemical reduction of aromatic imines by 2-phenyl-N,N-dimethylbe-nzimidazoline(2001) 1067

175.Photoinduced and thermal reactions of α-cyano-β-bromomethylcinnamide with 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide(2001) 1069

176.Novel photo-induced coupling reaction of 9-fluorenylidenemalononitrile with 10-methyl-9,10-dihydroacridine(2002) 1077

177.Photoinduced electron transfer in a supramolecular species building of mono-6-p-nitrobenzoyl-β-cyclodextrin with naphthalene derivatives(2002) 1079

178.Novel photo-induced coupling reactions of 9-fluorenylidenemalononitrile or 1,1-diphenyl-2,2-dicyanoethylene with 10-methyl-9,10-dihydroacridine.A study on the photophysics of the reaction(2003) 1085

179.Photo-induced coupling reaction of 1,1-diphenyl-2,2-dicyanoethylene with 10-methyl-9,10-dihydroacridine(2004) 1088

第六部分 环糊精及模拟膜体系中的电子转移反应 1095

180.Inclusion complexation of sodium alkyl sulfates with β-cyclodextrin.A 1H NMR study(1994) 1095

181.Binding of vitamin A by β-cyclodextrin and heptakis(2,6-O-dimethyl)-β-cyclodextrin(1995) 1103

182.1H and 13C NMRstudy of inclusion complexation of DSS with β-cyclodextrin(1995) 1109

183.Substituent effect and enthalpy-entropy compensation on the inclusion of β-cyclodextrin with 1-substituted naphthalenes(1996) 1113

184.Prediction of stability constants for inclusion complexes of β-cyclodextrin with substituted benzenes by artificial neural networks(1996) 1122

185.Enthalpy-entropy compensation in the inclusion of 1-substituted naphthal-enes by β-cyclodextrin in water(1996) 1126

186.A regression study on the inclusion of cyclodextrin with benzene derivatives(1996) 1130

187.A study on the inclusion of α-cyclodextrin withmono-and 1,4-disubstitutedben-zenes by neural networks(1997) 1134

188.Substituent effects on the driving force for inclusion complexationof α-and β-cyclodextrin with monosubstituted benzene derivatives(1998) 1138

189.One-electron oxidation of N-benzylphenothiazine by nitric acid in the pres-ence of β-cyclodextrin(1998) 1148

190.Driving force prediction for inclusion complexation of α-cyclodextrin with benzene derivatives by a wavelet neural network(1998) 1150

191.A study on the driving force for binding of benzene derivatives by α-and β-cyclodextrin(1998) 1155

192.Inclusion complexation of β-CD with phenothiazine and N-alkylphenothiazine derivatives(1998) 1157

193.A study of the driving force for inclusion complexation of α-and β-cyclode-xtrin with substituted benzene(1999) 1161

194.Experimental and theoretical studies on the inclusion complexation of β-cy-clodextrin with phenothiazine derivatives(1999) 1167

195.Interplay between molecular recognition and redox properties:A theoretical study of the inclusion complexation of β-cyclodextrin with phenothiazine and its radical cation(2000) 1177

196.Stereoselective reductionwith NADH model BNAH through chiral induction in cyclodextrins(2001) 1185

197.A large conformational change of a bridged β-cyclodextrin dimer in aqueous solution(2003) 1190

第七部分 理论计算 1197

198.连续一级反应速率控制步骤的e-1判据(1988) 1197

199.Kinetics and mechanism of the reactions of o-and p-nitrohalobenzenes with the sodium salt of ethyl cyanoacetate carbanion:a non chain radical nucleo-philic substitution mechanism(1989) 1199

200.Influence of binding strength of added electrolytes on the properties of mic-elles and of micellized radical pairs(1992) 1219

201.Isomerization kineties of spirocompounds incorporated into sodium dialky-Imethyl sulfate bilayer membranes(1993) 1225

202.Kinetic and mechanistic studies of the nonchain radical nucleophilic substi-tution reactions(1993) 1230

203.(±)-3,4-bis(4-methylphenyl)-1,6-diphenyl-1,6-hexanedione(1995) 1235

204.PM3 molecular orbital calculations on the complexation of α-cyclodextrin with acetophenone(1999) 1238

205.A theoretical study on the structure and properties of phenothiazine deriv-atives and their radical cations(2000) 1242

206.A PM3 molecular orbital study on the conformational equilibrium of cyclo-hexane upon α-eyclodextrin inclusion complexation(2000) 1252

第八部分 辅酶NADH模型物用于绿色化学 1259

207.Cyclizations of 2-(o-bromomethyl)benzylidene-1,3-indandione initiated by 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide and KCN:Selectivity of O-alkylation and C-alkylation(2000) 1259

208.Catalytic hydrogenation of α,β-epoxy ketones to form β-hydroxy ketones mediated by an NADH coenzyme model(2006) 1261

209.Catalytic hydrogenation of α,β-epoxyketones toβ-hydroxyketones with two sulfinyl analogues of coenzyme NADH models(2007) 1264

210.9-phenyl-10-methylacridinium:A highly efficient and reusable organocatalyst for mild aromatization of 1,4-dihydropyridines by molecular oxygen(2007) 1268

211.Metal-free uncatalyzed reduction of α,β-unsaturated ketones mediated by Hantzsch 1,4-dihydropyridine(2008) 1271

第九部分 其他 1277

212.第八届国际物理有机化学会议概况(1987) 1277

213.内消旋-和外消旋-2,3-二氰基-2,3-二苯基丁二酸二乙酯的热异构化反应(1987) 1280

214.Crystal and molecular structure of N-methylphenothiazine radical cation hexachloroantimonate,MPT SbC1- 6(1988) 1286

215.2,3-二氰基-2,3-二(对-硝基苯基)丁二酸二乙酯的分子结构和晶体结构(1988) 1290

216.醌类化合物与抗坏血酸反应生成醌自由基负离子的ESR研究(1990) 1295

217.2-羟基-3-对溴苯基马来酰亚胺的稀土络合物的合成及其研究(1990) 1298

218.Stopped-flow ESR study on the reactivity of vitamin E,vitamin C and its lipophilic derivatives towards Fremy's salt in micellar systems(1990) 1303

219.超氧负离子基与槲皮素的反应(1991) 1311

220.Microenvironmental effects on the reactivity of bioantioxidants(1991) 1318

221.超氧负离子基研究——无水乙腈中超氧负离子基的稳定性及其捕获(1991) 1328

222.Infrared and Raman spectroscopic studies on the H-D equilibrium isotope effect in the electron-transfer equilibrium of thianthrene and its radical cation(1992) 1334

223.A 1H NMR study on the formation and breaking of intramolecular hydrogen bonds of bilirubin in CDC13-DMSO-d6 binary solvent(1993) 1338

224.Can TMS and DSS be used as NMR references for cyclodextrin species in aqueous solution?(1993) 1342

225.Preparation and properties of cleavable dianionic surfactants with a 1,3-dioxane ring(1993) 1348

226.超高分子量聚苯乙烯的性能测定(1993) 1350

227.Preparation and properties of sulfonate salt-type cleavable surfactants with a 1,3-dioxane ring(1994) 1352

228.NMR study on the conformation change in the aggregation processes of 1,3-di(α-naphthyl)propane and di(α-naphthylmethyl)ether(1994) 1356

229.Preparation,properties and applications of vesicle-forming cleavable surfa-ctants with a 1,3 dioxane ring(1995) 1358

230.N-arylation of azole compounds(1995) 1364

231.2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-4-hydroxyphenyl N-(4-chlorophenyl)benzenecar boximidate(1995) 1368

232.Synthesis,characterization and hydrolytic property of cleavable surfactant with two 1,3-dioxane rings(1996) 1371

233.(2,4-dinitrophenyl)(10-methyl-3-phenothiazinyl)diazene hemimethanol solvate(1996) 1374

234.Crystal structure of 2,4'-biflavonoid(1997) 1377

235.Crystal structure of 2-[(N-methyl-N-phenyl)aminomethyl]flavanone(1997) 1381

236.Carbanion:The first example to generate thermodynamically unfavorable 9-(dicyanomethyl)fluorenide anion(1998) 1385

237.Asymmetric reduction of 2-bromo-1-phenylethylidenemalononitrile with chiral NAD(P)H models(1999) 1387

238.An improved and efficient preparation of the chiral NAD(P)H model(Ss)-1-benzyl-3-(p-tolylsulfinyl)-1,4-dihydropyridine(2000) 1392

239.Liquid chromatographic resolution of racemic 2-phenyl-1,1-cyclopropanedi-carbonitrile and its analogues on chiral stationary phase(2000) 1396

240.Asymmetric reduction of 2-bromo-1-phenylethylidenemalononitrile with chiral NADH models:Substituent effects on enantioselectivity(2000) 1400

241.Novel solvent-free reaction of C60 with active methylene compounds in the presence of Na2CO3 under high-speed vibration milling(2003) 1406

242.Crystal structures of 1,1-di(p-substituted phenyl)-2,2-dinitroethylenes(2004) 1409

243.Solvent-free mechanochemical and liquid-phase reaction of[60]fullerene with ethyl 2-diazopropionate(2004) 1415

244.Solvent-free reactions of fullerenes with diethyl bromomalonate in the pres-ence of inorganic bases under high-speed vibration milling conditions(2004) 1419

245.Cycloaddition reactions of hydrofullerenes with cyano-substituted alkenes under basic conditions(2004) 1429

246.Solvent-free reactions of C60 with active methylene compounds,either with or without carbon tetrabromide,in the presence of bases under high-speed vibration milling conditions(2004) 1434

247.Are the pvrazolines formed from the reaction of[60]fullerene with alkyl diazoacetates unstable?(2004) 1439

248.高效液相色谱手性固定相法分离R基-3-吡啶基亚砜对映体(2005) 1444

249.n-Methyl-(R)-3(tert-butyl)-sulfinyl-1,4-dihydropyridine:A novel NADH model compound(2007) 1447